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  1. INDIA

  2. The Indian subcontinent is a peninsular region in south-central Asia, delineated by the Himalayas in the north, the Hindu Kush in the west, and the Arakanese in the east, and extending southward into the Indian Ocean with the Arabian Sea to the southwest and the Bay of Bengal to the southeast. Most of this region rests on the Indian Plate and is isolated from the rest of Asia by mountain barriers. The Indian Plate includes most of South Asia, forming a land mass which extends from the Himalayas into a portion of the basin under the Indian Ocean, including parts of South China and Eastern Indonesia, as well as KuenLun and Karakoram ranges, and extending up to but not including Ladakh, Kohistan, the Hindu Kush range and Baluchistan.

  3. The northern part of India has many mountains. The most famous mountain range in India is the Himalayas,which have some of the tallest mountains in the world.

  4. The 15 highest mountains in the world are in the Himalayas.The main ones are the Mount Everest,  Annapurna.

  5. The Ganges is the second largest river on the Indian subcontinent. Ganges River is named after a Hindu goddess called Ganga.

  6. The Ganges flows through north India, and ends at the Bay of Bengal in eastern India. Overall, it flows 3,877 km making it one of the longest rivers in the world.

  7. The Indian Banyantreeisanationalsymbolof the country.

  8. In the Indian Botanic Garden you can seetheGreatBanyantree. Itisover 250 yearsoldanditis the largestknowninIndia, perhapsinAsia.

  9. The floraandfaunaofIndiaisveryrich. A lotoflargeanimalssuchaselephants, tigers, lionsandrhinoslivethere.

  10. The bonnetmacaquehasitshomeinIndiatoo. Thisoldworldmonkeyis 35-60 cmlongplusatailof 35-68 cm. Malesweightfrom 5.5 to 9 kg, femalesfrom 3.5 to 4.5 kg. Thismonkey can liveupto 25 years.

  11. The Indian elephant plays an important ecological and cultural role in Asia. • This elephant is very valuable. People ride elephants in the forest and inthe swamp.

  12. Indian elephants are in danger. People cut out forests and elephants lose their habitat

  13. Indian cobra is very dangerous and very aggressive and uncontrollable

  14. The cow has been a symbol to wealth since ancient days. However, they were neither inviolable nor revered in the same way they are today. In Hinduism ,the cow is a symbol of wealth strength and a full Earthly life.

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