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Raghu Kodali Consulting Product Manager & SOA Evangelist Oracle Application Server

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Raghu Kodali Consulting Product Manager & SOA Evangelist Oracle Application Server

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  1. “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

  2. This document is for informational purposes.  It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.  The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described in this document remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.  This document in any form, software or printed matter, contains proprietary information that is the exclusive property of Oracle.  This document and information contained herein may not be disclosed, copied, reproduced or distributed to anyone outside Oracle without prior written consent of Oracle.   This document is not part of your license agreement nor can it be incorporated into any contractual agreement with Oracle or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

  3. Raghu KodaliConsulting Product Manager & SOA Evangelist Oracle Application Server “This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”

  4. What is Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) ?

  5. Agenda • Distributed Computing • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) • Service Delivery Platform • Benefits • Oracle Fusion Middleware

  6. Phase III Messaging • MOM Phase I Downsize • Client/Server • DCE History of Distributed Computing Phase II Components • CORBA • DCOM • EJB

  7. Issues with Existing Models • Proprietary protocols • Interoperability • Platform lock-in • Inflexible

  8. What is SOA ? • Evolution of distributed computing • Application functions are modularized and presented as services • IT architecture for synchronous and asynchronous applications • Services are loosely coupled • Service interface is independent of the implementation

  9. Application Screen Scrape Download Application Message File Application Screen Queue Application Scrape Sockets Transaction Screen Transaction File Scrape File Application Sockets CICS Gateway Download RPC ORB File APPC Application Message Application ORB Message Application Transaction Queue File Application Message Queue CICS Gateway Screen Transaction Scrape File APPC Download Message RPC Application File Why SOA ? – The Cruel Reality Source: Gartner

  10. Why SOA ? - The Reality of Modern Business • Geographic, Departmental Evolution • Mergers & Acquisitions (M & A) • Compliance issues • Difficult to Answer Simple Questions • Costly to Operate • Inflexible E-BusinessSuite PeopleSoft Suppliers Business Intelligence WebServices Siebel Legacy SAP Difficult to achieve benefits of an Information-Driven Enterprise

  11. Why SOA : Monolithic ApplicationsInflexible, Inefficient, Hard to Maintain • Hard to adapt to changing business requirements • Duplication of functionality means wasted resources • Small fixes require large investments of time and labor Print Invoices Generate POs Credit Verification 1 User Authentication 1 Account Validation 1 Create Customers Credit Verification 2 User Authentication 2 Account Validation 2

  12. Why SOA ? • Respond to business changes • Address new needs with existing applications • Unlock existing application investments • Support new channels & complex interactions • Support organic business Oracle Financials Custom Order Application New Web Application Standard Interface Standard Interface Standard Interface New Supply Chain Management Application (Business Process or Composite Application) Standard Interface Standard Interface Standard Interface Siebel CRM Mainframe HR Application .NET Inventory Application

  13. Anatomy of a Service New Service Service Consumer Wrapped Legacy Interface Proxy Composite Service Service Interface Service Implementation

  14. Service Oriented Architecture Database Monolithic Applications ERP J2EE App Legacy Check Inventory Customer Update Services Check Availability Employee Record

  15. Service Communication • Communicate with messages • No knowledge about partner • Likely heterogeneous ServiceConsumers Service Providers

  16. Service Platform (Virtual) Service Consumers Service Delivery Bus Service Reporting & Mgmt Service Rules & Config Change Control Service Interfaces and Service Implementations

  17. Service Delivery Platform - Standards Web Service Distributed Management Web Service Choreography TPM, Mainframe, Legacy Sys Web Service Orchestration Web Service Coordination Web Service Transactions Web Service Security Applications Web Service Policy Web Service Reliable Messaging J2EE 1.4/ .Net/ …….. SOA Tools App Dev Framework Databases WS-I Basic Profile SOAP, WSDL, UDDI Middleware (Oracle Fusion Middleware) B2B Partners

