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ASIC 120: Digital Systems and Standard-Cell ASIC Design. Tutorial 2: Introduction to VHDL February 1, 2006. Outline. State Machines HDL design flow Format of a VHDL file Combinational statements assignments, conditionals, when … else Sequential statements processes, if … then … else.
ASIC 120: Digital Systems and Standard-Cell ASIC Design Tutorial 2: Introduction to VHDL February 1, 2006
Outline • State Machines • HDL design flow • Format of a VHDL file • Combinational statements • assignments, conditionals, when … else • Sequential statements • processes, if … then … else
Summary of Previous Tutorial • Digital Systems • Combinational Logic • NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, etc. • mux, half-adder, full-adder • Sequential Logic • flip-flop/register, shift register, counter
D Q D Q D Q D Q DFF DFF DFF DFF S C S C S C S C Clk Init Recall: Sequential Circuits • Sequential • computation involves a feedback loop (memory) • Example: ring counter
State Machines • We actually mean a Finite State Machine (FSM) • models behaviour • Components relevant to digital design • states • transitions • inputs • outputs
State Machines • Represented as a state diagram Transition State 1/0 0/0 S0 S3 Input 0/0 1/0 0/1 0/1 S1 S2 Output 1/1 1/1
1/0 0/0 S0 S3 0/0 1/0 0/1 0/1 S1 S2 1/1 1/1 State Machines • Or as a state table Input A Output X
1/0 0/0 00 11 0/0 1/0 0/1 0/1 01 10 1/1 1/1 State Machines • Encode states into binary Input A Output X
State Machines • Some things to note • we assigned S0 = 00, S1 = 01, etc., but state/bit mapping can be completely arbitrary • output is occurring on the transitions, this is called a Mealy state machine • where the output is dependent only on the current state, it is called a Moore machine
1 00 (0) 11 (1) 0 1 0 0 01 (0) 10 (1) 1 State Machines • Remodelled as a Moore state machine Input A Output X
State Machines • This example is rather contrived • only dealing with abstract “states”, but imagine application to automatic door, traffic lights, etc. • Moore and Mealy machine looked the same • but they won’t always
1/0 0/0 00 11 1 00 (0) 11 (1) 0/0 0 1/0 1 0/1 0 0/1 0 01 (0) 10 (1) 01 10 1 1/1 1/1 State Machines Mealy Moore
State Machines: Moore vs. Mealy • Mealy can often be represented using less states • transitions can produce different output • Even with more states, Moore often creates less hardware • less combinational logic • on an FPGA, registers (D flip-flops) are “free”
State Machines in Digital Hardware • This state machine requires two registers (D flip-flops), since there are four states • Basic procedure: • create state table • derive FF input equations (and output equations) from next state column with respect to present state and inputs • simplify equations • draw hardware
State Machines in Digital Hardware Let the two state bits (registers) be G and H • we also have input A G = GHA + GHA + GHA + GHA H = GHA + GHA + GHA + GHA X = G H
State Machines in Digital Hardware Simplify the equations G = G H H = GHA + A X = G H
D Q D Q DFF DFF State Machines in Digital Hardware A Draw the hardware G = G H H = GHA + A X = G H A G H X Clk
State Machines in Digital Hardware • I’ve skipped many details and nuances • see ECE 223 course notes • State machines can get very complicated • often don’t work out states in this detail • let synthesis tools do it
Optimization of State Machines • Outside the scope of this tutorial • Summary • reduce number of states by combining states, while preserving equivalent functionality • bit encoding can affect the size of the circuitry generated to implement it
D Q D Q D Q D Q DFF DFF DFF DFF S C S C S C S C Clk Init Ring Counter • Is this a state machine? Yes: every sequential circuit is a state machine
Back to Register Transfer Level (RTL) Logic Sequential Feedback Data Out Data In Register Register Register Cloud of Logic Cloud of Logic Clock Combinational
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) • HDLs describes in text a digital circuit • Examples • VHDL (we will look at this next time) • Verilog • AHDL • JHDL
Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) • schematics are useful for… • drawing high level diagrams • manually working out simple pieces of logic • HDLs are useful for… • describing complex digital systems • HDLs are not... • software programming languages (C, Java, assembly, etc.)
