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IST 420/421 IT: Integration & Applications

Brian Cameron bcameron@ist.psu.edu. Sandeep Purao spurao@ist.psu.edu. Steven Sawyer sawyer@psu.edu. IST 420/421 IT: Integration & Applications. Chao-Hsien Chu chu@ist.psu.edu. John Yen jyen@ist.psu.edu. August 14, 2003. Goals of Integration Options.

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IST 420/421 IT: Integration & Applications

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  1. Brian Cameron bcameron@ist.psu.edu Sandeep Purao spurao@ist.psu.edu Steven Sawyer sawyer@psu.edu IST 420/421 IT: Integration& Applications Chao-Hsien Chu chu@ist.psu.edu John Yen jyen@ist.psu.edu August 14, 2003

  2. Goals of Integration Options • Understand issues related to the use of IT for integration and application (systems) development. • Intervene with IT to make a difference in business operations. • Manage the process of intervening.

  3. Knowledge & Skills for Option II • Project management • Customer relationship management • Change management • Knowledge management • Teamwork • Leadership • Oral & written communications • Problem solving PEOPLE • Applications: • Business • Government • Services • … ERP SCM KM GIS … • Systems theory • Organizations/Value Chain • IT strategic planning SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY PROCESS • Hardware/software/network • Data modeling • Systems analysis & development • Application/enterprise integration • XML/COBRA technologies • Work flow management • Process modeling • Process analysis • Process reengineering

  4. Courses Sequence for Integration Option Foreign Language 210 301 Intern. 220 302 110 420 421 Math 110 Or 140 230 331 Support (9 cr.) 440W CSE 101 240 : Core : Junior Core : Option required

  5. Topics and Contents Mapping

  6. Systems Planning, Analysis & Design • Big Picture of Systems Analysis and Design (2): Systems development life cycle, techniques (CASE, JAD, RAD, COTS, etc.), methodologies (structured analysis, object-oriented). • Systems Integration Strategy and Life Cycle (1) • Information Strategic Planning (3): Mission, vision, … • Evaluation and analysis of current systems (2) • Information Requirements Analysis (2) • Process modeling/reengineering (3) • Input/Output/Database/Network/security Design (3) • User Interface Design (2) • Implementation Issues (2) Analysis Design

  7. Fundamentals of Integration • Overview of IT Integration (2-3): what, why, when, scope, barriers, possible applications such as enterprise applications integration (EAI), enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management, customer relationship management (CRM), and knowledge management. • Types of Integration (2) • Building Blocks of Integration (2) • Integration Strategy / Architecture (2) • XML Review (4-5): Overview, XML document, Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Stylesheet Language, XML Schema, Database Interface • XML Applications (4) Fundamentals

  8. Thank You? Any Question?

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