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A Quest for Heroes 2013 - 15. Ferenc Liszt. József Gregor Általános Iskola. Ferenc Liszt. He was born on October 22, 1811 in a small village called Doborján – today it belongs to Austria and is called Raiding. A Hero , who didn ’t speak Hungarian ,
A QuestforHeroes 2013 - 15 Ferenc Liszt József Gregor Általános Iskola
Ferenc Liszt He wasbornonOctober 22, 1811 in a smallvillagecalled Doborján – todayitbelongstoAustria and is calledRaiding. A Hero, whodidn’t speakHungarian, butwasproudto be Hungarian.
Liszt's father played the piano, violin, cello and guitar. • He began teaching Ferenc the piano at age seven. • Ferenc began composing in an elementary manner when he was eight.
Healso appeared in concerts. • His public debut in Vienna on December 1, 1822was a great success. He was greeted in Austrian and Hungarian aristocratic circles and also met Beethoven and Schubert.
While he wasinItalyin 1838, he heardaboutthe Great Floodin Pest. • He immediatelytravelledtoVienna and gave 8 concertstocollectmoneyforthevictims. • Itwasthenwhen he ralizedhewasHungarian.
He used 75% of hisconcertincomeforcharity. • He financedthefoundation and building of theAcademyof Music in Budapest where he taught piano for free.
He is a European hero, becausehis life and musicsymbolizesgeneral human values andunity.
He is a Hungarianhero, because, he didnothesitatetospendtime and moneytohelpthepeopleandthe country.
The AustralianLeslie Howard recordedall Liszt’s piano concerts. Ittook 15 years and the 94-piece-CD collectionearned a placeinthe Guinness Book of Records.