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For more course tutorials visit <br>www.uoptutorial.com<br><br><br>BUS 640 Week 1 DQ 1 Firm Objectives BUS 640 Week 1 DQ 2 Decision Making Under Uncertainty BUS 640 Week 1 Economics of Risk and Uncertainty Applied Problems BUS 640 Week 2 DQ 1 Marginal Rate of Substitution BUS 640 Week 2 DQ 2 Demand Elasticity BUS 640 Week 2 Consumer Demand Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems BUS 640 Week 3 DQ 1 Relevant Costs BUS 640 Week 3 DQ 2 Contribution Analysis BUS 640 Week 3 Production Cost Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems BUS 640 Week 4 DQ 1 Strategic Behavior Oligopolies BUS 640 Week 4 DQ 2 Local Market Power BUS 640 Week 4 Market Structures and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems BUS 640 Week 4 Journal Economics in News BUS 640 Week 5 DQ 1 Good Will in Price Bidding BUS 640 Week 5 DQ 2 New Product Introduction BUS 640 Week 5 Price Quotes and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems BUS 640 Week 6 DQ 1 Game Theory and Strategic Behavior BUS 640 Week 6 DQ 2 Sustainable Competitive Advantage BUS 640 Week 6 Final Paper Managerial Decision Making<br><br>
BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course For More Course Tutorials Visit www.uoptutorial.com
BUS 642 All Exercises BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 642 Entire Course BUS 642 Week 1 Exercises BUS 642 Week 2 Exercises BUS 642 Week 3 Exercises BUS 642 Week 4 Exercises BUS 642 Week 5 Exercises BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 1 Scientific ThinkingBUS 642 Week 1 DQ 2 Making Research DecisionsBUS 642 Week 1 ExercisesBUS 642 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics in Business ResearchBUS 642 Week 2 DQ 2 Design of ResearchBUS 642 Week 2 ExercisesBUS 642 Week 3 DQ 1 Measurement ScalesBUS 642 Week 3 DQ 2 Clarifying the Research QuestionsBUS 642 Week 3 ExercisesBUS 642 Week 4 DQ 1 Survey MethodsBUS 642 Week 4 DQ 2 Observational StudiesBUS 642 Week 4 ExercisesBUS 642 Week 5 DQ 1 Data Preparation and DescriptionBUS 642 Week 5 ExercisesBUS 642 Week 6 DQ 1 Measures of AssociationBUS 642 Week 6 DQ 2 Presenting ResultsBUS 642 Week 6 Final Project
BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 1 Scientific Thinking BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 642 Week 1 DQ 2 Making Research Decisions Business - General Business Scientific ThinkingDevelop a hypothesis for a problem at a local business (for example: high employee turnover). Determine if your hypothesis has adequacy for its purpose, is testable and better than its rivals. Then, use the Checklist for Developing a Strong Hypothesis on page 64 as it relates to your hypothesis. Discuss your results. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings. Making Research Decisions Based on the analysis of the last six months' sales, your boss notices that sales of beef products are declining in your chain's restaurants. As beef entrée sales decline, so do profits. Fearing beef sales have declined due to several newspaper stories reporting E.coli contamination discovered at area grocery stores, he suggests a survey of area restaurants to see if the situation is pervasive (page 94, number 5). What do you think of this research suggestion? How, if at all, could you improve on your boss's formulation of the research question? Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings.
BUS 642 Week 1 Exercises Marginal Rate of Substitution. What is the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) and why does it diminish as the consumer substitutes one product for another? Use examples to illustrate BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 1 Ethics in Business Research Week One Exercises Complete the Following Exercises Complete Discussion Questions 1, 2, and 5 on page 22. Complete Making Research Decisions Question 6, page 76. Ethics in Business ResearchRead the interview with Elizabeth Buchanan on virtual research ethics: Readings in virtual research ethics: Issues and controversies . (2004, January-June). Information Technology Newsletter, 15(1), 22-25.]. You can find this article through the Ashford Online Library. Write a summary of this interview and add your thoughts on how this affects the business research process. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings.
BUS 642 Week 2 DQ 2 Design of Research BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 642 Week 2 Exercises Design of ResearchRead Snapshot: Tracking Search Patterns on page 37. Find more details of this study since the text's Snapshot was printed and discuss the study including any updates. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings. Week Two Exercises Complete the following exercises: In your text book Complete Making Research Decisions 1, page 50 In text answer Terms in Review, 1-5, page 155 Complete Making Research Decisions, 7, page 388
BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 1 Measurement Scales BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 642 Week 3 DQ 2 Clarifying the Research Questions Measurement ScalesContemplate Snapshot: Measuring Respect on page 301 of your text. Discuss the information presented and the critical measures taken in order to present an appropriate measurement scale. Respond to at least two of your fellow students' postings. Production Cost Analysis and Estimation Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. 1. Jennifer Trucking Company operates a large rig transportation business in Texas that transports locally grown vegetables to San Diego, California. The company owns 5 large rigs and hires local drivers paid fixed salaries monthly, regardless of the number of trips or tons of cargo that each driver transports each month. 2. The Palms Dry Cleaning Shop in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, faces a highly seasonal demand for its services, as the snow-birds retirees flock to Florida in mid-fall to enjoy the mild winter weather and then return to their main homes in mid-spring. Given this seasonality, Palms tries to keep the overhead costs as low as possible and therefore, often uses seasonal contracted labor to man its operations.
