A B C D E F MoL #33472 Supplemental Fig.3 Supplemental Figure 3. The metabolism of L-OddC and dFdC of Panc-1 cells under the normoxic and hypoxic conditions (1% O2, 5% CO2, 94% N2). Cells pre-treated under the hypoxic condition for 24h were incubated with [3H]L-OddC at 500nM (2Ci/mmole) for desired time and [3H]dFdC at 500nM (2Ci/mmole) for desired time. 15% TCA was used to precipitate macromolecules in the cells, the L-OddC, L-OddCMP, L-OddCDP, dFdC, dFdCMP, dFdCDP in the TCA soluble fraction were separated by HPLC (A-F). The rest of the procedures were as described in Materials and Methods.