  18. SOAP, WSDL, UDDI WSDL Points to description UDDI Registry Points to service Finds Service Describes Service Web Service Client (J2EE, .NET,PL/SQL …) Web Service (J2EE, PL/SQL,.NET,C/C++,Legacy …) SOAP Invokes with XML Messages

  19. Interoperability of Web Services • Web Services Interoperability • Develops profiles • Suggests best practices • Provides testing tools • Runtime and tools uptake • Oracle JDeveloper analysis • OracleAS compliance

  20. J2EE 1.4 - Web Services Java APIsfor XML Description Java API for XML Parsing JAXP Java API for XML Data Binding JAXB Java API for XML Remote Procedure Call JAX-RPC SOAP API for Attachments in Java SAAJ Java API for XML Registries JAXR Stateless Session EJB Endpoint Model EJB 2.1 Web Services Deployment Model JSR 109

  21. Web Services Reliability Receiver Sender Application Layer Application Layer SOAP Node With Reliable Messaging Msg SOAP Node With Reliable Messaging Ack • At least once semantics • At most once semantics • Guaranteed message ordering • Exactly once semantics

  22. Web Services Security Client WS-Security Server WS-Security SOAP Message SOAP Message Request Sign Encrypt Add Auth Token Chck AuthToken Decrypt Check Signature JAX-RPC Service Endpoint JAX-RPC Client Response CheckSignature Decrypt Encrypt Sign SOAP Message SOAP Message Transport HTTP, JMS • Authentication • User name/password token • X.509 token • XML Digital Signatures • XML Encryption

  23. Web Services Orchestration Credit Rating Loan Entry United Loan A D A P T E R A D A P T E R WSDL BPEL Star Loan Fulfillment WSDL A D A P T E R Service Bus Application Server

  24. Auditing/Logging WS-Reliability WS-Security WS-Security WS-Reliability Auditing/Logging Auditing/Logging WS-Reliability WS-Security WS-Security WS-Reliability Auditing/Logging Web Services Management Web Services Client Management Web Services Server Management SOAP Message SOAP Message JAX-RPC Service Endpoint JAX-RPC Client SOAP Message SOAP Message Transport HTTP, JMS

  25. Web Services Management • Managing and deploying operational policies across applications and Web services • Layer best-practice security and management across all services • No modifications to applications or services • Support WS-* standards • Can secure/manage Web services implemented in heterogeneous languages and environments

  26. Web Services Management BUILD Policies ENFORCE Policies MONITOR Policies Policy Gateway Policy Agents Web Service Monitor Policy Manager Web Services

  27. Policy Enforcement and Visibility: Monitoring • Provide real-time visibility into Web Service interactions • Automatic issue resolution by dynamic policy updates • Alerts about anomalies • Enforce policies • Validate compliance with IT best practices

  28. Benefits of SOA • Better reuse • Build new client functionality on top of existing Business Services • Well defined interfaces • Make changes without affecting clients • Easier to maintain • Changes/Versions are not all-or-nothing • Better flexibility

  29. Customer Needs Optimize Processes & Applications to Change Build Flexible, Adaptable Applications Take Decisions with Better Quality Information Share Information & Collaborate Productively Lower Technology Costs Secure Access & Reduce Risks

  30. SOA – Blueprint For Success Integrate Orchestrate Develop Secure Change Manage Monitor

  31. Oracle Fusion Middleware Modular & Configurable Applications SOA, Faces, EJB Flexible Business Processes WSIF, ESB, BPEL Actionable Business Intelligence Hubs, BI, BAM Enhanced Employee Productivity Portals, Mobile, Collaboration Enhanced Security & Compliance Identity Mgmt, Web Services Mgmt Lowest TCO Grid, Systems Mgmt

  32. Oracle Fusion Middleware Overview

  33. D E M O N S T R A T I O N SOA

  34. Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S A

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