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بســـــــــــــــــــــم الله الرحمــــــــــــــــــن الرحـــــــــــــيم
بســـــــــــــــــــــم الله الرحمــــــــــــــــــن الرحـــــــــــــيم رَبَّنَا لَا تُؤَاخِذْنَا إِنْ نَسِينَا أَوْ أَخْطَأْنَا رَبَّنَا وَلَا تَحْمِلْ عَلَيْنَا إِصْرًا كَمَا حَمَلْتَهُ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِنَا رَبَّنَا وَلَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ وَاعْفُ عَنَّا وَاغْفِرْ لَنَا وَارْحَمْنَا أَنْتَ مَوْلَانَا فَانْصُرْنَا عَلَى الْقَوْمِ الْكَافِرِينَ صدق الله العظيم
Faculty of Science in Zulfi Department of Computer Science The Art Of Testing (WWHWW) Prepared By: Dr. Eng. Ahmed Shehata Dr. Eng. Moustafa Reda Abd-ALLAH On-The-Run-Talking Version (40 Slides)
Part I Testing Principles in Test Construction Steps in Preparing Test Questions Part II Multiple Choice Questions Outlines:
Basic Principle in • Test Construction ”يوم الإمتحان يكرمالمرء و لايهان“
“No Thought Control” “No Dark Sarcasm in Classrooms” سخرية “Teacher Leave Them Kids Alone” Pink Floyd
What are Exams? A form of torture تعذيب Developed by the staff? No – They are designed to test her/his knowledge, and not the memory! Or…Where you show the links between the lessons Or… That piece of coursework and ALL those books you were supposed to read!
Purpose of Testing (1. Individuals)فيما يخص الطلاب • To provide a record for assigning grades. • To provide a learning experience for students. • To motivate students to learn. • To Pick up the distinguished students. • To serve as a guide for further study. • Identifying scholarship recipients/receivers
Purpose of Testing (2. Institution) • To assess how well students are achieving the stated goals of the programs. • To provide the instructor with an opportunity to reinforce the stated objectives and highlight what is important for students to remember. Purposes of Testing (3. State/Nation) To license individuals for practice in an occupation or profession
Characteristics/Quality of Good Tests • Practicality:test should be economical in terms of: Time, Money and Resources (human, equipment, etc.) • Usability – the test can be administered/managed / controlled with ease, clarity and uniformity • Scorabilityتحصيل النتائج– easy to score with clarity and uniformity • Interpretabilityتفسير النتائج– test results can be properly interpreted (Normal, Left-Exp, Right-Exp) and is a major basis in making sound educational decisions • Validityشرعية النتائج – the extent to which the test measures what it intends to measure (what is set out to test is actually tested)لكل إمتحان على حدى • Reliabilityموثوقية النتائج–the results should be consistent over time). على مدار الفصل الدراسي
General Steps in Test Construction Process Outlines Draft Order Produce A Table Of Specifications T.O.S. Solve the Test Analyze Submission
OUTLINE • The unit learning objectives, or • The unit content or major concepts to be covered by the test Back to Main Menu
Table of Specifications (TOS) (1) • A two way chart that relates the learning outcomes to the course content • It enables the examiner to prepare a test containing a representative sample of student behavior in each of the areas tested.
Draft the questions covering the content in the outline DRAFT Back to Main Menu
ORDERThe Selected Questions Logically. • Place simpler items at the beginning to ease students into the exam. • Group item types together under common instructions. • If desirable, order the questions logically from a content standpoint (e.g. chronologically or by conceptual groups, etc.) Back to Main Menu
Test Solution • PUT the questions away for one or two days before rereading them or have someone else review them for clarity. • TEST the questions by actually taking the test. Back to Main Menu
Analyze • The items to give you an idea whether the questions were well written or poorly written as well as if there were problems in understanding instruction. Submission To The Control Back to Main Menu
تبعةBackwashعاقبة • Backwash = the effect of testing on teaching and learning. Backwash harmful if the test content and test techniques are at varianceتفاوت/تناقض/إختلاف with the objectives of the course. Backwash beneficial when the test can improve education process, and integrate all parts of course competence كفاءة-جدارة.
To be able to prepare a good test, one has to have: • Mastery براعةof the subject matter, • Severe knowledge of the abilities of the students to be tested, • High skills in verbal expressions and the use of the different test format”
Dear Participants • Please: • Look carefully, • Investigate the questions • Compare objectively the methodology, In the exam-documents in your hands.
General Rules in Writing Test Questions • Number test questions continuously. • Put the mark beside each question. • Keep your test question in each test group uniform. • Make your layout presentable. • Do not put too many test questions in one test group. • T or F: 10 – 15 questions • Multiple Choice: max. of 30 questions • Matching type: max. of 10 questions per test group • Others: 5 – 10 questions
General Rules in Writing Test Questions 6. Avoid humorous مضحكitems. Classroom testing is very important and humorous items may cause students to either not take the exam seriously or become confused or anxiousقلق. 7. Items should measure only the construct of interest, not one’s knowledge of the item context. 8. Be scientifically honest: Write items to measure what students know, not what they do not know.
