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Technology & Design. North West Cluster Meeting 21 st May 2007. Opportunities for Discussion & Planning for the Revised Curriculum. Raymond Moffatt WELB. Technology Education Centre: Omagh. Equity and Parity
Technology & Design North West Cluster Meeting 21st May 2007 Opportunities for Discussion & Planning for the Revised Curriculum Raymond Moffatt WELB. Technology Education Centre: Omagh
Equity and Parity All subjects have equal recognition e.g. Languages – French, Spanish, Irish, Polish Sciences – Physics, Chemistry, Biology • Management of Change • • NI Curriculum • (Revised Curriculum) • Quality of Learning and Teaching • • Monitoring • Evaluation HEADS OF DEPARTMENT • Leadership Skills • • Vision for Department • Subject contribution to Whole School Agenda • Data Analysis • • KS3 results • KS4 results • Identifying under- • achievement Team Building/Capacity Building Professional Development Target Setting
Curriculum Aim The Northern Ireland Curriculum aims to empower young people to achieve their potential and to make informed and responsible decisions throughout their lives. To develop the young person as an individual To develop the young person as a contributor to society To develop the young person as a contributor to the economy & environment Curriculum Objectives FOR Learning for Life and Work Personal Development Home Economics Local & Global Citizenship Employability Key Elements personal understandingmutual understandingpersonal health moral characterspiritual awareness citizenshipcultural understandingmedia awareness ethical awareness employabilityeconomic awarenesseducation for sustainable development INFUSING Cross-Curricular Skills Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities • Communication Using Mathematics Using ICT • Managing Information Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making Being Creative • Working with Others Self Management ACROSS Areas of Learning The Arts English (And Irish In Irish medium schools) with Media Education Environment & Society Mathematics with Financial Capability Modern Languages Physical Education Science & Technology Religious Education Promoting/Encouraging Learning Experiences Investigating & problem-solving linked to other curriculum areas relevant & enjoyable media rich skills integrated active & hands on offers choice Challenging & engaging supportive environment culturally diverse positive reinforcement varied to suit learning style on-going reflection enquiry based Assessment for Learning Clear learning intentions shared with pupils Building a more open relationship between learner and teacher Celebrate success against agreed success criteria Advice on what to improve and how to improve it Peer and self evaluation of learning Individual target setting Shared/negotiated success criteria Peer and self assessment Taking risks for learning Attitudes and Dispositions Personal responsibility concern for others commitment-determination – resourcefulness openness to new ideas Self-belief-optimism-pragmatism curiosity community spirit flexibility tolerance integrity-moral courage respect THROUGH
I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did but people will never forget how you made them feel. Maya Angelou
1. Baseline: • a) Where are you at? • b) What issues have arisen in your school – for you personally and for your department? • c) What are the implications for you as the leader and manager of your department? • d) What are the implications for you, and others, as teachers of….?
2. Targets/Actions: • e) Where do you need to go next? • f) Have all teachers in your department a common understanding of AfL, TS & PC, Cross-Curricular Skills, Key Elements (LLW), your revised subject curriculum ….? • g) Have all teachers in your department a common understanding of their contribution to the revised • curriculum? • h) Have you decided as a school, as a department, what revision you might need to make to your current schemes?
2.Targets/Actions: • i) Are you, as a department, aware of your strengths and areas for development? • j) Have you considered how you might go about the process of reviewing your schemes and associated practices (on an on-going basis)? • k) Have you considered how you will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the pupils learning experiences as a result of any changes you might make? • l) What are the subsequent implications for collaborative learning in your department, school?
3. What support do you require? • m) How might you begin to/further develop as a learning • community – in your department, in your school, across • schools? • n) Depending on your identified needs you may need different forums to address these • o) This is a skills-based curriculum which cannot be taken forward unless there is connected learning
My Pendant Design KEY STAGE 3 Project
A year 8 suggested design opportunity • My Photograph Holder • My Timetable Holder • My House Pendant • My Pendant Light • My Password/s • My Money • My Locker Key • My Panic Alarm KEY STAGE 3 Project
Unit of Work Overview:A Personal PendantYear 8 Time:4-5 weeks
Year 8 Lessons 1 - 4:APersonal ProjectAppreciating Design and Developing ideas
A Proposed idea for a Sellotape Dispenser KEY STAGE 3 Project
Key Stage 3 A Suggested Year 9 / 10 Project Manufacturing A Bird Feeder RA Moffatt WELB
A Bird Feeder Learning Opportunities: To develop basic manufacturing skills, processes and appreciate good practice regarding workshop safety; To develop correct use of hand tools and a health and safe working environment; To develop quality finishing techniques when manufacturing a product; To understand the need to work to a set specification; To understand and be able to interpret a working drawing; To develop an understanding of design appreciation and practice reverse engineer / product analysis. Activity Description: Theory applied: The pupils make a short study of material properties, process and constraints; Manufacture: To manufacture all parts of the models from set working drawings. Design Appreciation: to view alternative modifications to the bird Feeder / reverse engineering. Design Applied or Design Opportunity: How could a seed tray be fitted to this design? Manufacturing
An opportunity to Model in card after the project is made! Research
Design Applied • Now that you have completed this project design a seed tray that could be fitted to the feeder. • consider modelling • your idea in card. A Bird Feeder; The finished product
Is there a potential design opportunity here? http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl http://www.core77.com/blog/images/s
KEY STAGE 3 Project The Designer Emulation Kits are meant as the sincerest homage to some of the greatest modern designers of our time. The lamps and designers being “emulated” have a particular importance in the history of design. Each kit is made of separate parts, which are snapped off, fitted together, and plugged into a nine-volt battery (not included), resulting in a miniature classic. For USD29, its a bit expensive considering its not going to cost a lot to manufacture… but I like the thinking behind it. Wonderful. http://dtti.wordpress.com/page/7/
a reading light • a Child’s Night light • a Novelty Light • a pocket torch KEY STAGE 3 Project
Year 8: A Design Opportunity KEY STAGE 3 Project
Design & Manufacturing • Opportunities • relevant • interesting • engaging • appropriate to capability • active activities • short duration to realise • stimulating resources • organisation • positive relationships • affirmation • Measure by Outcome / feedback • How did they feel about the activity?