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Worksheet 1 – Starting ODIS . TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car.
Worksheet 1 – Starting ODIS TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car • Please start the ODIS programm on the VAS 6150 (perhaps on the VAS 5051B) by choosing the ODIS-icon in the Diagstarter programm on the desktop.Identify the car in the corresponding pop-up window on the screen. Proceed !When the „jobs“ screen apears select one of the offered jobs.Write down the entire boot sequence from the start to the end. (Make sure that the guided fault finding option is checked)! • Starting by activating the icon diagnosis in the main menu • Determining VIN of the car • complete the car identification manually by choosing the variants • Starting of guided fault finding • Login for group systems (with Globel User-ID) • Decision without or with job and job selection. • execute traversion test (determining the version) • creating knowledge base ( starting of the specific internal fault-finding tree) • performing the starting modules (determination of the internal function checks and test plans) • Starting of the DISS-coding assistent • Which functionalities of diagnosis can you find in the the pop-up menu which you can activate by a right mouse click on the corresponding control unit icon? • Test instruments • identify control unit • Select variant • Read event memory • Read all event memories • Guided functions • Which functions you can find linked in the softkey control unit self-diagnostics? In case that we performed the ODIS initialisation by selecting a jobthe functions control unit self-diagnostics and Vehicle self-diagnosticsaren´t offered.(solution we find in exercise no. 4) VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use
Worksheet 2 – Opportunities of ODIS diagnostics TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car • Please start the ODIS programme on the VAS 6150 (perhaps on the VAS 5051B) from the very beginning. Perform the login for the global services. When the „jobs“ screen apears select „without job“ (none of the offered jobs) and proceed. • - Which additional disgnosis funcitons you can find in the the pop-up menu which you can activate by a right mouse click on the corresponding control unit icon? If the option „without job“ has been selected the functions control unit self-diagnostics and Vehicle self-diagnostics are offered.The function Vehicle self-diagnostics contains the subfunctions: - Read event memory of entire system - Transport mode - Installation list Which information is offered by the ODIS programme to the connected car, respectively which brand information or systems is/are centrally linked in the tester ? • In addition to the Carport database access in the course of the VINverification and cross check with the car configuration ODIS is also linkedto the FAZIT database for data exchange of the immobilizer system and component protection. • Additionally ODIS has a permanent online access to ElsaPro and thusto various documents and information for the connected car, e.g. : • jobs • circuit diagrams • manuals • DISS reports • Car configuration • TPIs • car repair history (not yet available)
Worksheet 3 – Faultelimination with ODIS TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car Please produce a fault on the training car by unplugging an easy accessible connection (please memorize the fault). Perform a refresh of the fault memory in the control unit overview or control unit list and visualize the new situation.Displayed fault-code: Any fault might be produced by the participant, e.g. disconnect the air masssensor. Please note your specific measure! • In addition to the automatically proposed test plan please create one on your own and add it to the list on the screen.- Please note the necessary steps ! - Switch to the menu test plan and be aware of the autimatically generated test plans. - Create an additional complaint in the DISS menu and add it to the job list. - Create a separate individual test plan via the documents menu. • - How can you distinguish between the automatic and the manually generated test plans? The test plans created in the DISS menu have a note pad as distinguishing mark in front. The test plans created in the documents menu have a person iconas distinguishing mark in front. • - Please eliminate the fault again and erase the fault memory ! This is executed either in the point-to-point communication with theindividual control units or with the broadcast command erase all event memories. VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 06.2011only for internal use
