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Upper level ontology and architecture. Draft 1. Chris’s Upper Level Ontology. Dublin Core. GeoOWL. Feature. BibliographicResource. EvidenceOf. Representing Evidence. DyadicInterpersonalRelationship. creator subject publisher contributor. place. participant. Event.
Chris’s Upper Level Ontology Dublin Core GeoOWL Feature BibliographicResource EvidenceOf Representing Evidence DyadicInterpersonalRelationship creator subject publisher contributor place participant Event DyadicInterpersonalRelationshipPart begins ends Event Friend of a Friend (FOAF) product Agent to from hasRole playsRole Person time AgentRole product validDuring OWLTime begins ends TemporalEntity
Person BibliographicResource knows created published contributed subjectOf FOAF:Person hasLifespan LifespanEvent birthday xsd:date gender MaleOrFemale livedAt LivedAtEvent familyName firstName xsd:string otherName
Birth Event:Event FOAF:Person gml:Feature event:playsRole event:place BirthEvent event:hasRole Child event:time Time:TemporalEntity BiologicalMother BiologicalFather Event:AgentRole
LivedAt Event:Event FOAF:Person gml:Feature event:place playsRole LivedAtEvent Resident event:time event:hasRole Time:TemporalEntity
Death Event:Event FOAF:Person gml:Feature event:place playsRole DeathEvent DyingPerson event:time event:hasRole Time:TemporalEntity
Lifespan • Rules: • Childrole in birthEvent and all roles in deathEvent and LifespanEvent involve the same person. • 2. The date of the birth event and the date of the death event are the beginning and ending dates, respectively, of the interval which represents the lifespan event. Time:Interval event:time FOAF:Person Event:Event Time:intervalStartedBy isA Time:intervalFinishedBy event:hasRole DeathEvent BirthEvent LifespanEvent LivingPerson event:hasSubEvent event:hasSubEvent gml:Feature event:place DeathEvent BirthEvent
Marriage Rule: date of this event is the beginning of spousal relationship parts. Event:Event FOAF:Person gml:Feature event:playsRole event:place Marriage event:hasRole event:time event:hasProduct Time:TemporalEntity Event:AgentRole Spouse Spouse Bride Groom RE:from RE:to RE:to RE:from RE:DyadicInterpersonalRelationshipPart
Upper Level Ontology ULO CBDB MQWW CHGIS BROWSER http/s Registry of Database Schema mappings? BROKER “SPARQL” Internet SPARQL SPARQL SPARQL Adapter (ULO, D2R, SQL, Database Schema) Adapter (ULO, D2R, SQL. Database Schema) Adapter (ULO, WFS, SSQL, Database Schema)