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Capitol Hill Ocean Week 14 June 2006. Marine Debris in Hawaii. Mary J. Donohue, Ph.D. University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program donohuem@hawaii.edu. Outline. The Problem Impacts Mitigation Science Challenges Recommendations. Marine Debris Movement.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week 14 June 2006 Marine Debris in Hawaii Mary J. Donohue, Ph.D. University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Programdonohuem@hawaii.edu
Outline • The Problem • Impacts • Mitigation • Science • Challenges • Recommendations
Marine Debris Movement • Oceanic currents & atmospheric winds = North Pacific Subtropical Gyre • Subtropical Convergence Zone (Kubota 1994, Ingraham and Ebbesmeyer 2001, Donohue et al. 2001, Timmers et al. 2005)
Marine Debris Impacts • Degraded Aesthetics • Navigational Hazard / Vessel Damage • Wildlife Ingestion • Wildlife Entanglement / Ghost Fishing • Habitat Damage • Alien Species Vector
Degraded Aesthetic Value Images courtesy NOAA Fisheries
Navigational Hazard / Vessel Damage Courtesy Environment Canada Courtesy WESPAC Courtesy WESPAC
Wildlife Ingestion Harmful effects: • Intestinal blockage • Starvation • Death • Decreased food consumption • Loss of nutrition • Internal injury Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service Courtesy UH Sea Grant
Wildlife Entanglement Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Ghost Fishing • Commercial fish & shellfish stocks = up to 30% of landings(Laist 1996) • 50% of CA derelict lobster traps actively fishing (Gilardi, Pers. Comm.) • Ghost catch of octopus in Kyushu, Japan = commercial landing (200 - 500K animals) (Matsuoka, Pers. Comm.) Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Habitat Damage Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Diadumene lineata Introduction of Alien Species Invasive sea anemone found on net at Pearl & Hermes Atoll, 2000 (Zabin et al. 2004, Godwin, Pers. Comm.) Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Selected Hawaii Marine Debris Projects • Debris removal Waiohinu - Ka Lae Coast, Hawaii Island* • Debris removal - main Hawaiian Islands* • Honolulu port reception & recycling program* • Get the Drift and Bag It Beach Cleanup** (TOC) • Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Multi-Agency Marine Debris Removal* *Funded by NOAA ORR Marine Debris Program **The Ocean Conservancy annual beach cleanup
Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsMulti-Agency Marine Debris Cleanup 1998-2003 Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Tow Survey Net Removal Net Analysis On-loading Net Haul Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Kure Atoll Survey tracks and debris recovery locations Courtesy National Ocean Service
Debris Recycling *100 tons of derelict fishing net = 552 barrels of oil 323,019 KwH 43 homes/year US $50,000 Schnitzer Steel Hawaii Corporation (formerly Hawaii Metals Recycling), City & County of Honolulu, Covanta Energy; *Wigg, Pers. Comm. Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
NWHI Fishing Net Marine Debris,1998-2002 N = 3979 EPO Tuna FADs? (Boland and Donohue 2005, Donohue et al. 2001, Timmers and Donohue 2000, Donohue 2005)
Debris Analysis Twisted Knotted Twisted Knotless Braided Knotted Braided Knotless Double Stranded Multi-panel Trawl Courtesy NOAA Fisheries Service
Debris Analysis – Monofilament Gill Net 80 – 140 mm Mesh Size Salmon Squid N = 198 (Timmers and Donohue 2000)
Oceanography/Remote Sensing (Donohue and Foley, in review)
Monk Seal Entanglements 1982-2004 EL Niño (Henderson 2001, Donohue and Foley, in review)
Biweekly marine debris deposition and El Niño at French Frigate Shoals, 1990-2006 * * *P < 0.05 (Morishige et al., Pers. Comm.)
Debris Accumulation (Boland and Donohue, 2003)
Challenges • Polluters transfer costs • Economic and ecological costs • International scope • MARPOL Annex V • Enforcement
Recommendations • Expand international / industry participation • Source identification • Economic analyses of impacts • Scientific studies of impacts • Maintain removal efforts • Expand recycling • Expand outreach / education
Thank you For additional information: UH Sea Grant: www.soest.hawaii.edu/seagrant Mary J. Donohue: donohuem@hawaii.edu
Northwestern Hawaiian IslandsMulti-Agency Marine Debris Cleanup Partners National Marine Fisheries Service Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve Pacific Sea Grant College Programs Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program US Coast Guard US Fish & Wildlife Service Hawaii Metals Recycling/ Schnitzer Steel Hawaii Corporation Horizon Waste Services, Inc. City & County of Honolulu US Navy Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council US State Department Natural Resources Consultants, Inc. Hawaii State DLNRHawaii Audubon Society Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine SanctuaryHawaii Ocean Safety TeamThe Ocean ConservancyOcean Futures SocietyHawaii State DBEDTCovanta Energy Any omissions unintended
References Boland, R. and M.J. Donohue. 2003. Marine debris accumulation in the aquatic habitat of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schauinslandi: an impediment to species recovery? Marine Pollution Bulletin 46(11):1385-1394. Donohue, M.J., 2005. Eastern Pacific source of Northwestern Hawaiian Islands marine debris supported by errant fish aggregating device. Marine Pollution Bulletin 50(6):886-888, doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2005.05.003. Donohue, M.J., 2003. How multi-agency partnerships can address large-scale pollution problems: a Hawaii case study. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46(6):700-702. Invited manuscript. Donohue, M.J., R. Boland, C.M. Sramek, and G.A. Antonelis. 2001. Derelict fishing gear in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: diving surveys and debris removal at two atolls confirms threat to coral reef ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42(12):1301-1312. Donohue, M.J. and D. Foley. In review. Remote sensing links Hawaiian monk seal conservation, pollution and El Niño. Marine Mammal Science. Gilardi, K. Personal Communication. Godwin, S. Personal Communication. Henderson, J.R. 2001. A pre- and post-MARPOL Annex V summary of Hawaiian monk seal entanglements and marine debris accumulation in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands 1982-1988. Marine Pollution Bulletin 42(7):584-589.
References Ingraham, W.J. Jr. and Ebbesmeyer, C.C. 2001. Surface current concentration of floating marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean: 12-year OSCURS model experiments. In Proceedings of the Internationl Conference on Derelict Fishing Gear and the Ocean Environment, 2001. Hawaiian Island Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Publication. Kubota, M. 1994. A mechanism for the accumulation of floating marine debris north of Hawaii. Journal of Physical Oceanography 24, 1059-1064. Laist, D.W. 1997. Impacts of marine debris: entanglement of marine life in marine debris including a comprehensive list of species with entanglement and ingestion records. In Marine Debris Sources, Impacts, and Solutions, eds. J.M. Coe and D.B. Rogers. Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc. pp.99-139. Matsuoka, Tatsuro. Personal Communication. Morishige, C. Personal Communication. Timmers, M.A., C.A. Kistner and M.J. Donohue. 2005. Marine debris of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands: ghost net identification. University of Hawaii Sea Grant College Program publication. UNIHI-SEAGRANT-AR-05-01.
References Timmers, M and M. Donohue, 2003. Identifying putative fisheries from derelict fishing gear recovered in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology International, Sixth Regional Symposium PACON 2003: Ocean Capital Year. Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Jun. 29 – Jul. 2, 2003 Wigg, H. Personal Communication. Zabin, C.J., J.T. Carlton and L.S. Godwin, 2003. First report of the Asian sea anemone Diadumene lineata from the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers, Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 2003, Part 2: 54-58.