Commonly used Test Items/Formats • Multiple Choice: allows the greatest flexibility • True or False: Need too much thinking. • Matching: most effective for assuring that students understand similarities and differences among closely related concepts • Sentence Completion: Fill-in the blanks. 5. Short Answer: must have an excellent question stem. 6. Essay: good at gauging/measuring the depth of a learner’s knowledge about a particular topic. 7. Cloze:ملأ الفراغات في النص بكلماته الأصلية 8. Gap-fill:ملأ الفراغات في النص بكلماته الأصلية أو بكلمات قريبة المعنى
Anatomy of a MCQ • 2 parts: - Stem جذر– present a problem situation Stems may be in the form of a question or an incomplete statement. -Alternatives/Options/Choices: provide possible answers Alternatives include the correct answer and several plausible wrong answers, called distracters
General Rules in Writing The Multiple Choice Test (1) • Use negatively stated stems sparingly بإعتدال and when using negatives such as NOT, underline or bold the print. • Use none of the above and all of the above sparingly, and when you do use them, don't always make them the right answer. • Only one option should be correct or clearly best. • All options should be homogenous and nearly equal in length. • The stem (question) should contain only one main idea. • Keep all options either singular or plural.
Multiple Choice Test (2) 7. Have four or five responses per stem (question). • When using incomplete statements place the blank space at the end of the stem versus the beginning. 9.When possible organize the responses. 10. Reduce wordiness إطناب/رغي. 11. When writing distracters, think of incorrect responses that students might make.
Multiple Choice Questions Pros • Allows for broad content coverage: many items can be presented & answered in a short period of time • Best for knowledge & cognitive skillsمهارة معرفية • Easy to be managed in groups • Can compute statistics to help evaluate item quality
Multiple Choice Questions Cons • Tests for recognition instead of recall or the ability to arrive at answer without cuesمبرر • Cannot assess practical or interpersonal skills • MCQ study encourages habits like rote memorizationالحفظ عن ظهر قلب
Types of MCQs • Direct Question • Incomplete Statement • Negatively Worded Items • Exhibits V. Combined Responses
Illustrative Examples • Example (1): What is the effect of releasing a ball in positive gravity? a) It will fall “down.” correct b) It will retain its mass. true but unrelated c) It will rise. false but related d) Its shape will change. false and unrelated
Example (2): Sheldon developed a highly controversial theory of personality based on body type and temperament of the individual. Which of the following is a criticism of Sheldon's work? a. He was influenced too much by the Freudian psychoanalysis. b. His rating of physique and temperament were not independent. c. He failed to use empirical approach. d. His research sample was improperly selected. Better:Eliminate excessive wording and irrelevant information: Which of the following is a criticism of Sheldon's theory of personality?
Example (3): The receptors for the vestibular sense are located: a. In the fovea. b. In the brain. c. In the middle ear. d. In the inner ear. Better:Include in the stem any word(s) that might otherwise be repeated in each option. The receptors for the vestibular senses are located in the _______. a. fovea. b. brain. c. middle ear. d. inner ear.
Example (4): Which is not a major technique for studying brain function? a. Accident and injury. b. Cutting and removing. c. Electrical stimulation. d. Direct phrenology. Better:Use negatively stated stems sparingly. When used, underline and/or capitalize the negative word. Which is NOT a major technique for studying brain function?
Example (5): ________________is the least form of behavior disorder. a. Psychosis. b. Panic disorder. c. Neurasthenia. d. Neurosis. Better:When using incomplete statements avoid beginning with the blank space. The least severe form of behavior disorder is __________________.
Example (6): The number of photoreceptors in the retina of each human is about a. 115 million. b. 5 million. c. 65 million. d. 35 billion. Better:When possible, present alternatives in some logical order) The number of photo receptors in the retina of each human is about a. 5 million. b. 35 million. c. 65 million. d. 115 million.
و قبل النهاية تبقى صـــــــــــــورةThe Teacher-Student Match/Exam
و قبل النهاية تبقى كلمة الإمتحان وجبة نموذجية يعدها طباخ/محاضر ماهر ليست حارة – ليست دلعة ليست دسمة - ليست مائعة ذات رائحة زكية تبصرها و تقرأهاعين الطالب ذات نكهة طيبة يستسيغها و يعيـــهاعقل الطالب ذات مذاق حسن رائع تستطيبه و تخطهيد الطالب
النهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــايةالنهـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاية و إن كان هنــــــــــاك تقصيراً فمن نفسي و الشيطان. أعوذ بالله العلي العظيم منهما. إذا كان هناك توفيقاً فمن الله سبحانه و تعالى عز و جل شأنه. Thank you , For Your Presence, Attention andNo Questions/Comments.