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ERP Student Information Software - A.T.S.I is an ERP enabled educational solution that has been designed and developed by XIPHIAS Software Technology (p) Ltd.<br><br>In A.T.S.I. library management software reduces manpower and maintains accurate number of outgoing and incoming of book records as well as member details.<br><br>In the A.T.S.I. we cover the transportation module for the tracking and maintain the transportation particulars. <br><br>A fully functional Payroll Management System is integrated into the software to ease the burden on HR department.<br><br>ERP software which is also known as Enterprise Resource Planning Software is an integrated system used by organizations to combine, organize and maintain the data necessary for operations. <br>
educational software for students • Automate the complete knowledge of your institution exploitation the foremost advanced cloud-based mostly ERP answer, We promise to assist you to impart the globe class education. • ATSI supports people also as multi campus management software package by simplifying their operations and providing the central access to admin dashboard to urge entire updates of all the campuses.
educational software for students • Online Examination Management : Simple registration, a swift creation of tests, easy-to-use interface, instant grade cards, secured secret encoding and decoding of knowledge are few of the options of online Examination System that's one-stop- destination to handle all the troubles of preparation of any examination of any level.
educational software for students • Fee management software : ATSI incorporates a comprehensive fee module answer to automatize and transfer fee processes that drive potency with reduced prices. It generates reports on a fee paid and dues and sends reminders to parents to pay the fees on time. • Notice Board Software : To keep students, parents, and schools concerning the recent activities, updates or vital announcements, board software package has been designed that communicates the message
educational software for students • Library Management System : Specifies the precise location of books with their barcodes, and keeps a check on the difficulty and come back dates, generates No Dues Certificates and calculates the fine for every student. • Attendance Management System : Maintains a fast and correct record of attendance below totally different categories- day wise, subject wise and class wise and generates the whole report, that qualifies them to look within the examination.
Contact us • We are also providing some different services as shown below : • subject wise time table • gps vehicle tracking system • online library management system • payroll management process • school erp system Address: XIPHIAS Software Technologies Pvt Ltd, 8th Floor, B.M.T.C / T.T.M.C Building, 6th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore - 560095.