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The Ski-Lift Pathway: Thermodynamically Unique, Biologically Ubiquitous Goren Gordon Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot Avshalom C. Elitzur www.a-c-elitzur.co.il. Outline. The Goal: A Unified Physical Set of Principles Underlying all Forms of Life Entropy, Information and Complexity
The Ski-Lift Pathway: Thermodynamically Unique, Biologically Ubiquitous Goren GordonWeizmann Institute of ScienceRehovot Avshalom C. Elitzur www.a-c-elitzur.co.il
Outline • The Goal: A Unified Physical Set of Principles Underlying all Forms of Life • Entropy, Information and Complexity • The new Question: How do Transitions from High-to-High-Entropy States Take Place? • The Ski-Lift Model
Ordered, Random, Complex Measures of Orderliness • Divergence from equiprobability (Gatlin) (Are there any digits in the sequence that are more common?) • Divergence from independence (Gatlin) (Is there any dependence between the digits?) • Redundancy (Chaitin) (Can the sequence be compressed into any shorter algorithm?) • 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 • 1860271194945955774038867706591873856869843786230090655440136901425331081581505348840600451256617983 • 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 • 6180339887498948482045868343656381177203091798057628621354486227052604628189024497072072041893911374
Sequence d is highly informative Sequence d is complex
Bennett’s Measure of Complexity Given A sequence’s shortest algorithm, how much computation is needed to produce it from the algorithm, or conversely to compress it back into it?
Complexity is not directly related to Order/Entropy complexity Low order High order
Interim Summary Thermodynamics offers a ubiquitous physical basis for the understanding of numerous biological phenomena, through the introduction of concepts like entropy/order, information and complexity.
How does Complexity Emerge?And How is it Maintained? Disorder Order Information/Complexity
The Hypothesis: Ski-Lift High Order Requires Energy Spontaneous Low Order
The Hypothesis: Ski-Lift High Order Step 1: Use Ski-Lift, get to the top Requires Energy Spontaneous X Desired state Low Order
The Hypothesis: Ski-Lift High Order Step 1: Use Ski-Lift, get to the top Requires Energy Spontaneous Step 2: Ski down X Desired state Low Order
The Ski-Lift Conjecture: Life approaches complexity “from above,” i.e., from the high-order state, and not “from below,” from the low-order state. Though the former route seems to require more energy, the latter requires immeasurable information, hence unrealistic energy.
Dynamical evolution of complex states How to reach a complex state? Initial state at equilibrium (unknown, high entropy) Final complex state, defined by environment • Direct path • Probabilistic • Deterministic • Ski-lift theorem Ski-lift Entropy Final state Initial state Direct path
Definitions – state N – equivalent microstates of Entropy of state: S()=log(N) Initial state, i – high entropy,NiÀ 1 Final state, f – high complexity, specific, S(f)=S(i) • Operations allowed: • S-: Decrease entropy. • Uncontrolled • Energy cost: E=S • 2. T: Transformation. • Controlled, requires information • Does not change entropy on average, <S(T) – S()>=0 • Energy cost: E=
Numerical example =a0a1a2….an i=18602711949459557740 (or any other random number) f=61803398874989484820 (a specific, complex number) order=00000000000000000000 18602711949459557740 • Operations: • S-: Decrease entropy. • Uncontrolled. E= S 10602001040050500740 E= S 00000000000000000000
Numerical example =a0a1a2….an i=18602711949459557740 (or any other random number) f=61803398874989484820 (a specific, complex number) order=00000000000000000000 • Operations: • S-: Decrease entropy. • Uncontrolled • 2. T: Transformations. • Addition. • <S(T)-S()>=0 • due to symmetry T1=(+4)(+2)(+0)(+6)….(+1) T2=(+1)(+7)(+8)(+3)….(+9) … T1I =50662711949459557741 T2order=17830000000000000009
Direct Path: Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state Ti!f (???) Initial state unknown For each transformation only one initial state transforms to final state Hilbert Space Initial state Final state
Direct Path: Probabilistic Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state Ti!f (???) Initial state unknown For each transformation only one initial state transforms to final state Hilbert Space Perform transformation once Energy cost: E= Probability of success: P=1/Ni=e-S(i)¿ 1 Initial state Final state
Direct Path: Deterministic Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state Ti!f (???) Initial state unknown For each transformation only one initial state transforms to final state Hilbert Space Repeat transformation until final state is reached Probability of success: P=1 Average energy cost: E= eS(i)À 1 Initial state Final state
Direct Path: Information Perform a transformation on the initial state to arrive at the final state Ti!f If one has information about initial state Ii=S(i) And information about final state (environment) If=S(f) Then can perform the right transformation once Probability of success: P=1 Energy cost: E= Information required: I=S(i)+S(f) Hilbert Space Initial state Final state
Ski-lift Path: Two stages path: Stage 1: Increase order S-i!order Ends with a specific, known state Probability of success: P1=1 Energy cost: E1=S(i) Hilbert Space Initial state Final state
Ski-lift Path: Two stages path: Stage 1: Increase order S-i!order Ends with a specific, known state Probability of success: P1=1 Energy cost: E1=S(i) Hilbert Space Stage 2: Controlled transformation Torder!f Ends with the specific, final state Probability of success: P2=1 Energy cost: E2= Initial state Final state
Ski-lift Path: Information Requires information on final state (environment), in order to apply the right transformation on ordered-state Probability of success: P=1 Energy cost: Eski-lift=S(i)+ Information required: I=S(f) Hilbert Space Initial state Final state
Direct Path Probabilistic Low probability Low energy Deterministic: High probability High energy Information: Requires much information Low energy Ski-lift Deterministic Controlled Reproducible Costs low energy Requires only environmental information Comparison between paths Ski-lift uses ordered-state and environmental information to obtain controllability and reproducibility
“What is life?” revisited Hilbert Space Requires energy High entropy High information High order Redundancy High complexity (specific environment) Requires information
Biological examples • Cell formation • Embryonic development • Natural selection • Ecological development
Cell formation Initial state: free molecules in primordial pool Ski-lift model 1. Increased order: compartmentalization 2. Controlled transformation: specialization Direct path Improbable, Irreproducible
Embryonic development Initial state: fertilized ovum + nutrients Ski-lift model 1. Increased order: mitosis, Blastocyte 2. Controlled transformation: differentiation Direct path Differentiation to final organism Improbable, irreproducible due to high susceptibility to environmental variations
The Morphotropic State as the Embryonic Progenitor of Complexity
The Morphotropic State as the Cellular Progenitor of Complexity Minsky A, Shimoni E, Frenkiel-Krispin D. (2002) “Stress, order and survival.”Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. Jan;3(1):50-60.
Natural selection Initial state: Individual + resources Ski-lift model 1. Increased order: reproduction 2. Controlled transformation: minor mutations Direct path Large mutations. Attempts to reach “optimized” organism at “one go”. Improbable, irreproducible due to high susceptibility to environmental variations
Ecological development Initial state: Natural complexity Ski-lift model 1. Increased order: accumulate resources 2. Controlled transformation: build cities Direct path Develop technology without a controlled environment
The Morphotropic State as the Ecological Progenitor of Complexity