BUS 640 Week 4 DQ 1 Strategic Behavior Oligopolies BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 640 Week 4 DQ 2 Local Market Power Strategic Behavior Oligopolies. An interesting example of strategic behavior comes from a 1997 article about Microsoft’s investment in Apple (New Straits Times, 1997). The article is included in the Required Readings list. Facing tough anti-trust scrutiny from government agencies, Microsoft provided financial support to Apple in order to ensure Apple’s survival and, therefore, to ensure that competitiveness in the industry remains. Moreover, the partnership with Apple provided an additional market for Microsoft’s products – the MS Office and the IE products were to be bundled with the MAC OS as one of the conditions for this financing. Discuss this case in the context of market structure and strategic behavior. What market structure do these firms operate in? Why did Microsoft need to preserve competitiveness in the industry? What was Microsoft afraid of in the event that Apple did not survive? Local Market Power. Bulls Eye department store specializes in the sales of discounted clothing, shoes, household items, etc. similar to the offerings at a regular Walmart or Target. Bulls Eye is the only department store in Show Low and the nearest other discount retailer is Target, located 49 miles away in Eagar. Bulls Eye, therefore, has some market power in its local area. Despite having some market power, Bulls Eye is currently suffering losses. An analyst at Bulls Eye is recommending to the manager to raise prices, so that profitability can be improved. The manager is unsure of this strategy as recent data points to increasing numbers of individuals shopping more and more. What are the pros and cons of raising the prices at Bulls Eye and would that strategy be profitable?
BUS 640 Week 4 Journal Economics in News BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 640 Week 4 Market Structures and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems BUS 640 Week 4 Journal Economics in News Market Structures and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems. A small business which produces plastic vacuum-suction covers for round household dishes has a monopoly that is protected by a utility patent. The market demand curve for this product is estimated to be: – 25P where Q is the number of plate covers per year and P is in dollars. Cost estimation processes have determined that the firm’s cost function is represented by + 2500Q -0.25*Q2. 2. Greener Grass Company (GGC) competes with its main rival, Better Lawns and Gardens (BLG), in the supply and installation of in-ground lawn watering systems in the wealthy western suburbs of a major east-coast city. Last year, GGC’s price for the typical lawn system was $1,995 compared with BLG’s price of $2,100. GGC installed 9,130 systems, or about 55% of total sales and BLG installed the rest. (No doubt many additional systems were installed by do-it-yourself homeowners since the parts are readily available at hardware stores.)
BUS 640 Week 5 DQ 1 Good Will in Price Bidding BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 640 Week 5 DQ 2 New Product Introduction Good Will in Price Bidding. Sometimes, a bidder on a work contract may bid lower than what would maximize his/her profit from the contract and the reason for that is to create goodwill (to increase expected future business from the buyer). How would you value the goodwill that is obtained in this way? New Product Introduction. Bayer Schering Pharma AG, Germany owns the Alka-Seltzer, which was launched in 1931 and was meant for relief of minor aches, pains, inflammation, fever, headache, heartburn, sour stomach, indigestion, and hangovers. The Alka-Seltzer Plus was a spin-off of the original medicine, meant to relieve colds and flu. The company has recently introduced a new and improved Alka-Seltzer Plus, as described in the TV ad: “The Cold Truth”, (please, watch the ad listed in the Required Readings)
BUS 640 Week 5 Price Quotes and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 640 Week 6 DQ 1 Game Theory and Strategic Behavior Price Quotes and Pricing Decisions Applied Problems. Please, complete the following 3 applied problems in a Word or Excel document. Show all your calculations and explain your results. Submit your assignment in the drop box by using the Assignment Submission button. Maxim Motronics A.G. have been marketing a new product in Europe that has achieved notable market success and it now plans to introduce this product into the United States market. Game Theory and Strategic Behavior. Suppose that GE is trying to prevent Maytag from entering the market for high efficiency clothes dryers. Even though high efficiency dryers are more costly to produce, they are also more profitable as they command sufficiently higher prices from consumers. The following payoffs table shows the annual profits for GE and Maytag for the advertising spending and entry decisions that they are facing. Based on this information, can GE successfully prevent Maytag from entering this market by increasing its advertising levels? What is the equilibrium outcome in this game?
BUS 640 Week 6 DQ 2 Sustainable Competitive Advantage BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course BUS 640 Week 6 Final Paper Managerial Decision Making Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Describe the circumstances under which a firm chooses a low-cost strategy to attain sustainable competitive advantage. What about the situations when a differentiation strategy is chosen? Provide specific real world examples. Focus of the Final Paper Research a specific company of your choice and identify some of the managerial decisions that were made over time and in response to changes in its market or competitive environment. Use the Ashford University Online Library and web-based sources for your research. At least three external scholarly sources must be used. Address all of the following areas: Describe the company and provide a brief history of its operations. Find or use graphs to illustrate its financial performance over the years. Identify any sources of risk or uncertainty in its operations. Do the financial reports indicate risky or uncertain activities or changes to the economic environment that ultimately appear to have affected the company’s financial outcomes? Be specific. Are there any government regulations that have affected this company’s operations domestically or abroad? Explain.
BUS 642 ASH Tutorial Course For More Course Tutorials Visit www.uoptutorial.com