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While making or revising their declaration of capability, the generator shall ensure that their declared capability during peak hours is not less than that during other hours. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES. Capability Declaration during Peak hours:. ABT Schedule-I Para 3 (iii) (Page iii).

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  1. While making or revising their declaration of capability, the generator shall ensure that their declared capability during peak hours is not less than that during other hours. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Capability Declaration during Peak hours: ABT Schedule-I Para 3 (iii) (Page iii)

  2. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Generation beyond DC The generating units operating at about 100% of their MCR shall be capable of (and shall not be prevented from ) going at least up to 105% of their MCR when frequency falls suddenly. IEGC Chapter-6, Para 6.2(g) (Page 6.2)

  3. ABT Schedule-I Para 4(ii) (Page v) SOC for Thermal Stations shall be the DC, with all before-the-fact revisions / updating. The declared capacity shall not exceed the installed capacity. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Generation beyond DC

  4. In case it is observed that the declaration of its capability by the generator is on lower side and the actual generation is more than DC, then UI charges due to the generator on account of such extra generation shall be reduced to zero and the amount shall be credited towards UI account of beneficiaries in the ratio of their capacity share in the station. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Generation beyond DC ABT Schedule-1 Para-6 (Page vi)

  5. In case of gas turbine / combined cycle stations, the generator shall give DC for units / modules on gas fuel and DC for units / modules on liquid fuel separately. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Separate Schedules for Gas/Liquid ABT Schedule-I Para 4 (Note 1) (Page v)

  6. RLDC may direct the SLDCs/ ISGS to increase/decrease their drawal / generation in case of contingencies e.g. overloading of lines / transformers, abnormal voltages, threat to system security. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Revision of Schedules initiated by RLDCs IEGC Chapter-7 Para 7.4.9 (Page-7.3)

  7. RLDC may revise the schedule in the interest of better system operation w.e.f 4th time block. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Revision of Schedules initiated by RLDCs ABT Schedule-1 Para-3(xv)

  8. Revision of declared capability by generator (s) and requisition by beneficiary(ies) for the remaining period of the day will also be permitted with advance notice. Revised schedules / declared capability in such cases shall become effective from the 6th time block, counting the time block in which the request for revision has been received in RLDC to be the first one. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Revision of schedules at the request of Generators/States ABT Schedule-1 Para (xiv) (Page (iv)

  9. While finalising the above daily generation schedules for the ISGS, RLDC shall ensure that the same are operationally reasonable, particularly in terms of ramping-up/ramping- down rates and the ratio between minimum and maximum generation levels. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Ramping-up/Ramping-down IEGC Chapter-7 Para 7.5.7 (Page 7.5)

  10. The Regional Load Despatch Centre may give such directions and exercise such supervision and control as may be required for ensuring integrated grid operations and for achieving the maximum economy and efficiency in the operation of the power system in the region under its control ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Integrated Grid Operations and Economey IEGC Chapter-2 Para 2.2. (2) (Page 2-1)

  11. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Integrated Grid Operations and Economey The primary objective of integrated operation of the Regional grids is to enhance the overall operational economy and reliability of the entire electric power network spread over the geographical area of the interconnected States. Participant utilities shall co-operate with each other and adopt Good Utility Practice at all times for satisfactory and beneficial operation of the Regional grid. IEGC Chapter-6 Para 6.1 (a) (Page 6-1)

  12. IEGC Chapter 2 Para2.6(1) (Page 2-4) Subject to the provisions of sub-section 55(3) of the Act, State Load Despatch Centre in a State may give such directions and exercise such supervision and control as may be required for ensuring the integrated grid operations and for achieving the maximum economy and efficiency in the operation of the power system in that State. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Integrated Grid Operations and Economey

  13. The system of each State shall be treated and operated as a notional (flexible) control area. The summation of scheduled drawal from ISGS and any bilateral inter-change shall provide the drawal schedule of each State, and this shall be determined in advance on daily basis. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Integrated Grid Operations and Economey IEGC Chapter-7 Para 7.4 (2) (Page 7-2)

  14. The Regional grids shall be operated as loose power pools in which the States shall have full operational autonomy, and SLDCs shall have the total responsibility for- i) scheduling / despatching their own generation (including the generation of their captive licensees), (ii) regulating the demand of their customers, (iii) scheduling their drawal from the ISGS (within their shares in the respective plant’s capability), (iv) arranging any bilateral interchanges, and (v) regulating their net drawal from the regional grid as per agreed guidelines. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Integrated Grid Operations and Economey IEGC Chapter-7 Para 7.4 (1) (Page 7-1)

  15. Based on the requisitions given by the beneficiaries and taking into account technical limitations on varying the generation and also taking into account transmission system constraints, if any, RLDC shall prepare the economically optimal generation schedules. ABT / IEGC CLAUSES Integrated Grid Operations and Economey ABT Schedule Para 3 (vi) (Page iii)

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