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Shock. . Shock. Definition: Shock is a state of inadequate organ perfusion, which results in an imbalance of tissue oxygen delivery to meet the metabolic demands of tissue. Shock. Can there be shock without hypotension? - SBP does not decrease to less than 90mmHg until base deficit is worse than -20. - At this point mortality approaches 65% (Parks JK et al, Am J Surg 2006).
1. The Evaluation and Management of Shock Alberto Nunez, MD
Hahnemann University Hospital
Department of Trauma
2. Shock
3. Shock Definition:
Shock is a state of inadequate organ perfusion, which results in an imbalance of tissue oxygen delivery to meet the metabolic demands of tissue
4. Shock Can there be shock without hypotension?
- SBP does not decrease to less than 90mmHg until base deficit is worse than
- At this point mortality approaches 65%
(Parks JK et al, Am J Surg 2006)
5. Shock
6. Shock Diagnosis: CLINICAL
Look for signs of hypoperfusion:
1. Altered level of consciousness
2. Decreased urine output
3. Mottled skin
4. Hemodynamic instability
7. Shock Management:
1. Hemodynamic component: initial resuscitation
2. Inflammatory component: leads to multiple system organ failure (MSOF)
8. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Phases of Hypovolemic shock:
Phase I: hypovolemia
Impaired organ perfusion
Increasing acidemia
Phase II: ? intracellular and interstitial fluid
Respiratory failure
Abdominal compartment syndrome
Phase III: diuresis
9. Shock Management:
To restore tissue perfusion in a timely fashion in order to prevent the systemic inflammatory response that would eventually lead to MSOF
10. Shock Classification:
1. Hypovolemic
2. Vasodilatory
3. Cardiogenic
11. Shock Pathophysiology:
1. Hypovolemic/Vasodilatory:
Inadequate venous return to the heart:
1. Hemorrhage
2. Dehydration
3. Widespread vasoplegia: neurogenic
4. Loss of vascular tone: sepsis, anaphylaxis, ischemia-reperfusion syndrome
12. Shock Pathophysiology:
2. Cardiogenic:
Pump failure:
1. Loss of contractility: MI and its complications
2. Impaired diastolic filling: cardiac tamponade
3. Abnormal rate or rhythm
4. Obstruction to flow: valvular conditions, pulmonary embolus
13. Shock Hypovolemic:
1. JVP is low
2. Poor capillary refill
3. Narrow pulse pressure
4. Evidence of bleeding or dehydration
14. Shock Cardiogenic:
1. Narrow pulse pressure
2. Evidence of pulmonary edema
3. Gallop
4. Chest pain, EKG changes, abnormal cardiac enzymes, abnormal echocardiogram
15. Shock Vasodilatory:
1. Hyperemic extremities
2. Bounding pulses, wide pulse pressure
3. Brisk capillary refill
4. Hyperdynamic heart sounds
5. Occurs in the setting of sepsis, anaphylaxis, burns, cyanide and CO poisoning, pancreatitis, ischemia-reperfusion injury
16. ShockAssessment Primary Survey
Airway and Breathing
Decision to intubate and initiate ventilatory support should be made on clinical basis
Recognize signs of early respiratory failure:
Inability to speak Diaphoresis
Labored breathing Cyanosis
Tachypnea Mental obtundation
Paradoxical breathing Accessory muscle use
17. ShockAssessment Primary Survey
Airway and Breathing
Intubate EARLY
Intubate before procedures or transporting patient
Remember: multiple organ hypoperfusion (the definition of shock) is an indication for intubation and mechanical ventilation
18. ShockAssessment Primary Survey
Elaborate working diagnosis: hypovolemia vs. vasodilatation vs. pump failure
Early empiric volume loading:
Children: 20ml/kg
Adults: 2000ml crystalloids
Establish endpoints of resuscitation
19. ShockManagement Endpoints of Resuscitation
“To provide the metabolic substrates, i.e., oxygen, to meet the consumptive demands of the tissues”
The point at which these consumptive demands are met is called the Critical Oxygen Delivery (Critical DO2)
20. ShockManagement Endpoints of Resuscitation
21. ShockManagement Endpoints of Resuscitation
Systemic Oxygen delivery (DO2):
DO2 = CO x CaO2
CaO2 = Hb x O2 Sat x 1.39 + (0.003 PaO2)
1. Oxygen Saturation: ? FiO2, ? PEEP
2. Hemoglobin concentration: PRBC
3. Cardiac output: Starling curve
22. ShockManagement
23. ShockManagement Endpoints of Resuscitation
Cardiac output:
Blood pressure: = 90mmHg?
