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Burns Beach near Brighton, Western Australia

North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study (C atchment F lood R isk A ssessment & M anagement) 1 st Stakeholders Group Workshop Agenda & Stakeholder s Group terms of reference 8 November 2012. Burns Beach near Brighton, Western Australia

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Burns Beach near Brighton, Western Australia

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  1. North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study (CatchmentFlood RiskAssessment &Management) 1st Stakeholders Group Workshop Agenda & Stakeholders Group terms of reference 8November 2012 Burns Beach near Brighton, Western Australia RPS has won a series of awards from the Urban Development Institute of Australia - including the Water Sensitive Urban Development Category for the Brighton Estate near Perth.

  2. Meeting Format • 1. Adoption of Agenda • 2. Stakeholders Group Terms of Reference • 3. Implementing Flood Policy • 4. Overview of North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Study • 5. SEA and AA • 6. Workshop Topics: • Expectations and concerns; • Group membership; • Available datasets; • Relevant issues; national, regional, local.

  3. Introductions • The OPW is the lead agency for flood risk management in Ireland • RPS has been appointed to support the development of the NWNB CFRAM Study • The Assessment and Management of Flood Risks Regs (SI 122 of 2010) aim to reduce and manage the risks that floods pose to: • human health • the environment • cultural heritage • economic activity

  4. NWNB CFRAM Study Project Team 5

  5. Project Background & Objectives • Flooding is a natural and inevitable part of life in Ireland • Floods pose a risk to human life and wellbeing, cause extensive damage to property, and can often have severe environmental consequences • Flooding may become more frequent and severe due to climate change • Historically, structural or engineered flood protection measures were used, new policy requires more sustainable management with increased use of non-structural and flood impact mitigation measures on a catchment basis

  6. Project Background & Objectives • A preliminary flood risk assessment (PFRA) identified areas where further assessment is required • Food risk and hazard maps will be drawn up for these areas by 2013 and flood risk management plans by 2015 • The plans will represent an environmentally, socially and economically appropriate long-term strategy to manage flood risk and help ensure the safety and sustainability of communities. However, it may not be possible to find flood management measures that are technically feasible, cost effective and environmentally sustainable in all areas susceptible to flooding

  7. RoadmapMarch 2012 –December 2015 8

  8. Project Background & Objectives • It is very important that stakeholders and interested parties access the CFRAM information and have their say in the development of plans • The study team can be contacted at all times by post, email, phone and via the national and NWNB CFRAM Study websites. Study team members will also be on-hand at promotional events

  9. Stakeholder Workshop Key Objectives Outward • to identify contacts within each organisation; • to raise awareness of the study; • to provide basic information on planning, SEA and AA for the study; • to explain expectations about the study’s outcomes; • to emphasize the importance of, and actively promote, stakeholder engagement; • to set out the mechanisms by which the study team can be contacted; • to inform stakeholders of the opportunities to feed into the study. Inward • to elicit views and information on relevant issues relating to flood risk and environmental assets which might be affected by the outcomes of the project.

  10. Stakeholders Group Terms of Reference • Status: established under SI No. 122 of 2010 • Members include: representatives of environmental authorities, regional and local authorities, relevant statutory, non-statutory and local organisations. • Objectives: • support the consultation and engagement activities of the study; • promote regular communication and understanding between members; • provide a forum to voice opinions, and provide input and local knowledge. • The outputs and reports of group discussions, decisions or activities will be disseminated/published by the study.

  11. Stakeholders Group Terms of Reference • Attend a number (circa 5) of 1-day workshops at key study phases to provide views and feedback on the study, flood risk management and related environmental issues. (SEA Scoping; Draft Flood Mapping; FRM Objectives; Preliminary Option Report and Draft FRMP) • Be presented with regular updates (by newsletters circa every 4 months and 1-day workshops at key project phases) • Ensure communication of information, data, views and opinions from the Group’s members to the study and other teams working on related Floods Directive matters • Disseminate as appropriate information and outputs from the Study to the members’ organisation, and, as necessary, coordinate reviews of same within their organisation

  12. Contact Details The study team can be contacted at all times by post, email, phone and via the national and NWNB CFRAM Study websites. Study team members and will also be on-hand at promotional events. By post Katie Smart NWNB CFRAM Study Communications Coordinator RPS West Pier Business Campus Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin By email nwnb@cfram.com By phone 01 4882940

  13. Website www.northwestcframstudy.ie& www.neaghbanncframstudy.ie 14

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