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Read to know What is Ayurveda Science and How it Helps to Heal Us?
Ayurveda is a method of mind-body healing. This is a Sanskrit terms. The word “Ayu” means longevity and “Veda” means science. So the word ayurveda defines the science of living. This science was propounded by ancient Indian sages. In the golden period of Ayurveda, India dominates the world of science. Even the foreign students used to come in Taxila and Nalanda to learn ayurveda under the supervision of charak and Shushrut.
Ayurveda deals with the five elements in nature, known as “Panchabhoota” – Agni (fire), Prithwi (earth), Vayu ( wind), Varun ( water), Akash (ethereal element). Ayurveda science says that Human body comprises of these five elements. These five elements affects us directly to the body, mind and soul & also indirectly to our social and environmental connectivity. These elements are allied with each other, in which one or more than one element governs the function. Human body constitutes of this five elements in the form of “dosha” or “humours” according to Greeks. There are three ‘dosha’s in Ayurvedic science – Vata, Pitta, Kapha. We are categorized into these three ‘dosha’s on the basis of our balance of three dosha, where some of us are predominant in one ‘dosha’ or some are combination of more than one. The three humours or ‘dosha’s control our nature and activities. They determine our desire, our movement, our attraction and repulsion. Depending on our very core nature or predominant Dosha we naturally attracted to something or get repulsion of the other. These doshas also predict our health challenges and personalities. Have a glance over the cut-out of three doshas –
Vata : This is compounded of air and ether elements. The persons belong to this Dosha are hedonistic in nature. Their body structures tend to be tender and light. They are swift in moving, working; quick in speaking. They reflect the mobile nature like the wind. The certain physical problem their body challenges are Constipation, dryness in skin & hair, loosing weight, Low immunity and weakness in nerve. Effective herbal medicine- Vata is balanced by the opposite elements- Sweet herbs like Shatavari, charmolie and pungent herbs like spinach, ginger, garlic. Pitta:People of this category inculcate the nature of fire predominantly and water secondary. Firey elements reflect their sharpness in body, mind and tongue, whereas watery elements bring out their flexibility, penetrating eyes and oily skins. They often challenges skin rashes, malfunction of liver & spleen. Effective herbal medicine- Pitta is hot and firey. Rejuvenating herbs like Bacopa, shatavari, and triphala (amlaki, haritaki, bibhitaki) are used to nourish the body while bitters like cardamom, bramhi dandelion root temper the fire. Kapha: The people of Kapha inculcates the nature of Earth and water within them. They show stability like earth; cooling and moisturous like water. They are prone to be stout in figure. They face certain physical challenges like sinus, mucus, asthma, lungs related problem and diabetes. Effective herbal medicine- khapa are prescribed to have grains such as quino, amaranth, hot spices like cayenne pepper, vegetables, apple juice, nuts, dairy. Body purifying herbs like guggul, pungent herbs like clove pacify kapha.
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