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ERP Student Information Software - A.T.S.I is an ERP enabled educational solution that has been designed and developed by XIPHIAS Software Technology (p) Ltd.<br><br>A.T.S.I. aims to help students, teachers, parents and the school administrative staff to use school data in a more organized and structured manner. <br><br>The human resource software is a vital part of any institution, as it stores all necessary information of the employee.<br><br>A.T.S.I. as a Student Management Software is one such tool that has eased the way schools contacted parents and students.<br><br>Attendance Management System bridges the effective communication between students, teachers, and parents by keep them notified about their wards' attendance via Email or SMS.<br>
android attendance system • Android attendance System bridges the effective communication between students, teachers, and parents by keep them notified about their wards' attendance via Email or SMS. Even for teachers, marking attendance for each student for each class becomes boring as well as time-consuming task, so School Management software includes this attendance management system software to perform this task as it saves a lot of time.
android attendance system • This is an Android Attendance System for educational institutions that maintain a quick and accurate record of attendance of students. This module is available to student dashboard as well from which they can cite the causes of absences. Attendance Management System helps admin in imposing fines for absences/late comings. Based on the attendance percent of students, they are allowed to sit in the examination.
android attendance system • Advantages of time and attendance software • Reduce time wastage. • Increase revenue. • Provide accurate data. • Error reduction. • Increase security. • Increase productivity. • Save money.
Contact us • We are also providing some different services as shown below : • school fees collection software • online exam software • stock inventory software • school information management system • human resource management software Address: XIPHIAS Software Technologies Pvt Ltd, 8th Floor, B.M.T.C / T.T.M.C Building, 6th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095.