Worksheet 4 – ODIS Interaction with ELSApro TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car Parallel to the ODIS session please login to ElsaPro on an other terminal and create a new job/order in ElsaPro for this car. Please also create a DISS complaint, an inscription in/from the Technical Service Handook and also a repair operation. - Please activate the display of this job on the corresponding ODIS menu! What do you have to do therefore ? - Please verify if all the items you have edited in ElsaPro are visible on the ODIS tester ! The job should be visible on the ODIS screen as soon as you edit it in ElsaPro, stored it in the memory and sent it to the DMS (dealer-management –system).When the DMS has generated an order number you can refresh the ODIS-screen and the job should be displayed in the corresponding list. • What are the necessary conditions for accessing a job with the ODIS programme? The order must have been created in ElsaPro. The tester on which the ODIS programme is running needs to be set to the same environment (for the ODIS rollout the productive environment, and during VSQ training currently the QS environment) and to the same dealership used in ElsaPro for creating the order. • - What has to be adjusted in the ODIS administration menu for that purpose? Under Admin/Connections/ElsaPro you have to enter the correct brand, country code and dealership ID in the last 3 lines. VSQ/TT • VTT111P.1 • status: 06.2011only for internal use
Worksheet 5 – Actuator test with ODIS TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car Please perform en actuator test of the onboard power supply control unit (OSCU) on your specific training car. Do this by starting the application once from self diagnosis and once from guided functions!- What kind of control unit is the OSCU ?- Which are the differences in the procedures (self diagnosis and guided functions ? The OSCU is a conventional KWP2000 control unit. When starting the actuator test in self diagnosis mode you have to follow the sequence of actuators saved in the OSCU. When starting the application from guided functions the tester programme provides the function of the actuators defined in the control unit in such a way that users can selectively test individual actuators. Please perform on the Volkswagen_________a partial acuator test of the _______ ECU, e.g. _______, from the mode self diagnosis ! - What kind of control unit is the _________ECU ?- Please identify the sequence of the individual steps and determine the differences between the new and the previous sequence using the VAS PC programme ! The _________ECU is a control unit with UDS protocol. After the change over to a new diagnostic data format (ODX) and to the new UDS protocol all connected actuators are selectively available. The users can select any number they want from the list that is offered. If entries are made in the parameters menu (next step) the users can then additionally select actuator-specific measured values or measured values applying to several vehicles . After the start these are displayed in the last execution window in parallel to the action. VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use
Worksheet 6 – Basic settings with ODIS TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car Please perform on the Volkswagen__________the basic settings of the __________ECU in the mode self diagnosis !- What kind of control unit is the ___________ECU ? - Please identify the sequence of the individual steps ! The _________ECU is a control unit with UDS protocol. At first the window opens which shows the overview of all possible basic settings. You can select one or several from the list and put them into the selection window. In the nest parameters window these can be adapted if necessary. The next screen then allows you to actually execute the basic setting that has to be selected explicitly again. The according measured values which are defined by the diagnostic system are displayed in this process. Here the users have no option to extend the values. • Please perform the basic settings of the _________ECU on your training car in the mode guided functions! - Please identify the sequence of the individual steps and determine the differences between this exercise and the previous one (no.12) ! When you start the function "Basic Settings" from Guided Functions and select the desired basic setting, ODIS switches to the tab "Process". The programme also controls the individual steps and guides the user through the basic setting process until the check has been completed. VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use
Worksheet 7 – Differences between ODIS and VAS-PC TT ODIS Introduction/Practical part on the car Which is the difference between the initialization of the function test instruments in the pop-up menu of the individual ECU and the activation in the main menu on the right ? When you open the function fron the main menu (Test Instruments) in the right screen window all functions that are also available on a VAS PC are available. If you wish to display a measured value block in addition to the multimeter reading or to the DSO image you have to chose the way by selecting (Test Instruments) in the context menu of the according control unit. Here you have to select the according measured values before entering into the Test Instruments menu. • Which functions, or options, are offered by the programme during the quick start in ODIS without Guided Fault Finding ? When you start the diagnosis without Guided Fault Finding the start sequence is already complete after identifying the VIN and the max. range of installed control units (List of control units or network plan are greyed out). The context menu of a system only offers the following functions: Identify Control Units, Erase All Event Memories as well as Guided Functions. • - What has to be done in order to access the functions control unit self-diagnostics and vehicle self-diagnostics nevertheless ? In order to access these important functions in the pop-up menu of the ECUsthe function Identify Control Unit has to be carried out first. VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use page 7/12
