Meeting the Needs of the Forensic Science Community in Today’s World
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Meeting the Needs of the Forensic Science Community in Today’s World. Robert C. Zinn ORAU - National Security & Emergency Management Program. March 2011.
Meeting the Needs of the Forensic Science Community in Today’s World
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Meeting the Needs of the Forensic Science Community in Today’s World
Robert C. Zinn ORAU - National Security & Emergency Management Program March 2011
America’s forensic science community has entered an exciting yet challenging period in its history. Today, the safety and security of our nation depends on not only identifying criminal elements in our cities and towns, but also criminals and terrorists around the world intent on doing us harm.
The historical position of forensic science as a government led, law enforcement oriented enterprise supporting our domestic criminal justice system has evolved in recent years to encompass operational requirements for homeland security and the military warfighter.
The application of established forensic science analytical capabilities in direct support of homeland security and the military has proven invaluable in helping these entities meet expanded mission objectives. .¤t=070211iranied_story.jpg
Since December 2004, ORAU’s National Security & Emergency Management Program (NSEMP) has supported the nation’s requirement for an integrated technical and forensic approach to the analysis of specimens and materials to advance national security objectives.
ORAU-NSEMP Forensic Operations Provides a comprehensive forensic science laboratory operations and management capability Cadre includes more than 100 highly qualified ORAU forensic scientists, forensic and technical specialists, and other management professionals Focuses a full range of forensic and technical disciplines on the exploitation of materials of interest to the United States government and its allies Forensic services are conducted in accordance with American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors / Laboratory Accreditation Board (ASCLD/LAB) protocols and proficiency standards
ORAU-NSEMP Forensic Operations Analytical and Technical capabilities: Explosives/Hazardous Device Examinations Latent Prints Trace Evidence DNA Firearms / Toolmarks Forensic Photography
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Public Perceptions Economic Constraints Political Workforce Development Research Technology Development
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Public Perceptions: Innocence Project Asks Virginia Appeals Court to Exonerate a Richmond Man Who Has Served Nearly 27 Years for Rapes He Didn’t Commit
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Economic Constraints: Economic conditions over the past several years have had a deleterious effect on the budgets of state and local governments Full economic recovery may be a number of years away Traditionally, the lag between full economic recovery and increased state and local government spending is about 3 - 4 years On the federal level there are indications of increasing fiscal difficulties
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Political: National Academy of Sciences / National Research Council report - Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward (2009) National Research Council report - Strengthening the National Institute of Justice (2010) Congressional Legislation, Senate Bill 132 (Senator Leahy, D-VT) - TheCriminal Justice and Forensic Science Reform Act of 2011
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Workforce Development: can be framed in two broad categories: - current forensic practitioners - forensic practitioners of tomorrow
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Current forensic practitioners: need continuing education and training to remain abreast of emerging trends and newer analytical capabilities and processes need access to resources that will help them prepare for the practitioner certification requirements called for in proposed legislation present availability of affordable, high-quality continuing education and training for working forensic practitioners across the country is problematic
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Forensic practitioners of tomorrow: will need to be formally educated and technically trained formal education alone does not provide the requisite skills necessary to conduct many of the “comparative” (subjective evaluation) analyzes routinely performed in crime laboratories across the country the forensic practitioner of tomorrow in a “comparative” forensic science discipline will be required to undergo an extensive technical training program before they can begin independent case work
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Research: represents a three-fold concern The first, and most immediate concern, is for validation and reliability studies for a number of “comparative” (subjective evaluation) forensic disciplines - to help move these disciplines from an expert interpretation based approach to a scientific based approach The second is in identifying and validating new methodologies, protocols and techniques to advance evidence collection, evidence preservation and evidence examination capabilities The third involves the need to have a well defined and executed national program of forensic science research. Presently the research roadmap lacks clarity and coordination – a situation first articulated in the 2009 National Academy of Sciences report on forensic science, and later reinforced by the 2010 NIJ - National Research Council report
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Technology Development: The forensic science community requires reliable tools and technologies that are better, faster, cheaper, and push capability into the hands of investigators in the field Interoperability of systems with like function is often problematic While there have been many great technology advances over the years, a number of them were so limited in application or costly that widespread adoption never materialized
Current Issues Impacting Forensic Science Technology Development: Perhaps nowhere is this more critical than with the threats facing our military warfighters. The IED (improvised explosive device) threat and its defeat is a top priority for the Department of Defense. Providing troops on the battlefield with effective, innovative technology enables the fight.
