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Studying Microfinance & its Impacts (or Lack Thereof): What Next?

This talk by Jonathan Zinman explores the impacts, mechanisms, and methodologies in studying microfinance. Covering innovative market field experiments and discussing the lack of empirical evidence, it delves into the interplay between theory, practice, and empirical tests. Key issues such as measuring impacts, underlying mechanisms, and market failures are highlighted, providing insights on how microfinance decisions affect households and financial markets. The presentation emphasizes the importance of generating clean evidence derived from field experiments to gain a deeper understanding of the microfinance sector.

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Studying Microfinance & its Impacts (or Lack Thereof): What Next?

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  1. Studying Microfinance & its Impacts (or Lack Thereof):What Next? Jonathan Zinman Federal Reserve Bank of NY* Microfinance Mini-Conference NYU April 28th, 2005 * Views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Federal Reserve System or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

  2. Overview of Talk • Quick intro to “market field experiments” • The billion (trillion?) dollar question…. IMPACTS? • Related, underlying mechanisms • Methodology Issues re: field experiments • Interplay with other methodologies • Interplay between theory, practice, empirical tests

  3. Opening Credits:Market Field Experiments • Most of themes, projects discussed here stem from joint work with Dean Karlan (Princeton/Yale) • What we’ve been doing: • Designing “market field experiments” to address key questions • Including some deep theoretical ones that get to the very fundamentals of consumer choice and market transactions • Finding financial institutions willing to implement randomized-control designs as part of their day-to-day operations • Working with institutions to implement experimental protocols subject to operational constraints • This type of partnership between academics and firms is novel, especially in a market setting

  4. What Do We Know About Microfinance Impacts? • Very little scientific evidence about the “Promise” (Morduch) of beneficial impacts on individuals, markets, society • Theory and practice far ahead of convincing empirical evidence

  5. Measuring Impacts: Key Issues • Better, “cleaner” methodologies that can isolate causality are key • Example: Karlan-Zinman (ongoing) working with lenders in Manila and South Africa to randomly assign credit to marginal applicants • Define and measure impacts broadly • KZ follow-up surveys collect data on health and mental health (e.g., stress levels), school attendance, and employment status • Focus on the marginal borrower • I.e., at least as important to contemplate expansions of MFI activity as it is to justify existing activity • Benchmark any impacts against alternative (social) investments • I.e., can’t ignore opportunity cost of allocating resources to microfinance

  6. Mechanisms Underlying Impacts (or lack thereof) • Theme: too little evidence on the micro decisions and markets that determine whether microfinance, properly designed will have positive impacts • Field experiments can help generate evidence

  7. Mechanism #1: Household/consumer choice How do (poor) households make (financial) decisions? Examples of key questions (& related current research): • Response to incentives? • (KZ on information asymmetries) • Response to intertemporal tradeoffs • (DMM; KZ on price and term elasticities of demand for microcredit) • Importance, or lack thereof, of “behavioral” or “psychological” factors, bounded rationality; i.e., do folks make the “right” decision? • Dehejia talk today? • BKMSZ: powerful, but not totally predictable, effect of non-price cues, frames, and suggestions on credit demand

  8. Mechanism #2: How do financial markets work, or not? • Lots of theory (e.g., on adverse selection and moral hazard) • Lots of practice • Little clean evidence on specific failures • Even best (more macro) work on the finance-growth nexus is very reduced-form: • Looks at symptoms of financial frictions rather than diagnosing specific problems • Particularly true of information asymmetries • Chiappori and Salanie (2000 survey article) • Nobel Committee citation for 2001 Prize

  9. Mechanism #2: New evidence on specific market failures • Adverse selection and moral hazard among primary theoretical, anecdotal motivations for microfinance • Little evidence on their real-world import • Not for lack of effort, just a thorny methodological problem • KZ 2005 designs a rich market field experiment to disentangle • 3 dimensions of interest rate variation • Finds evidence of both problems

  10. Interplay Between Field Experiments & Other Methodologies • Field Experiments not a panacea, but complement to other methodologies: • Strengths: • Clean evidence derived from “gold standard” methodology of behavioral sciences • Large stakes • Natural setting • Weaknesses: • Expensive • Less control than, e.g., lab • External Validity

  11. Example of Methodology Interplay in Karlan-Zinman work • Playing “games” (lab techniques) to see if we can replicate key findings from market experiment on information asymms • Market experiment on info problems built in a test/comparison to standard (non-experimental) econometric approaches

  12. Interplay Between Field Experiments, Theory, and Practice • New evidence is generating challenges for theorists, practitioners. Some examples: • Relationships between credit, savings, and insurance • Gender pattern in KZ on information asymmetries: women selecting, and men behaving, badly? • Optimal mechanism program/design (with more evidence on impacts, decisions, markets) • Optimal program marketing • New “behavioral” findings • Use methodology for high-freq. calibration relatively cheap • Field experiments can be used to evaluate existing programs

  13. Take-Aways • Humility and hope • We know little in a scientific sense, but we’re learning a lot • Market field experiments can help answer key unresolved questions • Cooperation between researchers and practitioners absolutely critical • Field experimentation can then feed back into other, complementary methodologies • And then into program/product design and marketing

  14. What Have we Learned from Interest Rate Randomizations? Re: Question #1 (Decision-Making) • Intertemporal tradeoffs: these borrowers are price-elastic on average, but: • Demand curves are relatively flat (contra recent evidence from US showing price elasticities > |1| • Elasticity is decreasing in income • Female borrowers are more elastic than males • They are more elastic with respect term (a la Attanasio, Goldberg & Kyriadzidou 2004) • See KZ 2005 on Demand Curves and Credit Constraints (new draft soon)

  15. What Have we Learned from Interest Rate Randomizations? Re: Question 2. How financial markets work: • Evidence that both adverse selection and moral hazard matter: • But surprising pattern by gender: only female borrowers exhibit adverse selection, only male borrowers moral hazard • Not necessarily gender per se • Effects are large where present • 20% of defaults • Effects are consistent with “relationships” mitigating information problems • But: functional form (power) issues

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