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Always Changing 5 th Grade Puberty Education Program

Always Changing 5 th Grade Puberty Education Program. Approved by the CCSD B.O.E. 9/23/10. As you grow up, your body changes Changes in how you look and feel Timing is different for everyone – from 9-14 years old Each girl grows at her own pace Girls are usually 2 years ahead of boys.

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Always Changing 5 th Grade Puberty Education Program

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  1. Always Changing5th Grade Puberty Education Program Approved by the CCSD B.O.E. 9/23/10

  2. As you grow up, your body changes Changes in how you look and feel Timing is different for everyone – from 9-14 years old Each girl grows at her own pace Girls are usually 2 years ahead of boys Class Overview

  3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions Be respectful of your peers No personal stories Use appropriate medical terms Class Guidelines

  4. Video Puberty Physical Changes Emotional Changes Menstruation/Cramps Feminine Protection Personal Hygiene Healthy Bodies Questions Class Agenda

  5. Watch Video Stream

  6. Sweating Body produces more sweat; body odor Bathe/shower daily with soap Shampoo hair regularly, from root to tip Control underarm odor and wetness with deodorant or antiperspirant Change sweaty clothes Personal Hygiene

  7. Skin Care Oil glands in your skin become more active Oil and dead skin cells lead to acne Cleanse skin twice a day Don’t worry; acne is a normal part of puberty, and steps can be taken to reduce it Personal Hygiene

  8. Stay active – exercise! Eat nutritious foods Regular bathing and dental care Personal safety Healthy Bodies

  9. Puberty:Physical Changes 1 2 3 4 5

  10. Stage One(up to ages 8-12): Childhood stage; no visible signs of puberty Stage Two(may begin at ages 8-14): Height and weight increase rapidly Breast buds Pubic hair Puberty:Physical Changes

  11. Stage Three(may begin at ages 9-15): Height continues to increase Breasts – rounder and fuller Pubic hair – darker and thicker Hips widen Vaginal discharge Menstruation for some girls Puberty: Physical Changes

  12. Stage Four(may begin at ages 10-16): Underarm hair Nipple and areola more prominent Pubic hair starts to form triangular patch Menstruation for many girls Stage Five(may begin at ages 12-19): Breast development complete Pubic hair forms thick triangular patch Adult height probably reached Menstruation occurs regularly Puberty: Physical Changes

  13. Feelings may change from day to day Caused by hormones Don’t worry; it’s all part of growing up! Puberty: Emotional Changes

  14. Menstruation is part of the female reproductive process Average 28-day cycle, but different for everyone Your period is when you lose fluid at the end of the cycle Puberty: Menstruation

  15. Puberty: Female Reproductive System

  16. Puberty: Menstrual Cycle

  17. Usually last 3-7 days Might not be regular at first Only lose about 7 teaspoons of blood It doesn’t hurt! Puberty: Periods

  18. When Does My Period Start? Usually between 10-16 years old About 2 years after your breasts develop Soon after you grow pubic hair After you start to notice vaginal discharge Puberty: Periods

  19. Track your period on a calendar: Puberty: Calendar • Visit Beinggirl.com for an online Period Predictor

  20. What Are They? Aches in the lower abdomen or along the inner thighs What Can I Do? Take a warm bath Hold a heating pad on your lower stomach Exercise Check with an adult before taking medication Puberty: Cramps

  21. Pads Worn outside your body, in your underwear Many different kinds, depending on heaviness of period and body size Wings provide extra protection Change frequently to keep fresh and dry Puberty: Feminine Protection

  22. How to Use a Pad Puberty: Feminine Protection 1. Pull off paper strip or wrapper. 2. Attach sticky part securely to center of underwear. 3. For wings, peel off paper strips and wrap around sides of underwear.

  23. How to Get Rid of Pads Fold it up Wrap it in tissue or toilet paper Put it in the trash (special cans in ladies’ room) Don’t flush pads down the toilet – they clog it! Wash your hands Puberty: Feminine Protection

  24. Family member: Your mom, aunt, grandma, older sister, or trusted adult etc. Teacher or school nurse Doctor Who to Talk To

  25. Write question on a note card; fold it and place it in the Question Box Everyone must write something on the notecard All questions are good Questions

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