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15 Day Umrah package From Mumbai

Umrah is a pilgrimage to Makkah to perform the rituals at any time of the year, unlike Hajj which takes place only once a year on fixed Islamic dates. With the rapid change in the surroundings and tech, it has become more difficult to plan an Umrah trip. Bakhla Tours and Travels has a specially designed 15 Day Umrah package From Mumbai for each and every budget. All you have to do is choose an all inclusive package according to your budget and leave the rest of the hassle on to us. We are masters in our field and have an experience of curating packages for around 35 years. Happy customers is o

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15 Day Umrah package From Mumbai

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  1. BAKHLATOURS&TRAVELS UMRAHTOUR PACKAGES Bakhla Tours & Travels is organising Hajj Umrah Tour andservingpilgrimssincelast30years.Wearesituated in Mumbai. Bakhla Tours is one of the leading travel agenciesintheHajjUmrahPilgrimageindustry. WEBSITE https://bakhlatours.com/

  2. BakhlaTours&Travelsisattheserviceofallpilgrims since last 3 decades. Our CEO Mr. Rashid Ahmed startedBakhlaTours&Travelsintheearly90’s. DuringthatperiodpilgrimagetourslikeHajj& Umrahwasaverydifficulttask. 15DAYUMRAH PACKAGE FROMMUMBAI UmrahisapilgrimagetoMakkahtoperformtherituals at any time of the year, unlike Hajj which takes place onlyonceayearonfixedIslamicdates.Withtherapid change in the surroundings and tech, it has become moredifficulttoplananUmrahtrip.BakhlaToursand Travelshasaspeciallydesigned15DayUmrahpackage FromMumbaiforeachandeverybudget. https://bakhlatours.com/

  3. BakhlaTours&Travelsisattheserviceofallpilgrims since last 3 decades. Our CEO Mr. Rashid Ahmed startedBakhlaTours&Travelsintheearly90’s. DuringthatperiodpilgrimagetourslikeHajj& Umrahwasaverydifficulttask. UMRAH VISA PACKAGES FORINDIANS When performed with the right intentions, Umrah servesasameansofpurificationfortheSoulandMind, which is tainted with sins over a period of time. Our companyprovidesyouwiththisopportunitywiththe bestservicesforHajj,UmrahandUmrahvisapackages forIndians. https://bakhlatours.com/

  4. BakhlaTours&Travelsisattheserviceofallpilgrims since last 3 decades. Our CEO Mr. Rashid Ahmed startedBakhlaTours&Travelsintheearly90’s. DuringthatperiodpilgrimagetourslikeHajj& Umrahwasaverydifficulttask. HAJJ AND UMRAHTOUR PACKAGE GovernmentofSaudihasincreasedtheumrahpackage Rate for Visa and Hotel reservations as compared to previousyears.Leadingtopeoplehavingalotofqueries intheirmind,likeneedingtoknowthetotalexpenses forUmrahincludingTickets,Transportation,Hotel,Visa fees,Ziaratexpenses,etc. https://bakhlatours.com/

  5. BakhlaTours&Travelsisattheserviceofallpilgrims since last 3 decades. Our CEO Mr. Rashid Ahmed startedBakhlaTours&Travelsintheearly90’s. DuringthatperiodpilgrimagetourslikeHajj& Umrahwasaverydifficulttask. LOWPRICE UMRAH PACKAGES MuslimsviewUmrahasthe“Smallerpilgrimage”,while Hajj is seen as the “Main pilgrimage.” Unlike for Hajj, MuslimsarerecommendedtoperformUmrahasmany times as possible as it is the Sunnah of our beloved prophetMohammed(Sallallahualayhiwassallam).We have customised special Low price Umrah packages keepinginmindtheneedsofourcustomersandtheir budgets. https://bakhlatours.com/

  6. GETINTOUCH WITHUS EMAIL sales@bakhlatours.com WEBSITE https://bakhlatours.com/ CALLUS +919920820751

  7. Thannnkkk youuu!!! https://bakhlatours.com/

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