Beginning this week all level two students in the 9th grade Wonder Curriculum are reading a novel selected by the second period enrichment teacher. Each teacher is to choose a novel, create lessons, and have them available for the other teachers should they wish to use them for their next novel. I have chosen Ray Bradbury’s Illustrated Man. I chose this novel for several reasons. First, he uses neologisms – newly created words. I think perhaps these created words might stretch them to think below the surface of the text’s vocabulary. Also, many of the students in my school have tattoos or are planning to get tattoos. I thought this collection of short stories might grab and hold their attention. Also, Bradbury uses many juxtapositions. Students may enjoy finding them and using them for discussion points. Students will still be using the “Facebook Status” Sheet to update their independent reading on– attached (I forgot to upload it last week). This is a four day lesson plan for including introduction to the Illustrated Man, Ray Bradbury, and The Veldt. The Veldt is to be read to the class. Teacher to model fluency, inflection, and correct grammar.