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God’s Creation

God’s Creation. ‘Alpha’ & ‘Omega’ ‘Beginning’ & ‘End’. For more information, see www.creationdata.com. Evidence of God’s creation is all around us… Something cannot be created from nothing, except through GOD.

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God’s Creation

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  1. God’s Creation ‘Alpha’ & ‘Omega’ ‘Beginning’ & ‘End’.

  2. For more information, see www.creationdata.com

  3. Evidence of God’s creation is all around us…Something cannot be created from nothing, except through GOD • Observable evidence is in our natural environment. The beauty & complexity of a flower, a sunset, a coral reef, a butterfly, a zebra, or a starlit sky…

  4. History of Scientific DiscoveriesThe founding fathers of modern science believed in GOD • Sir Isaac Newton one of the greatest scientists in mathematics, optics, & gravitation wrote more volumes on theology than science. • Mathew Maury the Father of Oceanography was inspired by Psalm 8.8, “..whatsoever passeth through the paths of the sea”. • Johann Kepler was inspired by God in his discovery of the Laws of Planetary Motion. • Voltaire said, “What is faith? Is it to believe that which is evident? No. It is perfectly evident to my mind that there exists a necessary, eternal, supreme, and intelligent being. This is no matter of faith, but of reason. The world embarrasses me, and I cannot dream that this watch exists, and has no watchmaker”.

  5. To some, “evolution” is just an excuse not to believe in GODEvolution has 2 faces, not 1 Microevolutioninvolves living things adapting to their surroundings. This is observable within family groups. Macroevolutionproposes all creatures evolved from a common ancestor through small changes progressing over long periods of time.

  6. Microevolution • Microevolution – Creationists don’t dispute that variations occur within species & through natural selection. • Microevolution has never been observed to transition to a new species. There is no fossil evidence supporting Microevolution moving beyond its original species as evolutionists suggest.

  7. Macroevolution • Darwin had doubts. In Darwin’s book ‘The Origin of Species’he wrote… “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree”. • Darwin’s doubts were real.Trilobites are considered one of the earliest forms of life, and have no obvious predecessors. According to Darwin’s theory, trilobites should be among the simplest forms of life. Instead, according to scientific study, these extinct marine arthropods had eyes more complex than humans.

  8. Creation • Fossil Evidence Strongly Supports Creation. There is no credible evidence of ‘transitional species’ from millions of fossils analysed to date. Claims of ‘transitional species’ are most often the result of imagined artists drawings or intentional hoaxes. Given the observable evidence from 150 years of fossil records, it is unlikely that even Darwin would agree with his own theory today. • DNA Evidence Supports Creation. The old theory of man evolving from apes is still being taught in our schools & universities despite the fact that most scientists reject the theory today. DNA represents information, and information cries out design, not chance. • Non-organic Science If the elements are observed to be created separate and distinct from each other, then why not living things?

  9. Irreducible Complexity • The Eye– The eye cannot be reduced to anything less than it is. It is highly complex, and could not have evolved. The eye has thousands of co-equal functions, and if any are removed the eye is worthless. • Blood Clots – If it weren’t for blood clots people would bleed to death. If a 12 step process didn’t happen in the first generation, and in the right order, all warm blooded creatures would bleed to death.

  10. Hoax after Hoax Napoleon once observed that,“Man will believe anything as long as it is not the Bible”. • Piltdown Man – Skull belonged to a 600 yr old woman, Jaw to a 500 yr old orang-utan from the East Indies. • Nebraska Man – derived from an extinct pig’s tooth. • Java Man – 100% human. • Heidelberg Man – Consisted of a man’s jawbone, a chin, & a few teeth. • Neanderthal Man – Human skull, his stooped posture resulted from disease.

  11. Creation Male & Female Neither male nor female exist in isolation within a species. Evolutionists believe change takes place slowly over long periods of time. Unless male and female evolved at precisely the same time & place, species could not procreate. The mathematical chance of evolution resulting in the thousands of species we have on our earth today is zero.

  12. Creation • The heart cannot exist alone. • The lungs cannot exist alone. • The kidneys cannot exist alone. • The brain cannot exist alone. • The eyes cannot exist alone. Yet through God’s language of DNA(not through millions of years of evolution) human life is created within months, forming you and I.

  13. Creation • The Simple CellAs it turns out the simple cell is not so simple after all. With the advent of nanoscience & the latest microbiological research, scientists have discovered that even the simplest cell is more complex than most large man made factories. These cells are highly efficient systems able to communicate with the brain, access resources, dispose of waste, and function in highly complex ways. The idea of these cells developing from a ‘primordial soup’ is not considered seriously by any well informed scientists today.

