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54. 53. Society. Society. Q: Qu ot e a F r en c h t ra d i t i o n al s o n g . Q: What i s t h e n ame o f t h e fam o u s d a n c e we l l - kn o wn i n o u r re gi o n : t h e marsh o f t h e N o r t h - West Ve nd ée ?.
54 53 Society Society Q:QuoteaFrenchtraditionalsong. Q:Whatisthename ofthefamousdance well-knowninourregion:themarshof theNorth-West Vendée? A:« auclairdelalune»,« surlePontd’Avignon»,« FrèresJacques»….. A:the«maraichine». 55 56 Society Society Q:WhenthegaymarriagehasbeenauthorizedinFrance(monthandyear)? Q:HowmanydivorcescomparedwiththenumberofmarriagesinFrance? A:inMay2013. A:1divorcefor3marriages. Society Society 58 57 Q:What doweeatatthe traditionalFrenchfeastcalled“lachandeleur”? Q:InFrancehowisalso called the traditionalfeastEpiphany? A:Pancakes. A:Thedays ofthekings. 59 60 Society Society Q:At Easter,inFrance,whatdowesearchforinthegardens? Q:WhatisthelowestincomeinFrance,underwhichpeopleareconsideredaspoor? A:Wesearchforchocolateeggsinthegardens. A:Incomeslower than814euros.
62 61 Society Society Q:What are theunemploymentratesinFranceand intheEurozone? Q:HowmuchInFrancewinatleastinpercentagewomencomparedwiththemen? A:10%forEuroZone;inFrance,10,9%at theendof2013. A:25%less thanmen. 63 64 Society Society Q:QuoteaFrench gastronomicspeciality. Q:What is the “trounormand”?? A:Analcohol hardlymadewithapplesandservedinthemiddle of themeal. A:Stuffedsnails,frogslegs. Society Society 66 65 Q:What is thename oftheEmploymentagencyinFrance? Q:Quotea typicalcheesemadeinNormandy. A:PoleEmploi. A:The“Camembert”. 67 68 Society Society Q:Whatis thepercentageofyoungunemployedinFrance? Q:OnwhatageayoungpersoncanworkinFrance? A:24%approximately. A:16years old.
70 69 Society Society Q:Whatis secularisminFrance? Q:Whatis thestatutorytimeoftheworkaweek? A:ThePrincipe of theseparationofchurchesandtheState. A:35hoursperweek.