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European Donation & Transplant Coordination Organisation The Donation & Procurement Section of ESOT. www.etco.org and www.esot.org. Background (1).
European Donation & Transplant Coordination OrganisationThe Donation & ProcurementSectionof ESOT • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
Background (1) • In September 2011, theEuropean Transplant CoordinatorsOrganization (ETCO) mergedwiththeEuropean Donation Committee(EDC) tocreate a strong, visibleandactivesectionwithin ESOT, intendedtoattend all aspectsofdeceasedandlivingdonation, clinicalcoordinationandprocurement. • This was a logicalsteptobemadebytwoorganizationswithcommoninterestsandcomplementaryactivitiesas a betterwayofservingtheirmembers, patientsandsociety. • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
Background (2) ETCO was founded in 1983 andEDC was founded in 2005: • represent transplant coordinators and stakeholder. • promote organ and tissue donation. • support transplant coordinators as professional group for realization of the donation- transplantation process, who require very specific while diverse technical, organizational and communication skills. • reference organization, ensured a program for continuous training and education (annual congresses, international and national workshops). • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
Background (3) • specific certification for transplant coordinators (CETC) under the auspices of the UEMS to ensure the possibility of a standardized recognition of their knowledge and expertise. • Organs, Tissues & Cells, the official journal of ETCO disseminates most recent research • National Key Members provide a network of country liaisons for communication among countries as excellent opportunity for collaborative research and standardization. • Established cooperation with other professional organizations which share interests with our target groups (e.g. ESCIM, EATB……) • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
Our Mission • EDTCO supportshealth care professionals toprovideclinicallyeffectiveprogrammes on organandtissuedonation, procurementandtransplantation. • Increasingorganandtissueavailability at a high qualityandsafetyincludinglivingdonorsand care fordeceaseddonorsandtheir relatives; • Optimizing potential recipient care and follow-up, fromtheperspectiveofclinicalcoordination. • All activitiesshallcomplywithrecognized international professional andethical-legal standards. • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
Our Target • EDTCO serves all professionals whoaredirectlyinvolvedorwhohave an interest in deceasedandlivingorganandtissuedonation, clinicalcoordinationandprocurementactivities. • This includestransplant coordinators —withtheir different rolesandresponsibilities, such asdeceaseddonation, livingdonationandrecipientclinicalcoordination, preandposttransplantation—, procurement professionals, andrelated professionals groups. • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
OurStructure • The Assembly, made up of all members of our section, i.e. all ESOT members who specify their affiliation with EDTCO. • A board elected by EDTCO members. The board is composed by a chair, a vice-chair and the councilors covering all different backgrounds. • The National Key Members as established network of country liaisons. • Specialized working groups for projects (e.g. CETC, Drafting group of the Guide to quality and safety in transplantation of organs /tissues at the CoE). • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
Ourmembers • www.etco.org and www.esot.org
IMPORTANT DATES • Abstract Submission ClosingJune 1st, 2014 • Early Registration DeadlineJuly 31, 2014