Heart rate: 60 to 100bpm
Urine output: = 0.5ml/kg/hr
CVP: 8-15mmHg
24. ShockManagement Endpoints of Resuscitation
Lactate level, base deficit
Pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)
Right ventricular end diastolic volume index (RVEDVI)
Left ventricular end diastolic area (LVEDA)
25. ShockManagement GOALS
1. DO2 of 500 to 600ml/min/m˛
2. Re-establish perfusion early (within 6 h of injury)
3. Avoid the “bloody vicious cycle/lethal triad”
4. Avoid abdominal compartment syndrome
5. Avoid secondary brain insult in patients with TBI
6. Minimize the dysfunctional inflammatory response leading to MSOF
26. ShockManagement Goal-directed therapy. Why?
Kern and Shoemaker:
Goals: Increased CI and DO2
PACWP = 18mmHG
Results: 23% absolute risk reduction in mortality
Rivers et al:
Goals: CVP 8-12mmHg
MAP = 65mmHg
SvO2 = 70%
Results: Hospital mortality: 30.5% vs. 46.5% (p=0.009)
28 day mortality: 33.3% vs. 49.2% (p=0.01)
27. ShockManagement Goal-directed therapy…but
Goals must be achieved EARLY!
How early? Within the initial 6 hours
Why? After onset of organ failure no amount of extra oxygen will restore irreversible oxygen debt or reverse cellular death
28. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Stop the Bleeding!
Uncontrolled hemorrhage is responsible for over 40% of trauma deaths
Injury to the central nervous system: 33%
MSOF: 21%
29. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Stop the Bleeding!
M Massive hemorrhage
A Airway
R Respiration
C Circulation
H Head injury/hypothermia
30. ShockManagement Classification of Hypovolemic Shock
- Initial presentation:
Class I, II, III and IV
- Response to initial fluid resuscitation:
Rapid response
Transient response
No response
31. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Delayed resuscitation/hypotensive resuscitation:
Delay resuscitation until bleeding is controlled
Resuscitate to the minimal BP required to achieve adequate organ perfusion
Improved survival in patients with penetrating torso injury:
Increased BP can cause disruption of early soft thrombus (“pop the clot”)
Hemodilution of clotting factors can initiate coagulopathy
32. ShockManagement Delayed/hypotensive resuscitation:
Bickel et al, 1994:
survival advantage: 70% vs. 62%, p = 0.04
Animal study meta-analysis:
reduced risk of death (RR=0.37)
Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care:
no fluids if palpable radial pulse and adequate mentation – First time since Crimean war that KIA rate has ? below 20% to around 10% to 14%
33. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Fluid resuscitation:
3:1 rule (8:1 in severe trauma)??
Colloid vs. crystalloid
NS vs. LR vs. Hypertonic saline
Blood and coagulation factors
34. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
The bloody vicious cycle/lethal triad:
Dilutional coagulopathy:
- 33% to 55% of major trauma patients with pre-hospital resuscitation have an APTT > 55 secs and a PT > 18 secs
- Impaired platelet aggregation
- At 35°C all factors have decreased function
- In severe trauma patients (ISS>25) mortality is 100% when temp. is < 32°C vs. 7% when temp. is > 34°C
- Coagulation factor activity is significantly reduced at pH < 7.4
35. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Prevent the bloody vicious cycle:
Aim for normothermia
Damage control surgery
Consider use of blood products early:
Consider PRBC when patient remains unstable after initial resuscitation (2000ml)
Consider FFP early:
If > 4U PRBC given within the first hour
FFP:PRBC of 1:1.8 in severe trauma patients
36. ShockManagement Hemorrhagic Shock
Massive transfusion:
> 10 units PRBC in 24 hrs.
