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Transition support for Employment. † Since 2006.3.2 † Achievement 100. Employment support center “ Mira sol ”. Employment support center “ Mira sol ”. 2-19-22Ameku Naha city. 1: Transition support for Employment.
Transition support for Employment † Since 2006.3.2 † Achievement 100 Employment support center “Mira sol”
Employment support center “Mira sol” 2-19-22AmekuNaha city
1:Transition support for Employment 1 :C159 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Disabled Persons) Convention, 1983 ,ILO ⇓ 2:Ratification :JAPAN(1992) ⇓ 3:Law for Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities ⇓ 4:ServicesandSupports for Persons with Disabilities Act(2006) *Mira sol=transition support for employment
transition support for employment • The term "transition support for employment" as used in this Act means to provide persons with disabilities who desire to work with necessary trainings for improving knowledge and skills needed for them to enter the work-force, and the other benefit prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, through offering opportunities for productive and other activities during the term prescribed in Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
The object of handicapped ○Mental retardation ○Mental disease ○Physical handicap ○Developmentaldisorders ○Higher Brain Dysfunction ○Multiple handicap
Finding employment results Mental retardation Mental disease Physical Handicap TOTAL 2006 10 6 2 18 2007 15 9 1 25 2008 12 8 0 20 • 18 4 0 22 2010 8 4315 TOTAL 63 31 6 100 since 2006.3.2~
Place of employment • TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION • SG system Co.Ltd. • Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company • Alpen Co.Ltd.SPORTS DEPO • Okinawa Times ・LAWSON • FamilyMart ・ Senior citizen facilities • OKINAWAMITSUKOSI • SAN-ACo,Ltd. • JA OKINAWA • ORIXGolf Management Corporation
It supports it after it finds employment from Vocational Training consistently. Vocational Training Industrial internship Business manners Job matching Work to hope is found. Finding employment Follow-up Support two months or more of one year It will find employment in the company in three-six months.
<Evaluation/Inspection> • GATB=General Aptitude Test Battery ・ERCD=Employment Readiness Checklist for the Disabled ・Ego Aptitude Scale ・Stress Coping Inventory ・P-FStudy
Mental retardation Cake manufacturing factory (29 ♀) -19 -11 -3
GATB The apparatus inspection is accomplished for myself in groups of 2 people or 3. It is only a handicapped person and roles in the scorer, the time person in charge, and the checker.
AM9:30 Meeting • AM9:45 MannersTraining MannersTraining • AM10:00 Cleaning training AM10:20~12:00 Industrial internship PM12:45~14:20 Lecture
Industrial internship ① SPORTS DEPO Hunging and Array work10:30~12:00
Industrial internship ②Catholicismcultural center Cleaning training 10:30~11:30
Industrial internship ③ Adult daycareUmancyu syuri
Industrial internship④ Naha airportBarrier-free tour Acceptance
Industrial internship⑤ Manmarutinsukou Plus! AM9:30~PM12:30
Industrial internship⑥ [TEDAKO]Ltd. House cleaning
Industrial internship⑦ [GAKUSYUUKAN]Joint-stock company Seal pasting to teaching material.
3:Lecture Telephone manner Employment Interview simulation Sales serving simulation OAoperation Business manners etc・・・
SST=Social skills training Sales serving simulation1 Chapter of shop Feedback also : in the trainee.
SST=Social skills trainingSales serving simulation 2 Chapter of restaurant
SST=Employment Interview training Feedback by participation by all members. The leader is a trainee. Observational learning in which all members participate.
4: The employment places TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION SG system Co.Ltd. Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company Alpen Co.Ltd.SPORTS DEPO Okinawa Times ・LAWSON FamilyMart ・ Senior citizen facilities OKINAWAMITSUKOSI SAN-ACo,Ltd. JA OKINAWA ORIXGolf Management Corporation etc・・・
TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION( carwash ) Working hoursAM9:00分~PM17:45 Cleaning in car
Axis Ltd. Bread atelier work. They are two people in the morning as for the bag stuff and the seal pasting of 2500 loaf of bread. 有限会社アクシスで働く修了生の記事
Elderly person adult daycare"[Sobe]" ・ Senior citizen facilities
Cake manufacturing factory Company[Ryuuhou]
Physically handicapped person custodial care facilities nursing assistance employment
“Mira sol” Reunion :Finding employment person's gathering E-mail:milasol5@msn.com URL:http://www17.ocn.ne.jp/~milasol5/