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Trans-Inclusivity Discussion The Opening the Door Collective . Nicki Tait, Day One of Cornerstone cheré suzette bergeron, Sexual Violence Center Ben Pabich , OutFront MN & DASC. The Opening the Door Collective. cheré suzette bergeron- The Sexual Violence Center
Trans-Inclusivity DiscussionThe Opening the Door Collective Nicki Tait, Day One of Cornerstone cheré suzette bergeron, Sexual Violence Center Ben Pabich, OutFront MN & DASC
The Opening the Door Collective • cheré suzette bergeron- The Sexual Violence Center • Ben Pabich- Outfont, MN & DASC (Domestic Abuse Service Center) • Nicki Tait, Day One of Cornerstone
The Opening the Door Collective • Initiative of Day One • Rooted in Social Justice • Survivor Centered & Shared Power • Works to identify & diminish barriers • Work with communities- communities know what’s best! Members: Asian Women United of MN, Alexandria House, Breaking Free, Casa De Esperanza, 360 Communities Lewis House, Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women, Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Minnesota Indian Women’s Resource Center, OutFront, MN, The Sexual Violence Center, Program to Aid Victims of Sexual Assault (PAVSA), Trans Youth Support Network (TYSN).
Introduce Yourself! • Who Are You? • Where Are You From? Agency or Why Are You Here? • What is Your Preferred Gender Pronoun?
RJ Activity with cheré… http://dignidadrebelde.com/blogpost/view/383 VIA GroundsWell Fund
Let’s talk about Gender • Gender: The wide set of characteristics that are constructed to distinguish between the two institutionally recognized sexes: male and female. Gender is not static and can shift over time. Gender has at least three parts: • a) Physical Markers – Aspects of the human body that are considered to determine sex and/or gender for a given culture or society, including genitalia, chromosomes, hormones, secondary sex characteristics, and internal reproductive organs. • b) Role/Expression– Aspects of behavior and outward presentation that may (intentionally or unintentionally) communicate gender to others in a given culture or society, including clothing, body language, hairstyles, socialization, relationships, career choices, interests, and presence in gendered spaces (restrooms, places of worship, etc). • c) Gender Identity – An individual’s internal view of their gender. One’s own innermost sense of themselves as a gendered being and/or as masculine, feminine, androgynous, etc. This will often influence name and pronoun preference for an individual.
Activity: Gender Boxes “Man Up” “Act like a lady”
Whoa… Let’s watch a YouTube Clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXAoG8vAyzI http://wifflegif.com/tags/111164-daily-show-jon-stewart-mind-blown-gifs
http://web.archive.org/web/20130914191549/http:/brucel.tumblr.com/post/7303294235/genderbread-man Bruce Lawson
Gender Identity • Cisgender: (often abbreviated to simply cis) describe related types of gender identity where an individual's self-perception of their gender matches the sex they were assigned at birth.[ • Transgenderis the state of one's gender identity (self-identification as woman, man, neither or both) not matching one's assigned sex (identification by others as male, female or intersex based on physical/genetic sex).[1]
“My grandmother and my two aunts were an exhibition in resilience and resourcefulness and black womanhood. They rarely talked about the unfairness of the world with the words that I use now with my social justice friends, words like "intersectionality" and "equality", "oppression", and "discrimination". They didn't discuss those things because they were too busy living it, navigating it, surviving it.” ― Janet Mock, Redefining Realness: My Path to Womanhood, Identity, Love & So Much More
Barriers & Access • What Barriers Do You See? • What Is Challenging For You? • What Can You Do As An Individual? • What Can Your Agency Do?
Ask The Questions • How can I make sure everyone with similar anatomy gets this message about sexual health? Is this sexual health issue explained in a way that is relevant to Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (GNC) folks? • In this lesson, is “gender” standing in for “anatomy”? • Does this classroom activity place burden on a Trans/GNC student because it relies on a binary practice or assumption? • What laws, policies, and practices impede access to care, and what are the resources that can eliminate/diminish these barriers? • What information and strategies do I need to provide accurate and relevant information? Ex.) a trans man needs pap smear, but will medical insurance cover the procedure if his driver’s license and birth certificate state “male?” ~G.I.S.E. (Gender Inclusive Sexuality Education) Collaborative
Better Practices/Recommendation • Let people self identify their gender and Sexual Orientation. Behaviors do not = Identity! • Respect that person’s gender identity, even if it doesn’t match with your view of their gender expression or physical attributes. • Create a policy that is inclusive of trans & LGBTQ folks. • Ask the person what they prefer- as far as services/resources. • Do not make assumptions about safety/wellness and what people want. Savior Complex Anyone? • Get training for all staff on how to support trans & LGBTQ folks. NOTE: these are recommendations- we understand that your programs may not be at a place to take all these steps on. We support you in where you are at.
Application: • Break into groups and work it out… Non-Gendered Sexual Health • Examples: • Talk about reproductive health without relying on gendered terms • Talk about sexual health using inclusive language • Discuss access among leaders/directors • Discuss intake forms and marketing materials
Contact Information cheré suzette bergeron cbergeron@sexualviolencecenter.org 612.871.5100 ext.14 Ben Pabich bpabich@outfront.org 612.348.6385 Nicki Tait NickiT@dayoneservices.org 952.646.6523
References • GenderBread Person: http://web.archive.org/web/20130914191549/http:/brucel.tumblr.com/post/7303294235/genderbread-man • GLAD: Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. ‘’GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Transgender glossary of terms", ‘’GLAAD’’, USA, May 2010. Retrieved on 2011-02-24. • Gender Inclusive Sexuality Education (G.I.S.E.) Annex Teen Clinic, Out4Good, Teenwise MN, Rainbow Health Initiative, The birds and bees Project of Pro Choice Resources, and Trans Youth Support network (TSYN). • The Task Force –Injustice At Every Turn Report http://www.thetaskforce.org/downloads/reports/reports/ntds_full.pdf • The NW Network http://nwnetwork.org • Trans Umbrella: http://transaustin.com/terms-and-concepts/the-trans-umbrella/