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BASIC SCHOOLCENTER TRAINING. Tech Mentor Template Created by Chilton Foley-Reynolds. Start Page. Organizer Account Settings Password Icons. Start Page. 3 Basic Questions. Preview Mode vs. Edit Mode VIEW MODE. 3 Basic Questions. Preview Mode vs. Edit Mode EDIT MODE.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BASIC SCHOOLCENTERTRAINING Tech Mentor Template Created by Chilton Foley-Reynolds

  2. Start Page • Organizer • Account Settings • Password • Icons

  3. Start Page

  4. 3 Basic Questions Preview Mode vs. Edit Mode VIEW MODE

  5. 3 Basic Questions Preview Mode vs. Edit Mode EDIT MODE

  6. 3 Basic Questions • Adding something new to a page

  7. 3 Basic Questions • Adding something new to a page • CLICK New Newsletter Group • CLICK Add Picture and Text • CLICK Advanced Content Editor • Add Content • CLICK Done

  8. 3 Basic Questions • Working with a box on the page

  9. 3 Basic Questions • Preview Mode vs. Edit Mode • Adding something new to a page • Working with a box on the page

  10. Other Information • Pop-up windows • Pop-up blocker • Never use the “X” in the upper right corner, always click on a button on the page. • This is a portal for parents, many who have dial-up. • Need to limit the amount of information on one page, so doesn’t take long to load the page.

  11. Adding Images • Adding an image to a box from the gallery • Advanced Content Editor

  12. Adding Images • Browse Button

  13. Adding Images • SchoolCenter Gallery

  14. Adding Images • SchoolCenter Gallery

  15. Adding Images • Resizing

  16. Adding Images • Limiting Flash art on page

  17. The Homepage • Newsletter Group Box vs. Content Box • Title Bar • hiding or using the bar • Columns • Span Full Width of Page • Divide into 2-4 columns (2-3 recommended) • Content Box uses inline Editing • All Content Boxes at top of page, all Newsletter Boxes at bottom of page – Cannot mix the two types of boxes

  18. Sorting Newsletter Boxes

  19. The Homepage

  20. The Homepage • Homepage ideas • Top of the funnel • Not too much info on homepage • Links to other pages where there is more information • Limit amount on page so don’t have to scroll • 3 Basic Questions

  21. CREATION OF CONTENT (10-15 min.)

  22. Other Pages in SchoolCenter • Contact Form • Depending on the page, the options under Edit are different • Page Settings and add email address • Preview mode vs. Edit Mode – don’t see e-mail address • Post-Submission Page • 3 Basic Questions • Use a large font • Demonstration

  23. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Contact Form

  24. Other Pages in SchoolCenter • Calendar • Add an event • General Tab • Options Tab • Categories Tab • Add a second event • Demonstrate Filters • Edit an event (3 Basic Questions) • Manage Categories • Pulling Data • How to begin • How to stop • Importing data from a .csv file

  25. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Calendar

  26. CREATION OF CONTENT (15-20 min.)

  27. Other Pages in SchoolCenter • Document Manager • Categories • Adding categories • Parents • “List All” • Add Documents • Standard vs Enhance mode • Demo of enhanced mode • File size limit: 10MB • Keep file sizes small for download with dial-up • Edit Categories

  28. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Document Manager

  29. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Document Manager

  30. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Document Manager

  31. CREATION OF CONTENT (20-25 min.)End of 1st session (If doing 2 sessions)

  32. Other Pages in SchoolCenter • Album • Compressing pictures • VSO Image Resizer • MS Office Picture Manager • Demonstrate compression and where to save • Manage Album – NOT Add Content Box • Adding pictures • Standard vs. Enhanced • Add at least 2 pictures to album • Demonstrate Slide Show

  33. Other Pages in SchoolCenterAlbum

  34. Other Pages in SchoolCenterAlbum

  35. Other Pages in SchoolCenterAlbum

  36. Other Pages in SchoolCenter • Useful Links • Explain Linking • Categories • Create categories • Parents • Add Links

  37. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Useful Links

  38. Other Pages in SchoolCenter • Useful Links • Link Process • Go to end of link first • Need the URL – this is unique to each page • Copy the URL • Now go to beginning of link • Paste in URL box • Opening in same window vs. new window • Same window if staying in your web site • New window if going to another web site • Link Styles

  39. Other Pages in SchoolCenter Useful Links

  40. Linking in ACE • Create link from home page • Link Process • Go to end of link first and get URL • Go to ACE • Have to highlight words to enable the link button • Paste URL • New window vs. same window • Always create link first, then format second

  41. Linking in ACE

  42. CREATION OF CONTENT (15-20 min.)

  43. Navigation • Edit Navigation • Moving from column to column • Change names of links • Sort Navigation • Delete from Navigation

  44. Navigation

  45. Adding/Deleting Pages • Review the Add Page List • Changing a page title • Deleting a page

  46. Adding/Deleting Pages

  47. Page Summaries • Newsletter group box • Add a page summary for a calendar page • Show first • Review settings after • Add a page summary for an album page

  48. Page Summaries

  49. FINAL CREATION OF CONTENT (20-30 min.)

  50. Support • Support button in top right corner • Goes to info about the page type that user is currently on • Live chat • Your Contact info

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