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1a 求我心中王 成為我異象 我別無愛慕 惟主我景仰 Be Thou my Vi-sion O Lord of my heart 。 Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art. 1/8. 成為我異象 ( 主是我萬有 ) Be Thou My Vision 心頌 #12; 生命聖詩 #387. 1b 充滿我思想 我心嚮往 睡著或睡醒 慈容是我光 Thou my best thought, by day or by night. Wak-ing or sleep-ing, Thy
1a求我心中王 成為我異象 我別無愛慕 惟主我景仰 Be Thou my Vi-sion O Lord of my heart。 Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art. 1/8 成為我異象 (主是我萬有) Be Thou My Vision 心頌 #12; 生命聖詩 #387
1b充滿我思想 我心嚮往 睡著或睡醒 慈容是我光 Thou my best thought, by day or by night. Wak-ing or sleep-ing, Thy pre-sence my light. 2/8
2a成為我智慧 成為我箴言 我願常跟隨 祢在我身邊 Be Thou my wis-dom, and Thou my true Word. I ev-er with Thee and Thou with me, Lord. 3/8
2b祢是我聖父 我是祢子 祢常居我心 我與祢合一 Thou my great Fa-ther, I Thy true son. Thou in me dwel-ling, and I with Thee one. 4/8
3a我不求虛名 也不求富有 祢是我基業 從今到永久 Rich-es I heed not, nor man’s emp-ty praise. Thou mine in-her-i-tance, now and al-ways. 5/8
3b惟祢在我心 永遠居首 天上大君王 祢是我萬有 Thou and Thou on-ly, first in my heart. High King of heav-en, my Treas-ure Thou art. 6/8
4a天上大君王 光明的太陽 容我享天樂 我已打勝仗 High King of heav-en, my vic-to-ry won. May I reach heav-en’s joys, O bright heav’n’s Sun. 7/8
4b我心屬祢心 永無變更 萬有的主宰 成為我異象 Heart of my own heart, What–ev-er be-fall. Still be my Vi-sion, O Ru-ler of all. 8/8