Addressing the Issues Impacting Forensic Science The best approach for addressing the present and future challenges confronting an expanded forensic science enterprise is through collaborative partnerships involving academe, government and industry. Leverage extensive resources across a broad spectrum, while providing a cost effective means for devising comprehensive solutions to challenges we face Solutions amenable to a collaborative approach include: workforce development, scientific research, and technology development
Addressing the Issues Impacting Forensic Science Workforce Development: University Perspective - while a number of universities have developed excellent forensic science programs and worked to establish internship/fellows programs with forensic science laboratories in their region, the structure of these programs does not necessarily provide the extent of subject matter technical training needed to accelerate the development of young forensic scientists. Supplementing current university curriculum with technical training / education coursework from a practitioner perspective would be of great benefit to the student, the eventual employing forensic laboratory, and the university overall.
Addressing the Issues Impacting Forensic Science Workforce Development: Industry/Government Perspective – establish high quality, affordable technical training programs to provide forensic practitioners the opportunity to master critical fundamental skills and the latest analytic techniques ORAU-NSEMP example established a forensic training capability in the Fredericksburg, Virginia area to support the technical training needs of today’s forensic practitioners: laboratory personnel, law enforcement investigators, and those who utilize forensic science in support of certain homeland security and military objectives
Addressing the Issues Impacting Forensic Science Research: Given the current economic climate and steep competition for limited government funding a coordinated, focused approach to forensic science research is imperative. A valuable first step would be to create a national clearinghouse for forensic science research to provide a single point of reference/referral for research proposals, on-going research and completed research projects.
Addressing the Issues Impacting Forensic Science Technology Development: Continued development of reliable tools and validated technologies Continued development of nano-technologies / miniaturization that pushes analytical capability out to the field Need for better, faster, cheaper As with research, technology development efforts should involve a coordinated, focused approach that provides for the identification and adoption of technologies that have broad impact and are affordable.
Supporting the Frontline of Forensics
Supporting the Frontline of Forensics Over the years, significant investments have been made in the forensic science enterprise in terms of facilities, equipment and staff. And while much effort has been devoted to finding the best technologies or methodologies to advance a forensic laboratory’s capability to render meaningful results, a fundamental principle is often overlooked – a laboratory is only as good as the quality of the evidence it receives.
Supporting the Frontline of Forensics To maximize “return on investment”, forensic science laboratories need to be actively engaged with those who handle the evidence field collection process. The “path forward” for improving the quality and credibility of forensic science must give due consideration to the work performed by the frontline folks that are called upon to recognize, document, collect, preserve and submit items of evidence.
Path Forward A significant amount of critically important work remains in helping advance the capacity, capability and credibility of forensic science to support an expanded forensic science enterprise. The best approach for addressing the present and future challenges confronting an expanded forensic science enterprise is through collaborative partnerships involving academe, government and industry. Collaborative partnerships will be an essential component for moving the forensic science enterprise from a disparate, disjointed collection of federal, state and local resources towards a coherent system, guided by national standards and underpinned by validated scientific methods and best practices emanating from scientific research.
Physical evidence cannot be wrong, it cannot perjure itself, it cannot be wholly absent. Only human failure to find it, study it and understand it, can diminish its value. Paul L. Kirk Crime Investigation (1953) ORAU – NSEMP March 2011