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A Semester with Mr. Wilkinson

A Semester with Mr. Wilkinson. What’s My Problem?. Life. I’m 30 years old. It has taken me all 30 of those years to learn the secret of life. All I need in life is to figure out the difference between what is ‘My Problem’ and what is ‘Not My Problem’. For example….

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A Semester with Mr. Wilkinson

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A Semester with Mr. Wilkinson What’s My Problem?

  2. Life I’m 30 years old. It has taken me all 30 of those years to learn the secret of life. All I need in life is to figure out the difference between what is ‘My Problem’ and what is ‘Not My Problem’

  3. For example… I’m starting to gain weight. = My Problem Solution: More exercise, less food.

  4. For Example… American Idol is on 3 nights a week instead of better shows. =Not My Problem There’s nothing I can do about it so I should just let it go.

  5. The answer is not always easy. Global Warming: ‘My problem’ but I cannot fix it by myself.

  6. The answer is not always easy. The Raptors (My Favourite Team) trade my favourite player. I’m very upset but… ‘Not My Problem’

  7. How does this affect you? In this class, as in life, you will have to figure out the difference between… MP… ‘My Problem’ & NMP… ‘Not My Problem’

  8. Lets Practice. For each of the following situations that might come up in class, try to figure out what my reaction will be. In other words… Is it my problem?

  9. Scenario #1 You lost all your homework and your assignment is due today? MP? Or NMP? =Not My Problem

  10. Scenario #2 You are having trouble doing the assignment because the explanation isn’t clear enough. MP? or NMP? =My Problem

  11. Scenario #3 You were away for a week and on the first day back, you have a test. MP or NMP? =Not My Problem

  12. Scenario 3(b) You came to me before you left for a week and asked my what you would be missing and I didn’t tell you that there would be a test when you got back. MP or NMP? =MP

  13. Scenario #4 Not My Problem You completed an assignment but forgot to hand it in. I hand back the assignment giving you a ‘zero’ even though you’ve finished it. My Problem or Not My Problem?

  14. Let’s make it harder! Not My Problem You e-mailed me an assignment on time. When you get your printout, it says you have a zero. You check with me and I don’t have it. You don’t have another copy. MP or NMP?

  15. Get the idea? My problem Not my problem Difficulty with the material. Extra accommodation for authorized absences. Keeping the class under control so that you can get some work done. You’re lazy. You don’t ask for help. Lost work. You don’t have pens, pencils, paper. (I can provide these if you ask)

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