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This results in white patches on the skin and vitiligo treatment can take quite a while to work. <a href=" https://www.ayurhealthline.com/Vitiligo-and-Ayurveda.html"> ayurvedic cure for vitiligo </a><br>Read More....
Effective treatments to successfully treat yourvitiligo Somewhere around 1-3 percent of the world population is suffering from vitiligo, a skin condition that affects pigmentation of the skin. With this disorder, the cells that produce skin’s pigment, known as melanocytes, are destroyed. This results in white patches on the skin and vitiligo treatmentcan take quite a while towork. For some, vitiligo may happen on the face, neck or hands, resulting in a dramatic and distressing change in appearance. For others, it may attack mucous membranes like the nose, mouth, and genitals, as well as the retinas. If a patch appears on an area with hair growth, the hair will turn white or very lightgrey. VitiligoTreatment HERBAL or Ayurvedic Treatment -As this condition is not infective nor is it contagious, conventional herbal vitiligo treatments work to reinstate the skin colour by treating the root cause of it which is termed ”autoimmunity” widely. The Herbs acts to start re-pigmentation over the spots. Immune balancing is also doe by herbs which assures spreading control. A Vitiligo Specialist controls the whole process under treatment. Though, there are several kind of treatments available for vitiligo but Ayurveda is the most chosen treatment. Other most common treatmentscomprise. Makeup and Dyes. These compounds hide the discoloration for the time being. They are temporary and need to bereapplied
often. There are a few fairly new products that are waterproof and are designed explicitly for vitiligopatients. Corticosteroid Creams. A dermatologist may recommend a corticosteroid cream soon after vitiligo diagnosis, which is when it tends to work best. However, effects are often not seen for numerous months or up to a year. A common side effect is thinning of the skin, and in some people corticosteroid creams may cause streaks or lines that may becomepermanent. Tacrolimus or Pimecrolimus Ointments. These ointments are an age old vitiligo treatment usually prescribed for people with small areas of depigmentation. While research shows that they may cause less side effects than corticosteroid creams, the FDA warns that these drugs are probably linked to lymphoma and skin cancer. The long-term wellbeing is just not known, and the FDA prescribes the use of this drug only if no other vitiligo medications areworking. Psoralen and Light Therapy. PUVA therapy was primarily developed to treat psoriasis and is now often recommended for treating vitiligo. The combination of oral medications in addition to revelation to UVA may help re-pigmentation of the white patches caused by vitiligo. Multiple sittings are required and in some cases treatments may be necessary three times a week for about a year. As there is a relationship between UVA exposure and some types of skin cancers, making an educated decision about this therapy isvital.
6. Depigmenting Agents. If the white patches are extensive, and other treatments have been unsuccessful, a dermatologist may recommend depigmenting unaffected areas, lightening them to match or blend with the discoloured areas. This vitiligo treatment is often done once or twice a day for nine months or longer, and the end result will be permanent. When considering this traditional treatment, it is important to understand that permanent depigmentation may result in extreme sensitivity tosunlight.