Think Digital • When designing a digital system in VHDL, it is important to remember the relation between code constructs and actual hardware
HDL Design Flow • Concept, requirements analysis • High level design • Functional implementation (need not be synthesizable) • Functional simulation (3 -> 4 until functionality is good) • Synthesizable implementation • Synthesizable simulation (6 -> 5 until functionality is good) • Timing simulation (7 -> 5 until timing is good; this step I often bypassed in practice) • Synthesis • design is compiled to hardware • we will cover this in more detail later • 8 -> 5 if design doesn’t compile or doesn’t fit • Testing in hardware (9 -> 5 if something is wrong)
What does “synthesizable” mean? • Synthesizable means that a given design can be compiled into hardware • FPGA (reprogrammable ASIC) • ASIC • A non-synthesizable design can be simulated in software and is useful for • working out functionality • testing out concepts • test benches (covered in detail later)
Levels of Abstraction • Behavioural • Dataflow • Structural
Components of a VHDL File • library • ieee, etc. • use • entity • defines the interface • architecture • defines the functionality • component • reusable functionality • multiple entity/architectures in one file
Why do we use IEEE libraries? • standard VHDL libraries are limited to two values: 0 and 1 • this is fine for theory, but in practice a physical wire can have other values • more on this in later tutorials
Inputs and Outputs • declared in the entity • the “pins” of the hardware block • can only be input, output, or I/O • output pins cannot be read from • for example, if I assign a value to an output pin I cannot “read” that value back in another place • output pins are like black holes in this way
Signals • Signals are the internal “wires” of your design • Can be assigned a value, or have their value read • Signals can be read in multiple places, but assigned in only one place • “cannot have multiple output pins driving a wire”
Buses • Provide an easy way to group multiple signals or ports
Combinational Logic • In VHDL: “Concurrent Statements” • Remember: all functionality is defined within architecture block • Order doesn’t matter • Types of concurrent statements • assignments • conditional assignments • processes
Combinational Assignments destination <= source_logic; examples: X <= A AND B; Y <= NOT (A AND B); Z <= A XOR B AND C NOT B;
Conditional Assignments destination <= source_logic_1 when condition_1 else source_logic_2 when condition_2 else source_logic_3; example: X <= A AND B when Sel = “00” else NOT (A AND B) when Sel = “01” else A XOR B when Sel(0) & Sel(1) = “10”
Conditional Assignment: A MUX • Conditional assignments are modelled physically as a multiplexer X <= A AND B when Sel = “00” else NOT (A AND B) when Sel = “01” else A XOR B when Sel(0) & Sel(1) = “10” A B 00 01 X A B 10 11 Sel(0) Sel(1) Sel
Brackets and The & Operator • Brackets • used to reference parts of buses • & Operator • signal concatenation operator • used for constructing buses out of single wire signals, or parts of other buses
Processes • Contain chunks of VHDL code • Can be purely combinational • Most useful for sequential logic • controlled by a clock • processes are executed in parallel, in any order • Processes can optionally be named
Process Statement [process_name:] process (sensitivity_list) declarations begin sequential_statements end process;
Sequential Logic • In VHDL: “Sequential Statements” • Within a process, statements execute sequentially • important to remember that logic is tied back to underlying hardware
If … Then …Else Statement • Like the concurrent “when … else” statement, modelled as a multiplexer iffirst_conditionthen statements elsifsecond_condition then statements else statements endif;
MUX with an If Statement process(Sel, A, B, C, D) begin if Sel = "00" then Y <= A; elsif Sel = "01" then Y <= B; elsif Sel = "10" then Y <= C; elsif Sel = "11" then Y <= D; end if; end process;
MUX with an If Statement • Note that this mux is a combinational mux • i.e., not governed by a clock A 00 B 01 Y C 10 D 11 Sel(0) Sel(1)
Clocked Processes • Or: “Sequential Processes” • Consider a “clocked mux”: process begin wait until rising_edge(Clk); if Sel = "00" then Y <= A; elsif Sel = "01" then Y <= B; elsif Sel = "10" then Y <= C; elsif then Y <= D; end if; end process;
D Q DFF Clocked Processes • Or: “Sequential Processes” • Consider a “clocked mux”: process begin wait until rising_edge(Clk); if Sel = "00" then Y <= A; elsif Sel = "01" then Y <= B; elsif Sel = "10" then Y <= C; elsif then Y <= D; end if; end process; A 00 B 01 Y C 10 D 11 Sel(0) Sel(1) Clk
Clocked Processes • Statements are essentially executed in series • Important to always keep in mind underlying hardware
Clocked Processes • Consider: process begin wait until rising_edge(Clk); if Sel = ‘0’ then Y <= A; else Y <= B; end if; if Sel = ‘0’ then Z <= B; else Z <= A; end if; end process;
D Q D Q DFF DFF Clocked Processes • Consider: process begin wait until rising_edge(Clk); if Sel = ‘0’ then Y <= A; else Y <= B; end if; if Sel = ‘0’ then Z <= B; else Z <= A; end if; end process; A 0 Y B 1 Sel Clk B 0 Z A 1 Sel Clk
D Q D Q DFF DFF Clocked Processes • This code produces the same hardware: process begin wait until rising_edge(Clk); if Sel = ‘0’ then Y <= A; Z <= B; else Y <= B; Z <= A; end if; end process; A 0 Y B 1 Sel Clk B 0 Z A 1 Sel Clk
Remember • Always consider the underlying hardware! • ask yourself: what does the VHDL code I’m writing actually represent?