1 blood volume
Blood loss = 5000 ml
> 10 units: thrombocytopenia, ? fibrinogen, ? PT
> 25 units/24hrs: mortality approx. 50%
Cause: massive systemic inflammatory response
TNFa, IL 1, IL 6, IL 8, other pro-inflammatory lipids
37. ShockManagement Cardiogenic Shock
Mortality: 50% to 80%
Initial approach should include fluid resuscitation unless patient is in pulmonary edema
Vasoactive therapy is usually indicated
Echocardiogram early to r/o tamponade or acute valvular dysfunction, evaluation of LVEDA
IABP should be considered
Thrombolytic therapy?
Early revascularization is beneficial in patients < 75 years (survival 51.6% vs. 33.3%)
38. ShockManagement Septic Shock
Initial management requires fluid resuscitation
Vasoactive therapy is usually necessary
Definitive management requires surgical debridement of necrotic tissue, drainage of purulent collections and antibiotic therapy
Mortality rate has changed little over time
Duration of antimicrobial therapy: 7-10 days
Tight glucose control (80-110mg/dl) improves survival?
39. ShockManagement A word on vasoactive therapy
Adequate Cardiac Output is more important than Blood Pressure
ß agonists are used for cardiac contractility
a agonists are used for maintenance of perfusion pressure
No randomized controlled trials
Titrate to SBP or MAP that achieves the goal of restoring autoregulation
Confirm adequacy of CO/CI, SvO2, lactate
40. ShockManagement
41. ShockManagementSteroids Consider IV hydrocortisone for adult septic shock when hypotension responds poorly to adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressors
Hydrocortisone is preferred to dexamethasone
ACTH stimulation test is no longer recommended to identify the subset of adults with septic shock who should receive steroids
Hydrocortisone dose should be = 300 mg/day
Steroid therapy may be weaned once vasopressors are no longer required
Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines, Crit Care Med 2008
42. ShockManagement Recombinant human activated protein C (Xigris®)
Anti-thrombotic serine protease with anti-inflammatory properties
Associated with a reduction in the relative (19.4%) and absolute (6.1%) risk of death in patients with organ failure due to acute infection
Indicated in shock patients with end-organ dysfunction, acidosis, oliguria or hypoxemia
Should be started within 24hrs. of initial organ failure
Increased risk of bleeding
43. ShockManagement Use of Vasopressin (AVP) in hemorrhagic Shock
AVP decreases crystalloid requirements to maintain target MAP (avoidance of secondary injury in TBI patients and ALI/ARDS in patients requiring massive resuscitation?)
AVP is an alternative when response to a agonists ? due to down-regulation
AVP is associated with worsening hemodynamic (? CI) and metabolic parameters (? lactate)
44. ShockManagement Sodium Bicarbonate for Lactic Acidosis
Myocardial contractility ? with lactic acidosis?
Coagulation factor activity decreases at pH < 7.4
Correction of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate does not improve hemodynamics or catecholamine responsiveness, even in the face of severe acidosis (pH < 7.2)
Bicarbonate has been shown to raise PCO2 and lactic acid production. ? in CO2 can cause pH in intracellular spaces and CSF to drop
Bicarbonate administration is not recommended for pH > 7.15
45. ShockManagement Summary
Shock is an Emergency.