  14. Macroevolution • Circular Logic – The age of a fossil is currently determined by the strata in which it is found; while the age of a strata formation is determined by which fossils it contains. If you choose not to believe in a Creator, then in your mind, life requires enormous amounts of time to evolve. That time must be reflected in the age of the earth to support the theory. In his book, ‘GOD at Ground Zero’, Curt Sewell, a world renowned scientist and time dating expert, believes scientists have been swayed by circular logic. [Mount St. Helens – creation in 30 years]

  15. Creation • The Big Bang Theory of, ‘first there was nothing, then it exploded’, does not explain creation itself. Explosions cause disorder, not order. Yet the universe is filled with finite order. The laws of physical science are based on this order. One of the most important Laws of Science is the ‘Law of Thermodynamics’. It states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one form to another. Any such change causes an increase in entropy, that is a decrease in complexity. What we observe of our universe is that it functions in concert with orderly laws. It is vast beyond imagination, yet delicately balanced. The universe was beautifully mastered not through chaos, but by design.

  16. Creation • Science & ManNot one scientist who ever lived has created something from nothing. Christopher Columbus may have discovered America, but he didn’t create it. Scientists are on a mission of discovery. Many are brilliant individuals, but let’s be clear, they discover or manipulate what already exists. Their quest is to analyse the physics, laws, and principals in order to gain a more complete understanding. In the process, they carry biases. In the end, they use materials, work within laws, and gain knowledge of a universe they did not create.

  17. Creation • Scientific Evidence– The scientific evidence is all the same; it is your interpretation of that evidence which determines your belief system. People that have chosen not to believe in God don’t look at science through biblical glasses; they look through their “no-God” glasses. There are thousands of top ranking scientists from all realms of science that believe in God. Christian websites offer a wide range of DVDs explaining how science dovetails with, and supports, the biblical account of Creation.

  18. World Population • Geometric Progression shows that populations grow exponentially.The larger the numbers, the faster the growth. In the last 200 yrs. world population grew from 1 billion to 6 billion.2-4-8-16-32-64-128-256-512-1024-2048-4096-8192-16384-32768-65536-131K-262K-524K-1049K-2097K-4194K-8389K-16777K-33554K-67109K-134220K-268436K-536873K-1073744K-2147488K-4294976K-8589952K…Population growth depends on variables likewars, life expectancy, famine, disease, fertility rates, etc., however… • Current world population numbers demonstrate clear support for the biblical account of creation.

  19. Doesn’t the ‘Truth’ matter? • Today the ‘balance scale’ is rigged to favour the theory of evolution despite the observable evidence to the contrary. For generations our schools, colleges, universities, the Smithsonian Institution, Discovery Channel, History Channel, and thousands of books have taught the ‘theory’ of evolution as fact. After a while people just start believing it as the truth. While everybody has to be educated in schools, people must choose to go to church.  Why would people want to go to church if they are taught exclusively that an explosion created the universe (without God), and evolution created life?  No God, no church. Against this backdrop, the evidence for creation continues to grow; and more individual scientists believe in God as Creator today than at any time in the past 100 yrs. This is due to new discoveries relating to DNA, the Hubble telescope, nanoscience, and microbiology. Many remain silent due to peer pressure. Despite strong supporting evidence for creation, the church has done remarkably little to protect its foundation against attack. The church body is not providing the tools within the church to counter this long standing cultural affect.

  20. If God is Real, then why does God allow so much suffering in the world? • God created mankind with the freedom to choose their own destiny. He wants their love of Him to be by choice, not by His command. • ‘Freedom to choose’ has both positive & negative consequences. We can’t have it both ways, ‘freedom to choose’, and ‘perfect lives’. We live with our choices and the choices of others. Therein lies the problem. • Bad things happen to what appears to be good people. Yet none of us are really innocent. Life in a sinful world is not designed to be fair, nor should we expect it to be. What is important is that despite the imperfections of this world, we still trust our God. • If we believe in God, then we know that this world is not the final seat of ‘justice’.

  21. Why should I believe God created the universe & life on earth? • If there is no God then you are the product of random chance. You have no hope for a life beyond this one. • If you believe in God, then there is hope for eternal life in Jesus Christ. If it turns out there is no God, then you are in the same position as if you believed that evolution created all that surrounds us. • Given the evidence that surrounds you, trusting God is the most realistic response.

  22. Conclusions • Only God can create something where there was nothing. • The Bible has inspired many scientific discoveries, and detailed scientific facts prior to their discovery by man. • Microevolution is really variation and natural selection within a species. Macroevolution is a deception fashioned by men who chose to not believe in God, despite the observable evidence. Macroevolution is a religion based on little scientific fact, requiring incredible faith. • Many people are mislead by evolution’s ‘circular logic’. • The mathematics of Geometric Progression support the biblical account of current population of humans on earth. • Despite 47% of the population believing in the Genesis account of Creation*, the “theory of evolution” is taught exclusively as fact in the public education system. * ref. Gallop survey • Mankind is prone to sin, thus ‘freedom to choose’ has both positive & negative consequences. The result is suffering. • We are surrounded by evidence of God’s Creation, so there is no excuse not to believe that “GOD IS REAL”.

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