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DIAMOND University Consortium Welcome to the DIAMOND WP2 Meeting Loughborough University Wednesday 6 th April 2011. Welcome and Introduction. Work Package 2: Decommissioning, the Historic Legacy and Site Termination. Visitor Safety Information. Work Programme.
DIAMOND University Consortium Welcome to the DIAMOND WP2 MeetingLoughborough UniversityWednesday 6th April 2011
Welcome and Introduction Work Package 2: Decommissioning, the Historic Legacy and Site Termination • Visitor Safety Information
Work Programme Cluster 2.3.1: Technology for Decommissioning – Analysis of Key Radionuclides in Decommissioning of Nuclear Sites – Numerical and Physical Modelling of an Impinging Jet on a Settled Bed – Anion Exchange Materials for Radiochemical Applications – Designing Wasteforms for Technetium Cluster 2.3.2:Characterisation, Retrieval and Treatment of Waste – In Situ Waste Characterisation – Colloidal Interaction During Sedimentation and Filtration – Combined Microfiltration and Ion Exchange – Integrated Processing Method for Management of Orphan Waste Materials Cluster 2.3.3: Site Termination – Contaminated Land and Radioactive Waste Scenarios in Legacy Sites – Flow and Settling Behaviour of Low Concentration Heavy Particles – Sensor for Monitoring In Situ Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater
DIAMOND Conference 2010 Museum Of Science and Industry (MOSI) Similar format to 2009111 delegates 5 presentations from industry - Sellafield Ltd- NNL- NDA- Costain- Nuclear Technologies
DIAMOND Conference 2010 Poster session from all researchers Sponsorship from 12 companies Exhibit area with 10 stands NDA sponsored best oral and poster PhD presentation: Poster Marijana Dragosavac (Loughborough University - Richard Holdich supervisor) Oral Thorsten Stechert (Imperial College London - Robin Grimes supervisor)
Industrial Steering Committee Report to DIAMOND Industrial Steering Committee, University of Leeds, 24th February 2011: Projects are now maturing - some entering final year Most of projects in WP2 making good progress, although some will extend beyond nominal end date Raised some technical highlights: Technology for Decommissioning: Analysis of Key Radionuclides in Decommissioning, David Douglas / Barry Sharp, Loughborough Novel laser ablation technique and ICP mass spec Working with NERC Isotope Geosciences Laboratory Increased sensitivity and detection limits for radionuclides New Wave Research have proposed a KTP Characterisation, Retrieval and Treatment of Waste: In Situ Waste Characterisation, Tim Hunter / Jeff Peakall and Simon Biggs, Leeds Ultrasonic velocity profiling demonstrated Acoustic backscatter system demonstrated to measure concentrations Erosion of cohesionless sediments may be predictable NNL interested in use of UVP and ABS on in-house simulants Contacts made with SME concerning use of techniques
Industrial Steering Committee Positive comments from industry regarding impact Journal publications ~20 in the past year Conferences and international workshop participation Work proposed at NNL active facilities Secondments: J. O’Neill (Imperial) – ACTINET grant for 3 month secondment to ITU, Karlsruhe J. O’Neill (Imperial) – Beamtine at ANKA beamline N. Cassingham (Sheffield) – 4 month secondment to PNNL M. Stennett, N. Hyatt (Sheffield) – Beamline Development Proposal for hard XAS / XRD beamline at NSLS-II approved Oct 2010. Beamline Execution Plan in progress, first operation in 2016
Cross-Cutting Theme Workshop • Proposed CCT 2 Workshop on Radiation Damage • Organisers – Neil Hyatt & Charlie Scales • Radiation damage has emerged as a CCT in many DIAMOND projects • Aims: Support development of radiation damage physics and chemistry for PhDs & PDRAs • Support knowledge transfer between projects – methods, models, data analysis, etc • Take overview of progress in DIAMOND, identify future plans and collaboration • Propose 2.5 day workshop: • 1.5 day tutorial sessions on underpinning science by international speaker • 0.5 day poster session for knowledge transfer between projects • 0.5 day discussion to identify research progress, impact and future plans • Proposal for part funding submitted to NDA by NNL
DIAMOND - What Next? Outputs increasing annually Papers and conferences Placements Intellectual property Research projects - input from industry on-going Industry keen to engage in all aspects of consortium Annual conference Work package meetings Provision of specialist facilities Spin-out activities, e.g. KTN Keep momentum going - what next? Format of next consortium will be different Industry focused Steering committee members to investigate in-kind and financial assistance prior to talks with EPSRC; contribute ideas on their vision for continuance of consortium; workshop to scope bid to EPSRC
Closing Remarks Next annual conference: Coventry - Museum of Transport 14th-15th December 2011 Format similar to previous To be advertised shortly For sponsorship and exhibition opportunities see Jim Aim to have orals/posters on every project £150 + VAT (£180) Next meeting Any other business