Early resuscitation is key (first 6 hours)
Continuous bedside evaluation, resuscitation and re-evaluation are required
Initial management: intubation, ventilation and volume support
Vasoactive therapy is started after the patient is well volume-resuscitated
46. ShockManagement Summary
Vasoactive therapy consists of inotropic (ß) support for cardiogenic shock and pressor (a) therapy for vasodilatory shock
Early shock has a hemodynamic component (reversible)
Late shock has an inflammatory component (not easily reversed)
47. ShockManagement Summary
Success in treatment of shock:
1. Early recognition
2. Rapid resuscitation
1. Resolution of hemodynamic component
2. Avoid “Second hit” (abdominal compartment syndrome, intracranial hypertension)
3. Prevention/modulation of inflammatory component
48. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Pre-ICU resuscitation monitoring:
1. Near-infrared spectroscopy
2. Central venous Hb oxygen saturation
3. CO monitoring: Trans-thoracic electrical bioimpedance
49. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Trauma as an immune disease:
- Neutrophil-mediated cytotoxicity
- Activation of adhesion molecules
- Fluid resuscitation and apoptosis
- Blood transfusions and immunosuppresion
50. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Fluid resuscitation:
LR: pure L-isomer/ketone-pyruvate based
1. D-isomer up-regulates adhesion molecules (selectins, integrins)
2. Facilitates neutrophil-mediated cytotoxicity
3. Increases apoptosis (intestinal mucosa, smooth muscle, liver, lung)
51. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Hemorrhage control: recombinant activated Factor VII (rFVIIa)
1. Binds only to exposed subendothelial tissue factor
2. 63% reduction in need for massive transfusion
3. No systemic hypercoagulability
4. Effect on MSOF still unknown
5. Use in acidotic patient still controversial
52. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Freeze-dried blood and FFP
Non-antigenic blood
53. ShockManagementRoom for Improvement
54. ShockManagementRoom for improvement Trauma Induced Coagulopathy (TIC)
55. ShockManagementRoom for improvement
56. ShockManagementRoom for improvement Damage Control Resuscitation or Early Hemostatic Resuscitation (EHR):
FFP:PRBC ratio of 1:1
Improves overall mortality in pts with TIC (28.3% vs. 51.2%)
Pts given 1:3 and 1:4 ratio of FFP:PRBC were 3.76 and 4.17 times more likely to die in the OR
(Duchesne et al, J Trauma, July 2009)
57. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Hypotensive Resuscitation:
1. Prevents disruption of early soft thrombus
2. Prevents coagulopathy
3. Prevents hemodilution
58. ShockManagementRoom for Improvement In the absence of traumatic brain injury:
“permissive hypotension”
1. SBP > 80mmHg
2. Consciousness
3. Palpable pulse
4. Control hemorrhage first
59. ShockManagementRoom for Improvement Epigenetic Transcription Modulation
Surviving blood loss without fluid resuscitation
- Hemorrhage causes early transcriptional repression
- ? transcription of immediate early response proteins
- Acetylation of histones main mechanism
- Hemorrhage associated with imbalance in HAT/HADC ratio
60. ShockManagementRoom for Improvement Epigenetic Transcription Modulation
- HDACI ( VPA or SAHA) in shock:
up-regulates gene transcription
attenuates organ injury
improves survival
- Survival after 60% blood loss in 60 min:
25% in control group
75% in SAHA group
83% in VPA group
Shults et al, J Trauma 2008
61. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Fluid resuscitation:
The best fluid for resuscitation?
Fresh Whole Blood
62. ShockManagement Room for Improvement
Fluid resuscitation: hypertonic saline dextran (HSD)
1. Small volume: avoid second hit
2. Increased perfusion of microcirculation
3. Decreases inflammatory response
4. Might increase bleeding
63. ShockManagement The Future
What fluids?
1. 5% HTS or HSD, two 250mL boluses.
2. If further volume is needed: L-isomer LR
3. In the hypotensive, bleeding patient:
Start blood early
FFP:PRBC:Plts ratio 1:1:1
If fresh whole blood is available: use it!
64. Shock