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EVOLUTION. BY: BRIANNA SHIELDS. DO NOW. 1. How do you know a lion and a tiger are from different species? 2. What is the genus species (scientific name) for the human species? 3. A change in a species over time is known as…………..?. GOAL.
DO NOW • 1. How do you know a lion and a tiger are from different species? • 2. What is the genus species (scientific name) for the human species? • 3. A change in a species over time is known as…………..?
GOAL • To define evolution and the 4 ideas associated with the theory
VIDEO QUESTIONS • 1. What is the oldest fossil that has been found? What is its estimated age? • 2. What type of organism did the most ancient horse resemble?
Species A group of similar organisms that can interbreed to make fertile offspring Ex: All lions mate with one another Lions + Tigers = infertile Ligers or Tiglons Evolution
Evolution A change in a species over time Use the camel evolution diagram Compare modern camels to their ancestors Evolution
Evolution How has man changed over time? Evolution
Lamarck’s Theory Theory of use & disuse An organism gets a new organ if it needs it Use it more & it will grow bigger New organ is passed to offspring What do you think about the validity of Lamarck’s Theory? Give an example Evolution
Darwin’s Theory Theory of natural selection Better explanation of evolution The survival & reproduction of the organisms best adapted to their surroundings Evolution
Part One: Survival of the Fittest Organisms overproduce offspring Organisms that are better competitors or more fit, will survive Parts of the Theory of Natural Selection
Ex: Survival of the Fittest • Dandelions produce many seeds • This ensures some will live- others will not be able to find enough food & sunlight
Ex: Survival of the Fittest • Tadpoles- many hatch at once • Fierce competition- stronger, faster ones will find food faster & outrun enemies
Part Two: Variation and Adaptation Offspring that survive have structures or behaviors that make it better “adapted” to its environment Certain differences or variations help some to outcompete others Even within a species Ex: Finch Beaks Parts of the Theory of Natural Selection
Part Two: Variation and Adaptation Variation= small differences within one structure of a species that make an organism more fit Adaptation= changes in structures or behaviors that make an organism more fit Parts of the Theory of Natural Selection
Variation & Adaptation Example • How would a variation in polar bear coats help certain polar bears to have greater fitness? • There are variations in polar bear coats • Some polar bears have thicker coats of fur than others= better protection to cold • They are more likely to survive- this adaptation to their surroundings makes them a better competitor
Variation & Adaptation Example • What happens to the fitness of a thick coated polar bear if the environment become warmer? • Which type of polar bear has the better variation in coat? • “The fittest that survive may change with their surroundings”
Part Three: Reproduction Individuals that are more fit: Survive longer Reproduce more Pass on the beneficial traits or differences Evolution Library: Topic Page Parts of the Theory of Natural Selection
Cause of Evolution Mutations or natural accidental mistakes in the animal’s DNA What causes evolution?
Causes of Evolution Negative Mutation: Organism dies because it can’t compete (extinction) Positive Mutation: Organism becomes a better competitor- increases survival & reproductive chances What causes evolution?
Extinction Occurs when many small adaptations occur over time (or negative mutations) Those with new adaptations outcompete old “versions” of the species Extinction
Assessment • A hummingbird’s beak, giraffe’s neck & vampire bat’s teeth all help them to do what better? • What are adaptations- how do they affect the organism?
DO NOW Read the “Hobbit” article. Using your bookmark, create three unique responses about the reading. 1. 2. 3.
Evolutionary Evidence 1. Fossil Record- documents the change in organisms over billions of years Evidence Supporting Evolution
Evolutionary Evidence 2. Anatomical Evidence- similar body structures Homologous Structures= similar body parts that evolve suggest common ancestry Evidence Supporting Evolution
Homologous structures • What similarities do you see among the structures in diagram B? • What do these homologous structures indicate?
Evolutionary Evidence 3. Embryological Evidence- similarities in the embryos of very different organisms Evidence Supporting Evolution
Evolutionary Evidence 4. Chemical and Molecular Evidence The more similar the DNA code, the more closely related two organisms are Evidence Supporting Evolution
Peppered Moth Scenario • Look at drawing on side board • Nowhere to Hide
Peppered Moth Scenario • Which moth ended up being more “fit” or a better survivor or competitor? Why? • Answer the questions on your peppered moth sheet
Websites • “Becoming Human” interactive documentary
Assessment 1 • Read the evolution article • What is the author’s point of view? Do you agree or disagree with him? • Support your viewpoint with evidence from your notes
Assessment 2 • A change in the future that may affect the evolution of living things is global warming • How might global warming affect evolution? Why?
Assignment • Please write the following assignment into your agenda: • Fossil and Evolution Review Questions