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Trench Warefare in Battles

Trench Warefare in Battles. The Battle of Verdun The Battle of the Somme. What is a “Battle of Attrition?”. “Bleed the Enemy White” Meaning: wear down the enemy with continuous pressure so that they surrender no matter what the cost. The Battle of Verdun.

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Trench Warefare in Battles

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  1. Trench Warefare in Battles The Battle of Verdun The Battle of the Somme

  2. What is a “Battle of Attrition?” • “Bleed the Enemy White” • Meaning: wear down the enemy with continuous pressure so that they surrender no matter what the cost

  3. The Battle of Verdun February 21st – December 18th, 1916

  4. Where the Battle Occurred • Fort of Verdun • Extreme significance to French • Heavy French fortification • In short, it was of greater value symbolically than strategically.

  5. What happened • Feb. to Dec. • Germany offensive of French lines • Germany gained land • French fight back to regain land • Result: • French casualties - 550,000 • German casualties - 434,000 • ½ of total were fatalities.  • The only real effect of the battle was the irrevocable wounding of both armies.  • No tactical or strategic advantage had been gained by either side.

  6. The Battle of the Somme July 1st – November 18th, 1916

  7. Where did it Occur

  8. What happened • Britain bombarded Germany for 8 days end - June 28, 1916 • Walked across lines to see what little was left of Germany • Germany was ready

  9. Result of 1st Day • Loss of 58,000 British troops (one third of them killed) on the first day of the battle • Became the Greatest loss in British military history

  10. Battle of Somme(Some) • “Big Push” attack across river Somme by British • Huge Failure: • Soldiers didn’t follow orders • Artillery didn’t dislodge German wire • Didn’t destroy machine-gun posts • Biggest slaughters in military history

  11. Result of Battle • Ended mid-Nov. • 420,000 British casualties • 200,000 French casualties.  • 500,000 German Casualties • All for the British and French gain of 12 kilometres of ground

  12. Battle for Belleau Wood (Below Wood) “Beautiful Water” • First US Marines in WWI combat - 4 June 1918 • 5 June 1918 Marines assist French forces • Retreating Frenchman advise Marines to retreat. Capt Lloyd Williams replies “Retreat, hell. We just got here.” • Marines pick off Germans at 800 yards • 200 yds considered far to Germans

  13. Dan Daly • “Come on you sons of bitches. Do you want to live forever?” • Double medal of honor winner • 26 June US victory • Devil Dog • Title given Marines by Germans • “TeufelHunden”

  14. 200,000 to 10 mill by June 5, 24 mill by ‘18 Selective Service Act 9 mth training 6 in U.S./ 2 in Europe & 1 mth on the Front Black Regiments (369th) Harlem Hell Fighters Very Patriotic Attitude by “Everyone Doing There Duty” Military Mobilizes

  15. Edward V. Rickenbacker (ace) • Sgt. Alvin York (Army) 1918 battles • 2nd Battle of Marne - STOP Germans • Meusse-Argonne Battle – Major Allied Offensive • NO More Major German Offensives to win the war • Allied Blockade “starves & weakens Germany

  16. 2nd Battle of the Marne • German last great offensive • No Russia, all troops to the west • Win the war before America could enter • Over 250,000 Americans enter France each week • Counter-Attack Germany • Germany knows they can’t win, begin peace talks

  17. Nov. 3, 1918 Austria-Hungary Surrenders • German sailors mutinied • Soldiers & Workers form “Revolutionary Councils” – Communist • November 11, 1918 (at 11am) ARMISTICE (Cease Fire) “All Quiet on the Western Front”

  18. World War I Casualties • Allies Central Powers Military Dead ……….4,889,000 …….3,132,000 Military Wounded ….12,809,000 …….8,420,000 TotalCasualties17,698,00011,552,000 • - 29,250,000 -

  19. What Kind of Peace Treaty?“Do we want Peace or Revenge” • Practical Politics v. Wilson’s “Idealism” • The BIG FOUR • (F) Clemenceau “lived through 2 attacks by Germany – Make Sure CAN’T happen again” • (E) Lloyd George “make Germany PAY” • (US) Wilson – create lasting Peace • (I) Orlando • Results of the “Treaty of Versailles” Germany France

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