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Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. Powering Punjab, Enriching Lives. Presentation On. R- APDRP Part-A. IT implementation. In PSPCL. By :. DY.CE/Information Technology. In Collaboration with M/s SPANCO Ltd.
Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. Powering Punjab, Enriching Lives. Presentation On R-APDRP Part-A IT implementation In PSPCL • By: DY.CE/Information Technology In Collaboration with M/s SPANCO Ltd. ……Save Electricity For Prosperity of The Nation…....Waste of Electricity can cut your Income…....Energy Saved is Energy Generated…….…Electricity Theft Destroy the Economy of your State….
R-APDRP New Delhi:. The Power Ministry has released Rs 1,284.24 crore under Re-structured Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme (R-APDRP). Out of this Rs 1,259.24 crore has been sanctioned as loan to Power Finance Corporation (PFC) for disbursal to utility companies and Rs 25 crore as grant to rolling advance against fee to the nodal agency. The Ministry has approved 1,283 projects at the cost of Rs 4,730.38 crore for 22states. The states that have been covered under the program are: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, Kerala, Tripura and Jammu & Kashmir are however yet to get the disbursal amount from the Ministry. The Re-structured APDRP for 11th Plan was approved in 2008 as a central sector scheme which focuses on actual, demonstrable performance in terms of AT&C (administrative, technical and commercial) loss reduction. The programme size for R-APDRP is Rs 51,577 crore —iGovernment Bureau
Steering Committee (GoI,MoP,PFC Representative Utility) R-APDRP COVERAGE Third Party Independent Evaluating Agency
RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM GoI IT Advisor to set up WEB Portal Nodal Agencies (PFC/SPV) Third Party Independent Evaluation Agencies(TPIEAS) M/S WEBCOS PSPCL Process Consultants M/S WIPRO LTD. IT Consultants (Part-A) M/s SPANCO LTD. IT Implementation Agency (Part-A)
Meter Data Acquisition System (MDAS) INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure • Supply of necessary hardware, software and communication equipment in the Substations, DTs and select consumers in the towns for the purpose of centralized meter data logging.
INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure GIS SYSTEM SOFTWARE & MAPS (Geographic information system)
DISASTER RECOVERY CENTRE AT JALANDHAR SCOPE OF WORK Replica of Data Centre to be set at Patiala.
SCOPE OF WORK SAP Overall Inegrated System Centralized data base for consumers, Networking and transactional information . All business processes will be run in this system. All consumers and Network related information shared and updated. Meter Reading for HT Consumers & DT\ Meters recorded and shared All consumers Billing, metering details shared and complaints taken All Legacy Systems data such as collection details and bill details are shared.
SCOPE OF WORK NSP Scope Network Service Provider The scope of work covers supply , installation , commissioning and maintenance of LAN at data center, Customer Care Centers, Sub Division , Division ,Circle , Head Quarter and any other office of the utitlity as per their requirement along with creation of VPN/MPLS based WAN solution . The vendor shall also provide the necessary drawings and plan for installation , sizing cabling and connectivity and the bill of material for the networking of all the locations specified herein.
Setup the Local Area Network (LAN) & Wide Area Network(WAN) SCOPE OF WORK
HARDWARE INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure
DGPS Survey & Consumer Indexing Work DGPS (Differential Global Positioning System ) INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure
Softwares INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure
Softwares INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure
Web Portal of Utility Web Portal of Utility • The scope includes the Development of Web portal of utility for real time customer services.
Facility Management Services For IT Web Portal of Utility
RTO & RPO Based Disaster Recovery Center functional requirements
SYSTEM DESIGN AND ENGINEERING functional requirements
SCADA / DMS functional requirements • (Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition / Distribution Management System)
SAP Project Track – Activities Completed/Ongoing Note: Scope for SAP covers the following modules – MBC, NC/DC, Energy Audit, Asset & Maintenance Management
SAP Project Track – Activities Completed/Ongoing Note: Scope for SAP covers the following modules – MBC, NC/DC, WSS, MIS, Energy Audit, Asset & Maintenance Management
GIS Project Track–Activities Completed/Ongoing INTEGRATION of it Infrastructure (Electrical Network Survey)
GIS Project Track – Activities Completed/Ongoing GCP(General Control Point) Collection & Base Maps
GIS Project Track – Activities Completed/Ongoing • Asset & Consumer Survey:
GIS Project Track – Activities Completed/Ongoing • Asset & Consumer Survey:
GIS Project Track – Activities Completed/Ongoing • Manpower Deployment IESL has started mobilization and agreed to add 500 resources in 30-40 days in various towns