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Ephesians 3:14-21. 1. What kind of strength does Paul pray for in verses 16 and 17 ? Strength in their inner being 2. As our spirits are strengthened, we come to know Christ’s love more and more and we grow in power. What kind of power is Paul referring to ?
1. What kind of strength does Paul pray for in verses 16 and 17? • Strength in their inner being • 2. As our spirits are strengthened, we come to know Christ’s love more and more and we grow in power. What kind of power is Paul referring to? • The power to know God’s love and blessings.
3. Paul asks that God would fill us with his fullness. This does not mean we become gods. What is God’s fullness? • Filled with all the good things God’s wants for us • 4. Paul introduced his prayer by saying that he knelt before God the Father. Kneeling is a good custom because it reminds us that we are God’s servants who humbly come before the King with our prayers. Certainly it’s not necessary to kneel when we pray. How can we be sure to “mentally” kneel every time we pray? • Approach the Lord in humility. He owes us nothing. He does not need us.
6. Share a time when you prayed and the Lord gave you far more than you prayed for. • Answers will vary
Ephesians 4:1-16 • 1. What qualities does Paul list in verses 2 and 3? How do these qualities help the church maintain peace and unity as it goes about doing its work in this world? • Humility, gentleness, patience. • If we put others ahead of ourselves things always go better. • 2. What unites us? (verses 4,5) • The Holy Spirit through the Word of God
3. What are some gifts God gave the church? (verse 11) • List of jobs. • 5. Paul says that the work of pastors is to “prepare God’s people for works of service” (verse 12). What challenges do a congregation’s leaders have when trying to “prepare God’s people for works of service.”? • Answers will vary
6. What are the challenges associated with “speaking the truth in love”? (verse 15) • The “love” part is tough
Ephesians 4:17-32 • 1. Focus on Paul’s description of the unbeliever. Does this describe the world today? • Yes • 2. What does it mean, specifically, that truth is found “in Jesus”? (verse 21) How can we prepare ourselves to do this in a “postmodern” world? (Postmodern/Post-Christian are terms used by sociologists to describe the current culture in America. The outstanding characteristics of this culture is the idea that: there is no real truth, only individual truth.) • Answers will vary
3. Use verses 25-32 to give advice to a young couple about to be married. List three. Then do the same for a middle aged couple who is about to be married. It is the second marriage of both.
4. Putting off the Old Self is resisting temptation and avoiding sin. Putting on the New Self is doing what God wants us to do, even if it is difficult. How can a congregation teach this to a new couple who is new to Christianity? • Answers will vary • 5. What is the secret to “forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you”? • Keep going back to the cross of Christ.