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Nervous system And sense organs

Nervous system And sense organs. Neur/o,i. Nervous System,Nervous tissue. Neuroallergy Neurology Neuroarthropathy. Allergy in nervous system The branch of medical science concerned with the various nervous systems

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Nervous system And sense organs

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  1. Nervous system And sense organs

  2. Neur/o,i Nervous System,Nervous tissue Neuroallergy Neurology Neuroarthropathy Allergy in nervous system The branch of medical science concerned with the various nervous systems Any disease of joint structures associated with disease of the nervous system.

  3. Neurosurgery Neuroblast Angioneuropathy Angioneurotomy Dermatoneurosis Surgery of the nervous system An immature nerve cell A vascular disorder attributed to an abnormality of the autonomic nervous system fibers supplying the blood vessels Incision of both nerves and vessels of a part Any cutaneous eruption due to emotional stimuli

  4. Neurocardiac Neurocranium Neurodermatitis Neuralgia Neuroplasty Relating to the cardiac neurosis Those bones of the cranium enclosing the brain as distinguished from the bones of the face A chronic lichenified skin lesion localized or disseminated The pain of nervous tissue Surgery of the nerves usually signifying more than neurorrhaphy

  5. Gli/o Neuroglia Glial Angiogliomatosis Glioma Gliomatosis Pertaining to neuroglia Occurrence of multiple areas of proliferating capillaries and neuroglia or a condition of multiple angiogliomas A tumor composed of tissue which represent neuroglia in any one of its stages of development Diffuse formation of gliomas

  6. Gangli/o , Ganglion/o Ganglion Ganglia Ganglioma Ganglionitis Polyganglionic Gangliectomy Plural of ganglion Tumor of a ganglion Inflammation of a gnaglion Containing or involving many ganglia Surgical removal of ganglion

  7. Mening/o meninge/o meninges Meningocele Meningo-osteophlebitis Meningocephalopathy Meningorrhagia Hernia of the meninges Inflammation of the veins of the periosteum Disorder affecting the meninges and the brain Hemorrhage into or beneath the cerebral or spinal meninges

  8. Myel/o Spinal cord (also bone marrow) Hematomyelia Encephalomyeloneuropathy Myelalgia Myeloblastemia Myelorrhaphy Hemorrhage into the spinal cord A disease involving the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves Pain in the spinal cord The presence of myeloblasts in the circulating blood Suture of a wound of the spinal cord

  9. Radicul/o Spinal nerve root Any disease of spinal nerve root Congenital maldevelopment of the spinal cord and spinal nerve roots Inflammation of roots and ganglion Radiculopathy Myeloradiculodysplasia Radliculoganglionitis

  10. RoOts for the Brain

  11. Encephal/o Brain Absence of the brain The record obtained by means of electreencephalograph An instrument for performing electroencephalography The recording of the electric currents developed in the brain Headache Anencephaly Electroencephalogram Electeroencephalograph Electreencephalography Encephalodynia

  12. Examination of the brain Dissection or incision of the brain Inflammation of the gray matter of the brain and spinal cord The presence of one or more cavities in the brain Enlargement of the brain Encephaloscopy Encephalotomy Polioencephalomyelitis Porencephaly Megaloencephaly

  13. Cerebr/o Cerebrum The sum of knowledge regarding the brain Below the cerebrum Related to the brain and spinal cord Incision of the brain Any disease of the cerebrum cerebrology Infracerebral Cerebrospinal Cerebrotomy Cerebrosis

  14. Cortic/o Cerebral cortex,outer portion Pertaining to the cerebral cortex and spinal cord Cortical and medial Pertaining to cortex and thalamus Inflammation of the visceral pulmonary pleura Corticospinal Corticomedial Corticothalamic Corticopleuritis

  15. Cerebell/o Cerebellum Above the cerebellum Relating to the cerebellum and the medulla oblongata Relating to the cerebellum and pons Relating to the connections of the cerebellum with the red nucleus Supracerebellar Cerebellomedullary Cerebellopontine Cerebellorubral

  16. Thalam/o Thalamus Thalamotomy Thalamocortical Incision of the thalamus Relating to the efferent connections of the thalamus with the cerebral cortex

  17. Ventricul/o Cavity,ventricle Within a ventricle An endoscope for examining the cerebral ventricles and for cauterizing the choroid plexus Insertion of a needle into a ventricle Intraventricular Ventriculoscope Ventriculopuncture

  18. Medull/o Medulla oblongata (also spinal cord) Pertaining to the medulla Medullary

  19. Psych/o Mind Originiating in the mind Psychology in its relation to medicine Production of a symptom or illness by psychic Pertaining to or within the purview of psychiatry Pertaining to mind-body relationship Psychogenic Medicopsychology Psychogenesis Psychiatric Psychosomatic

  20. Narc/o Stupor,unconsciousness State of stupor it used by drugs Production of insensibility to pain by the use of electral current Narcosis Electronarcosis

  21. Somn/o,i Sleep Sleepyness Inability to sleep A condition in which sleep periods are excessively long Causing sleep Disturbance of normal sleep or rhythm pattern Somnolense Insomnia Hypersomnia Somnifacient Dyssomnia

  22. Suffixes for the nervous system

  23. Derm/o Dermat/o Skin Dermabrasion Dermatopathy Dermophlebitis Dermovascular Dermoidectomy Surgical procedure used to resurface the skin and remove imperfections Any disease of the skin Inflammation of the superficial veins and the surroundings skin Pertaining to the blood vessels of the skin Surgical removal of a dermoid cyst

  24. Trich/o Hair Hairy tongue Fungal infection of the hair Having black hair Pain in the root of hair A less than normal amount of hair on the head and/or body Glossotrichia Trichomycosis Melanotrichous Trichodynia Hypotrichosis

  25. Kerat/o Keratin,horny layer of the skin Keratinous Dyskeratosis Keratoderma Containing keratin;horny A disorder of keratinization A generalized thickening of the horny layer of the epidermis

  26. Melan/o Dark,Black,Melanin Small cellular body that produces melanin Blackening of the lung tissue Black tongue Formation of melanin A cell derived from the neural crest Melanosome Pneumomelanosis Melanoglossia Melanogenesis Melanoblast

  27. Hidr/o Sweat,Perspiration Absence of sweating A rare condition charactrized by the excretion of sweat containing pigment The production and excretion of sweat Anhidrosis Chromhidrosis Hidrosis

  28. Seb/o Sebum,Sebaceous gland Excess flow of sebum Seborrhea

  29. Onych/o Nail Inflammation of the nail and nail bed Breaking of the nails An instrument for recording the capillary blood pressure as shown by the circulation under the nail Resembling a finger nail in structure or form Study of the nails Onychia Onychoclasis Onychograph Onychoid Onychology

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