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Dissemination Guidelines Maria Jesus Vinuesa. What is the objective of the course?. Learn about Spanish NSO dissemination Learn what other NSOs are doing Share experiences. What are we talking about?. Publications. Disseminating statistics. Users. Internet. Some data about SPAIN.
DisseminationGuidelines Maria Jesus Vinuesa 1
What is the objective of the course? • Learn about Spanish NSO dissemination • Learn what other NSOs are doing • Share experiences 2
What are we talking about? • Publications Disseminating statistics Users Internet 3
Some data about SPAIN POPULATION: 45.2 million Foreign nationals: 10 % Area (Km2): 505,990 Population Density: 89.3 inhabitants/Km2 Average number of children per women: 1.34 Employed persons: 20.3 million Activity rate: 58.9 % Unemployment rate: 8.2 % 4
Some data about the INE • It is a legallyindependent administrative institution: • - INE is a part of the government system • - but independent in all professional matters • - It is basically governed by Law 12/1989 of 9 May, on Public Statistics Function, regulating Statistics activity 5
Some data about the INE Number of employees 3,500 Headquarters 1,000 Provincial offices 2,500 6
Law 12/1989 of 9 May, on Public Statistics Function • Article 20º: The results of statistics for State purposes: • 1. shall be made public by the statistical services responsible for their production and are to be widely disseminated. • 2. shall be official from the time they are made public. • 3. The officials engaged in the services responsible for the production of statistics for State purposes are under obligation to maintain confidentiality 7
Law 12/1989 of 9 May, on Public Statistics Function • Article 21 • 1) Statistical units may supply to a party so requesting: • ● A customised request • ● Micro data • 2) The methodology of official statistics shall be made public. • 3) Publications and any other statistical information provided to interested parties may be subject to prices established by law. 8
Law on Public Statistics Function The Government Statistics Act, in article 26.Ñ, assigns to the INE 1) the duty to publish the results and methodological features of the statistics it produces 2) the promotion of the dissemination of the rest of statistics included in the national statistical plan. 9
Statistical Dissemination Unit Functions: • Planification of the dissemination of INE products • Normalisation of institutional designs • Preparation of publications • Development and maintenance of the website • Promotion and marketing of the products 11
Head of the Dissemination Unit General Deputy Director Secretariat Internet Dissemination and Marketing User Services Editorial Unit Synthesis Publications Technological Support Design Composition Image Editorial quality Publishing 21 Yearbook Monthly bulletin Leaflets Historical publications 17 Content coordination of www.ine.es Bookshop First dissemination Marketing Electronic mail EU information Electronic publications 22 Information services: - in person - bytelephone - personalised - Library 26 Development: Tempus, INEbase. 10 12
Editorial department Design Composition Image Editorial quality Publishing Annual production: 110 million pages Internal: 28 External: 82 13
Internet Dissemination and Marketing Content coordination of www.ine.es First dissemination Electronic mail Infoeuropea Electronic publications Marketing and Bookshop 14
Technological Support department Development: Tempus INEbase 17
Users Department • Information services: • - in person • - bytelephone, fax • - CPI certificates • - Customised request • - Library 18
Synthesis publications . Statistical Yearbook (1858) . Monthly Statistics Bulletin . Spain in figures . Figures INE (brochure) . Iberian peninsula in figures 19
Some data…. 2007 Visitors 10.4 million Number of visited pages 96 million Pages Downloaded 8.5 million E-mails 10,000 Infoeuropea 1,200 Customised requests 2,500 Press releases 350 20
Data produced by the INE • 1) short-term statistics: 27 monthly and quarterly indicators 268 press releases per year • 2) long-term statistics: 72 indicators per year • publication calendar web • Weekly calendar of press releases 21
Statistical Dissemination Final stage of the statistical operation - the most important - adequate strategy Gateway: Internet Different users easy to use additional information (methodology, glossary..) Different technologies: no structured files press releases database 24
Why are the Dissemination of statistics so important? MOTTO: If you don’t use statistics, they don’t exist Only used statistical information is useful statistical information What it means is that dissemination is vital to the statistical process. (Petteri Baer . UNECE) 25
INE Statistical Dissemination - Free service - focus on the Internet Tempus II INEbase Datawarehouse - English version - microdata on the website - many different users - customised queries 26
Dissemination Policy INE dissemination is: - a free public service - aimed equally at all users - in accordance with a pre-announced publication calendar It is the INE’s firm intention to follow the European Statistics Code of Practice adopted by the Statistical Programme Committee on 24 February 2005 27
Dissemination Policy Dissemination Activities: - operation of the www.ine.es website - work in user services - production and marketing of published products - promotion of the image of the INE 28
Dissemination Policy Internet: www.ine.es - All of the statistical information produced by the INE - has become the main dissemination outlet - allows for equal treatment - assures the impartiality of the INE towards all citizens 29
Dissemination Policy: Internet Statistics are published by means of: - a press release - a set of tables of the key results - a methodological abstract Press releases short-term statistics: at 9.00 am long-term data: at 11.00 am The complete data are released no later than one hour immediately afterwards 30
Dissemination Policy: Internet INE statistics in electronic form are available on: - INEbase: includes press releases, results and methodologies for every statistical operation - TEMPUS II: which presents the information in the form of tables and statistical series. It now holds close to 1 million time series. (RDBMS ) • 2001Population and Housing Censuses Data warehouse 31
History of the web… www.ine.eswas born in 1996 - with its own server - and in an easy and simple way 34
1988: time series databank:TEMPUS (84,000 time series) - based in CRONOS (Eurostat) 1990: TEMPUS in the UNIX operating system X.25. Access to external users 1993: Videotex through RTC Press releases Excel files (CPI,LFS,...) Legislation News Looking back 8 years 35
1996: Birth of www.ine.es - easy: in a few months we compiled all we had: - TEMPUS + than 350,000 series - Press releases - Excel files - Legislation - News - Publications catalogue, etc.. - user-friendly interface 1999: TEMPUS was the first free of charge time series databank in Europe. 36
A resounding success 1997: Our server was rated by the Wall Street Journal as one of the top 100 in Europe, as regards information on the economy. 1999: It was the statistical server with the most data for public use in Europe, and one of only a handful providing daily updated information on all short-term indicators. • It should be pointed out that all the work that went into making www.ine.es a reality was carried out by staff at the Institute. • All free of charge 38
In this context, we asked ourselves: What else can we offer? - English version - statistical tables and time series Where are we going? Clear objective: increase the quantity and quality of the available statistical information 40
2000- Translation into English - 1 translator, 3 months (nothing) - 2 translators, 1 year (little) - 2 continuous translators (75%) Guidance Software: DejaVu - easy to use - Instantly creates extensive memory databases by aligning previous translations - Ensures a consistent use of terminology and translation - increases productivity and consistency - large number of import and export formats - it increases consistency, matches and quality - ideal for technical translations 41
Launch INEbase: 28 March 2000 ¿What is INEbase? • A storage system on the web for 100% of the statistical production of the INE… • and a gateway to access all the information of the European and national statistical systems 42
2000- INEbase - INEbase enables users to access millions of items of statistical data, which they are able to view and download in Excel or in PC-AXIS format - structured by subject(ISO) - This favours searching by subject (Population, Education, Tourism...) regardless of the original source of the data. 48