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Katedra odbornej jazykovej prípravy. Paulínska 16, 917 24 Trnava kojp@mtf.stuba.sk 033 5511 500 PaedDr. Dagmar Rusková dagmar@mtf.stuba.sk. anglický nemecký ruský francúzsky. Výber jazyka sa uskutočňuje na základe najlepšie osvojeného jazyka. Jazyk sa nevyučuje od začiatočníckej úrovne.
Katedra odbornej jazykovej prípravy Paulínska 16, 917 24 Trnava kojp@mtf.stuba.sk 033 5511 500 PaedDr. Dagmar Rusková dagmar@mtf.stuba.sk
anglický nemecký ruský francúzsky Výber jazyka sa uskutočňuje na základe najlepšie osvojeného jazyka. Jazyk sa nevyučuje od začiatočníckej úrovne. Obsahom kurzu je odborná jazyková príprava. Zmena jazyka je možná v prvom ročníku na základe žiadosti na pedagogickom oddelení MTF STU v Trnave. Povinný predmetJazyk:
Štyri semestre: 1. ročník – letný semester Zápočet (účasť, osvojenie si učiva) 2. ročník – zimný semester Zápočet (úspešné zvládnutie písomného testu z učiva predchádzajúceho semestra, predloženie odborného jazykového textu v anglickom jazyku) 2. ročník – letný semester Zápočet (úspešné zvládnutie písomného testu z učiva predchádzajúceho semestra, predloženie terminologického slovníka k odbornému textu) 3. ročník – zimný semester Zápočet (úspešné zvládnutie písomného testu z učiva predchádzajúceho semestra, predloženie písomného prekladu odborného textu). Skúška – ústna.
Výber odborného jazykového textu • text v anglickom jazyku • rozsah – do päť strán • obsah – problematika študijného odboru • autorstvo textu – pôvodne anglicky píšuci autor • zdroje – knižné, časopisecké, Internet (iba pdf/rtf fultexty) • NIE manuál na používanie prístrojov a zariadení • NIE reklamné a firemné texty
Obsah konzultácie: • Personal and professional information • Properties of engineering materials • Shapes and dimensions • Location • Safety at work • Numbers and numeral operations • University, faculty and university study
I graduated from Columbia University in 1971. I studied international relations and a little Japanese. After graduation I worked for a small import-export company in New York. I was with their salesforce for about five years. Then, in 1976, I began working for Yamashita, a Japanese company. I am currently with their head office in Tokyo. My responsibility is to begin the export of industrial robots to North America. I live in Tokyo and I’m married to a Japanese woman. We have a child, a son. I enjoy playing golf and tennis but I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of spare time.
I graduated from Stanford University in 1973. I studied electrical engineering. After graduation I went to work for a company in San Francisco for two years. Then in 1976 I went back to school and I got my MBA. In 1978 went to work for Advanced Technologies Incorporated. It’s my responsibility to help cut the production costs for a new factory that’s going to be built near San Francisco. I want to increase the use of industrial robots, to cut costs and improve productivity. I am divorced and I have no children. I enjoy playing golf, when I have the time.
Travel / traveled Fly / flew Visit / visited Attend / attended Meet / met Give / gave Have/ had Play / played Write / wrote Send / sent What did he do? Where did he travel? Did he play golf? He attended the trade show. He did not travel to Slovakia. He didn´t play footbal.
elastic elasticity flexible flexibility brittle brittleness tough toughness hard hardness soft softness good/bad conductor conductivity insulator Properties of engineering materials
. a point –––––––– a straight line an angle a diagonal line –––––––– a horizontal line –––––––– parallel lines a curved line a vertical line One-dimensional shapes
The letter E has one vertical line and three horisontal lines. It also has four angles.Which of the following letters are described below?D M C H F L Z B • A letter with 2 horisontal lines and 1 vertical line. • A letter with 1 curved line and no straight lines. • A letter with 2 curved lines and 1 vertical line. • A letter with 2 paralel vertical lines, 1 horisontal line and 4 angles. • A letter with 2 vertical lines and 2 diagonal lines.
Two-dimensional shapes a circle a triangle a square a rectangle a semicircle
Three-dimensional shapes a cube a cylinder a rectangular prism a hemisphere a cone a sphere
Shapes and dimensions OVER UNDER ON IN FRONT OF BEHIND
Rules for using gas welding equipment • Use dark goggles or a handshield. • Never use compressed gas cylinders for working on. • Do not put oil or grease on oxygen valves or fittings. • Keep hose lines out of gangways. • Do not let cylinders get hot. • Keep fire extinguishing equipment near you.
7. Make sure there is nothing near you that burns easily. • Do not lift cylinders by their valves and fittings. • Use screens to protect other people from glare. • Never handle a hot workpiece. • Store cylinders so that they cannot move. • Return equipment to the right place when you finish.
The man is lifting cylinders bytheirvalves. There is petrol near the welding area. .................................................................. The man isn't wearing glasses. The man is welding so close to cylinders. Equipment is not in the right place. The man is handling a hot workpiece.
Never smoke in the toilets. Never store your bag above your head. Do not use a radio inside the aircraft. Always fasten the seat belt on take-off and landing. Do not blow up your life-jacket inside the aircraft. Always know where the exits are.
Numbers and numeral operations ADDITION 10 + 5 = 15 One plus five equals (to) fifteen. One plus five is equal to fifteen. SUBTRACTION 21 – 13 = 8 Twenty-one minus thirteen equals (to) eight. Twenty-one minus thirteen is equal to eight.
MULTIPLICATION a x b = c „A“ multiplied by „b“ equals (to) „c“. „A“ multiplied by „b“ is equal to „c“. DIVISION c : b = a „C“ divided by „b“ equals (to) „a“. „C“divided by „b“ is equal to „a“. ▼ EQUATION
NON-EQUATION a ≠ b „A“ does not equal (to) „b“. „A“ is not equal to „b“. a > b „A“ is greater than „b“. b < a „B“ is less than „a“.
DECIMAL NUMBERS 142.7129 one hundred and forty-two point seven one two nine 0.036 (nought) point nought three six FRACTIONS ½ one half ¼ one quarter ¾ three quarters ⅛ one eighth ⅜ three eighths a+b a plus b over three 3
POWER-TAKING a2 a squared a3 a cubed a4 a to the fourth/ to the power four an a to the nth/ a to the power n ROOT-TAKING √athe square root of a 3√athe cube root of a 4√athe fourth root of a
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava
Faculties 1. Faculty of Civil Engineering 2. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 3. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 4. Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology 5. Faculty of Architecture 6. Faculty of Materials Science and Technology
Departments Department of Applied Mechanics Department of Engineering Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Environmental and Safety Engineering Department of Forming Department of Foundry Department of Humane Sciences Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Department of Information Technology and Automation Department of Languages Department of Machining and Assembly Department of Materials Engineering Department of Mathematics Department of Non-Metallic Materials Department of Physical Education and Sports Department of Physics Department of Quality Engineering Department of Technological Devices and Systems Department of Welding
Bachelor degree courses (3 years) • Machine Production Technology • Technological Devices and Systems • Materials Engineering • Environmental Engineering • Information Technology and Automation in Industry • Industrial Engineering and Management • Production Quality Engineering • Safety Technology 2. Master of Science degree courses (2 years)