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Poetry. By : Karlee Post Mrs. Willis. I’M NOBODY! WHO ARE YOU?. I’m nobody! Who are you? Are you---nobody---too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! They’d advertise-know! How dreary—to be—somebody! How public— like a frog — simile

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Poetry By: Karlee Post Mrs. Willis

  2. I’M NOBODY! WHO ARE YOU? • I’m nobody! Who are you? • Are you---nobody---too? • Then there’s a pair of us! • Don’t tell! They’d advertise-know! • How dreary—to be—somebody! • How public—like a frog— simile • To tell one’s name– thee livelong June— • To an admiring bog! repition

  3. The moon is tired? PERSONIFICATION • Is the moon tired? She looks so pale within her misty veil: • She scales from the sky east to west • And takes no rest • Before the coming of the night • The moon shows papery white; • Before the dawning of the day • She fades away

  4. Mooses • the goofy moose, the walking frame, is lost in the forest. • He bumps, he blunders, he stands. • With massy bony thoughts sticking out near his ears reaching out palms upwards, to catch whatever might be falling from heaven • He tries to think, leaning huge weight on lectern of his front legs. • He can’t find the world! • Where did it go? What does a world look like? • The moose crashes on, and crashes into a lake and stares at the mountain and cries “where do I belong? this is no place!” • He turns out and drags the lake out after him and charges the cackling air brush-------- • he meets another moose. He stares, he thinks ”It’s only a mirror!” Where is the world? O my lost world! And why am I so ugly? And why am I so far away from my feet? • He weeps. Hopeless drops drip from his droopy lips. The other just stands there doing the same. Tow dopes deep into the woods. ALLITERATION HYPERBOLE

  5. Fog metaphor • The fog comes from on little cat feet. It sits over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.

  6. WORK CITED • Poet: Emily Dickinson • Poem: I’m Nobody! Who Are You? • Published: 1955 • Book: Holt McDougal Literature • Site: Google • Poet: Ted Hughes • Poem: Mooses • Published: 1981 • Book: Holt McDougal Literature • Site: Google • Poet: Christina Rossetti • Poem: Is The Moon Tired? • Published:1929 • Book: Holt McDougal Literature • Site: Google • Poet: Carl Sandburg • Poem: Fog • Published: 1953 • Book: Holt McDougal literature • Site: Google

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