Worksheet 8 – Faultfinding in the Passat convenience system TT Electrical Faultfinding with ODIS Service/Practical part on the car 16. A customer comes to your workshop with his Passat and mentions the following complaint: - „the left rear window doesn´t work /is out of function !“ Please find the fault , write it down and remove it ! Interruption of the LIN Bus between drivers door ECU and rear left door ECU. Outpushed pin in the B-piller connection. 17. What would be a correct sequence for the diagnosis of the failure ? Be aware of it and write the sequence down ! • Solution: • - Verifythecustomersymptom(whatdoes he mean ?) • - functionoftherearlifterbyrearactuation = given • - functionoftherearlifterby front activation = not given • - convenienceclosingdoesn´twork • - rearleft passenger doordoesn´t lock • II • V • Nocommunicationbetweenthedriversdoor ECU andrearleftdoor ECU • II • V • - Interruptioinofthe LIN Bus connection in B-column VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use page 8/12
Worksheet 9 – Faultfinding in the Golf convenience system TT Electrical Faultfinding with ODIS Service/Practical part on the car 18. A customer comes to your workshop with his Golf and mentions the following complaint: - „the rear window lifter doesn´t work /is out of function !“ Please find the fault and write it down ! Child lock switch is defektive and stucked in the activated position. 19. What would be a correct sequence for the diagnosis of the failure ? Be aware of it and write the sequence down ! • Solution: • - Whichwindow-lifteris in factconcerned ? • - bothswitches in the back out offunction • Istheactivationoftherearwindowliftersprincipalypossible ? - fromthe front switches = yes • - fromtherearswitches = no - convenienceactivation = yes • Isthe LIN communicationgiven ? = yescentrallockingisprincipallyworking? = yespower supplyofreardoorECU´sgiven ? = yes • - isthefunctionofthechild lock switchgiven ? = no • - Child lock switchstucked in theactivatedpositionandadditionally ist illuminationdoesn´twork. VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use page 9/12
Worksheet 10 – Faultfinding in the Touareg infotainment system TT Electrical Faultfinding with ODIS Service/Practical part on the car 20. A customer comes to your workshop with his Touareg and mentions the following complaint: - „the radio of the car doesn´t work /is out of function !“ Please find the fault and write it down ! Interruption of the MOST bus optical ring 21. What would be a correct sequence for the diagnosis of the failure ? Be aware of it and write the sequence down ! • Solution: • Verificationofthesymptom. - Main displaywithoutfunction. - Radio withoutfunction - Main unit / mediaplayerwithoutfunction - Instrumentpanel(Dashboardinsert) workspartially • Read out the fault memoryofthecarinfotainmentsystem- nocommunicationbetween Gateway-ECU andInstrumentpanel- - interrruptionoftheoptical ring • Performtestplan „check oftheoptical ring“- crosscheckthecircuitdiagramms- performtheringbrakediagnosis • Result: nocommunication(Gateway istheringbreakdiagnosticmaster) towiththeinstrumentpanelpossible. This couldbecausedbythe Gateway ortheinstrumentpanel MOST transceiveror an open circuit in theiroptical fiber-connection. • Whydoestheinstrumentpanelpartiallywork ? • - Becauseitreceivesonlythe high resolutiondatafornavigation via MOST. The otherdataisreceived via confort _CAN VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use page 10/12
Worksheet 11 – Measuring with the ODIS function test instruments TT Electrical Faultfinding with ODIS Service/Practical part on the car • Please pick upthe LIN-bus signalbetweenthedriversdoor ECU (master) andtherearleftdoor ECU (slave) ofthePassatanddisplayit in thetestinstrumentfunctionofthe ODIS tester (VAS 5051B) on the DSO screen ! • -Alongwiththismeasurmentpleaseinitialize in parallel(simultaneously) thedisplayofcorresponding/usefullmeasurmentvalues on the ODIS screen! VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use page 11/12
Worksheet 11 – Measuring with the ODIS function test instruments TT Electrical Faultfinding with ODIS Service/Practical part on the car 23. Please pick up the signal of a window lifter switch and the switch for Kindersicherung of the Golf at the same time and display them in parallel on the DSO screen combined with the measurement value monitor ! VSQ/TT • VTA900P.1 • status: 10.2011only for internal use page 12/12