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Vocabulary Level G. Unit 1. ACQUISITIVE. Connotation: Negative Etymology:1630s , "owned through acquisition," from L. acquisitivus , of acquirere . Meaning "given to acquisition, avaricious "is from 1826 (in acquisitiveness). Word Structure: Suffix – ive means “having the quality of”.
Vocabulary Level G Unit1
ACQUISITIVE Connotation: Negative Etymology:1630s, "owned through acquisition," from L. acquisitivus,of acquirere. Meaning "given to acquisition, avaricious "is from 1826 (in acquisitiveness). Word Structure:Suffix –ive means “having the quality of”
Banal Connotation: negative Etymology: 1745-55; < French; Old French: pertaining to a ban (see ban2, -al1) Word Structure: -al means of the kind of, pertaining to, having the form or character of
Belabor • Connotation: negative • Etymology: c.1600, "to exert one's strength upon," from be + labor. But figurative sense of "assail with words" is attested somewhat earlier(1590s).
Carping • Connotation: negative • Etymology: 1200-50; Middle English carpen to speak, prate < Old Norse karpatobrag, wrangle
Coherent Connotation: Positive Etymology: 1570-80; < Medieval Latin cohērent-, variant of Latin cohaerent- (stem of cohaerēns), present participle of cohaerēre. Word Structure: suffix –entmeans causing or performing an action or existing in a certain condition; the agent that performs an action astringent, dependent
Congeal Connotation: neutral Etymology: 1350-1400; Middle English congelen (< Middle French congeler) < Latin congelāre, equivalent to con- con- + gelāre to freeze; Word Structure: prefix –con means together; with; jointly commingle
Emulate • Connotation: negative • Etymology:1580s, from L. aemulat, pp. stem of aemulari "to rival" (see emulation). • Word Structure: prefix em- means “into,” suffix –ate means “cause to be, office of”
Encomium • Connotation: positive • Etymology:1589, from L.L. encomium, from Gk. enkomion (epos) "laudatory(ode), eulogy," from en"in" + komos "banquet, procession, merrymaking.“ • Word Structure: prefix en- means “into,” noun suffix –iummeans “metallic element”
Eschew • Connotation: negative • Etymology:mid14c., from O.Fr. eschiver, from Frankish *skiuhan "dread,avoid, shun" (cf. O.H.G. sciuh"make fearful"), from P.Gmc.*skeukhwaz. • Word Structure: prefix es- means “moving away,” suffix
GermaneConnotation: Positive Etymology: mid-14c., being at once relevant and appropriate Word Structure: German root Olivia Wurtz
Intrasigent • Connotation: Negative • Etymology: circa 1879. Refusing to agree or compromise; uncompromising;inflexible. • Word Structure: The prefix IN- means not. The suffix GENT- means one who. Olivia Wurtz
Invidious • Connotation: negative • Etymology: 1600–10; < Latin invidiōsus envious, envied, hateful, equivalent to invidi ( a ) envy + -ōsus -ous • Word Structure: prefix in- means “into;” adjective suffix –ous means “full of, given to”
Taciturn Connotation: Negative Etymology: French or Latin; French taciturne, from Middle French, from Latin taciturnus, from tacitus (see tacit) First Known Use 1734 Word structure: 1570–80; < Medieval Latin temporizāre to hang back, delay = Latin tempor-, s. of tempus time + Medieval Latin -izāre -ize
Temporize Connotation: Negative Etymology: Middle French temporiser, from Medieval Latin temporizare to pass the time, from Latin tempor-, tempus First Known Use: 1579 Word structure: 1765–75; < Latin taciturnus=tacit(us) silent (see tacit) + -urnus adj. suffix of time
Tenable Connotation: Positive Etymology: Middle French, from Old French, from tenir to hold, from Latin tenēre — First Known Use: 1579 Word structure: 1570–80; < French: that can be held =ten(ir) to hold (« Latin tenēre) + -able -able