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When we want to describe people , places, things , and ideas, we use…. Adjectives. Size ?. We describe. Opinion ?. Self-destructive. Age ?. Quantity ?. Shape ?. Color?. When do we talk about nationalities ?. Can we talk about materials first ?.
Whenwewant to describe people , places, things, and ideas, we use… Adjectives
Size? We describe...
Opinion? Self-destructive
When do wequalifytheobject? Activities are gerunds
Then, what are wedescribing?A name of a person?A name of a place?A name of a thing?Ora name of an idea?
We can describe anythingwewant. small star large triangle mature long intelligent petit ripe ugly round sharp medium new cilinder clean tubular Middle huge hollow
Now, try ityourself.Describe thispictureusingallthecategoriesonthetable.
Describe thispictureusingonlythreeadjectives.How do you do this?
Simple!!! We use comparative and superlative Adjectives.
Cute-cuter-cutest superlatives
The sumo fighterontherightisbigger Thanthe sumo fighterontheleft. Comparatives
The following paragraph is taken from D.H. Lawrence's short story "The Horse Dealer's Daughter." Select the adjectives, predicate adjectives, and modifying participles in the order in which they appear on the paragraph. And he hastened straight down, running over the wet, soddened fields, pushing through the hedges, down into the depression of callous, wintry obscurity. It took him several minutes to come to the pond. He stood on the bank, breathing heavily. He could see nothing. His eyes seemed to penetrate the dead water. Yes, perhaps that was the dark shadow of her black clothing beneath the surface of the water. He slowly ventured into the pond. The bottom was deep, soft clay, then he sank in, and the water clasped . . . his legs. As he stirred he could smell the cold, rotten clay that fouled up into the water. It was objectionable in his lungs. Still, repelled and yet not heeding, he moved deeper into the pond. The cold water rose over his thighs, over his loins, upon his abdomen. The lower part of his body was all sunk in the hideous cold element. And the bottom was so deeply soft and uncertain, he was afraid of pitching with his mouth underneath. He could not swim, and was afraid.
answers And he hastened straight down, running over the wet, soddened fields, pushing through the hedges, down into the depression of callous, wintry obscurity. It took him several minutes to come to the pond. He stood on the bank, breathing heavily. He could see nothing. His eyes seemed to penetrate the dead water. Yes, perhaps that was the dark shadow of her black clothing beneath the surface of the water. He slowly ventured into the pond. The bottom was deep, soft clay, then he sank in, and the water clasped . . . his legs. As he stirred he could smell the cold, rotten clay that fouled up into the water. It was objectionable in his lungs. Still, repelled and yet not heeding, he moved deeper into the pond. The cold water rose over his thighs, over his loins, upon his abdomen. The lower part of his body was all sunk in the hideouscold element. And the bottom was so deeply soft and uncertain, he was afraid of pitching with his mouth underneath. He could not swim, and was afraid.
Fromthechoicesprovidedaftereachsentence select a wordorphrasethatwouldcorrectly complete thesentence. 1. Those are probablythe ___________ curtains in thestore. fancyestfanciestmostfanciest 2. Uncle Carl isreally ______________________ man. anoldsweeta sweet, olda sweetold 3. TheKarmen-Ghiaused to be _________________ sportscar. a fine Germana German, finea fine, German 4. Everyonewas home fortheholidays. Whatcouldmakefor ___________ Christmas thanthat? a merryerthemerriesta merrier
5. They grew up in ___________________ house in Mexico City. a comfortable, littlea little, comfortablea comfortable little 6. Diehard is the ____________ movie I've ever seen. most excitedmost excitingmost exciteable 7. Tashonda wanted to take a course with _____________________ professor. that interesting new Japanese economicsthat Japanese interesting, new economicsthat interesting, new, Japanese, economics 8. Of all the mechanics in the shop, Jerzy is surely ______________ . the less competent.the least competent.the competentest. 9. In the fall, the valleys tend to be ___________ than the hilltops. foggymore foggierfoggier 10. My cold is definitely _________ this morning. worseworstworser