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~13mm. Week 4. 35 days. 28 days. 40 days. 48 days. 52 days. Week 4. Week 5. Week 6. Week 5. PHYSIOLOGICAL HERNIATION OF THE MIDGUT. early Week 6 out. 90 O CCW. ~ Week 10 return. Additional 180 O CCW. ~ Week 11. Non Rotation of the Intestines. Reversed Rotation. Mixed
~13mm Week 4
35 days 28 days 40 days 48 days 52 days
Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 5
PHYSIOLOGICAL HERNIATION OF THE MIDGUT early Week 6 out 90O CCW ~ Week 10 return Additional 180O CCW ~ Week 11
Reversed Rotation
Mixed Rotation
Week 4 Week 6 Week 7
End of embryonic period ~10 weeks
Liver development The gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver begin to develop duringthe 4th week of embryogenesis as a ventral bud from the mostcaudal aspect of the foregut (the future duodenum). This budis called the hepatic diverticulum, and it grows between thelayers of the ventral mesentery (Fig 1). The hepatic diverticulumhas two distinct components: pars hepatica and pars cystica(1). The pars hepatica, the most cranial component, gives riseto the liver, common hepatic duct, and intrahepatic bile ducts.The pars cystica, the most caudal component, gives rise to thecystic diverticulum. The cystic diverticulum is the anlage ofthe gallbladder and the cystic duct. The original hepatic diverticulumelongates to form the common bile duct. These structures beginas solid cords, but by the 8th week of gestation, a lumen hasbeen established throughout the biliary tract.
MEDI 510 (IBS 518) July 24 - August 7, 2006 Human Embryology: Development and Disease Charles Saxe, Ph.D., Course Director Text: Moore, K.W., The Developing Human, W.B. Saunders Co., 7th ed., 2003 Place: Week 1 : lectures and clinical cor relations will be in Whitehead Auditorium Week 2: lectures and clinical correlations will be in the WHSCAB Auditorium Exams: all exams will be in the WHSCAB Auditorium Day Date Time Event Speaker Title Mon 7/24 9:00a Lect 1 Dr. Saxe Basic mechanisms of differentiation 11:00 Lect 2 Dr. Saxe Morphogenesis and cell interactions 11:45p Corr K. Torrente Intro to information retrieval at Emory Tues 7/25 9:00 Lect 3 Dr. Saxe Principles of teratogenesis 11:00 Lect 4 Dr. Saxe Gametogenesis and fertilization 1:00p Clin Corr Dr. Mitchell Advances in invitro fertilization Wed 7/26 9:00 Clin Corr Ms Kinlaw Neonatal ethics 10:30 Lect 5 Dr. Saxe Extra - embryoni c membranes; placenta 1:00p Lect 6 Dr. Saxe Urogenital system I. Gonads Thur 7/27 9:00 Lect 7 Dr. Saxe Urogenital system II. Renal development 11:00 Clin Corr Dr. Smith Anomalies of the urinary tracts Fri 7/28 9:00 Lect 8 Dr. Moberg Ectoderm - neurulation; CNS formation 10:45 Clin Corr Dr. Sladky Congenital Neural defects ================================================================================== Mon 7/31 9:00 MIDTERM (1 hr) Tues 8/1 9:00 Lect 9 Dr. Saxe Cardiovasc I. Heart,CV system Septation 10:30 Lect 10 Dr. Saxe Cardiovasc II. Congenital heart defects 11:30 Clin Corr Dr.Sutherland Common congenital heart defects Wed 8/2 9:00 Lect 11 Dr. Saxe Mesoderm I. limb and muscle; mitotic mechanisms 10:30 Lect 12 Dr. Saxe Mesoderm II. Limb and skeletal formation 1:00p Clin Corr Dr. Weil Congenital limb anomalies Thur 8/3 9:00 Lect 13 Dr. Saxe Endoderm I. Respiratory system 10:30 Lect 14 Dr. Saxe Endoderm II. Gut, Liver, Pancreas 1:00p Clin Corr Drs Nasr and Anomalies of the gut Williams Fri 8/4 9:00 Lect 15 Dr. Saxe Cancer: Developmental mecha nisms in oncogenesis Mon 8/7 9:00 FINAL EXAM (2 hr)