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History taking in obstetrics and obsterical examination

History taking in obstetrics and obsterical examination. Essential etiquettes. Seek permission to enter the area where the patient is Be very careful with the dress code Make sure you are wearing your identity badge Be courteous ,sensitive and gentle Always have a chaperone present

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History taking in obstetrics and obsterical examination

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  1. History taking in obstetrics and obsterical examination

  2. Essential etiquettes • Seek permission to enter the area where the patient is • Be very careful with the dress code • Make sure you are wearing your identity badge • Be courteous ,sensitive and gentle • Always have a chaperone present • Switch off your mobile

  3. Template of an obstetric history • Personal history • Presenting complaints • History of presenting complaints • Course in the hospital • History of present pregnancy • Past obstetric history • Menstrual history • Contraceptive history • Past medical &surgical history • Drug history and allergies • Family history. • Social history • Systemic review • Summary

  4. 1-Personal and social history Name ,age ,nationality ,occupation ,marital status and adress.Hasband name ,age ,occupation ,consanguity. Blood groups and Rh for both. Gravida :is the number of times the woman has been pregnant regardless of the out come of the pregnancy. Parity is the total number of deliveries either live or still birth after the viability (24 weeks) LMP/EDD/Duration of gestation

  5. LMP=First day of the last menstrual period .Establish the patients certainty of date, the regularity of cycle and the use of contraception. • EDD=expected date of delivery • Naegles rule • EDD=+7 days – 3monthes +1 to the year or • EDD=LMP+9months +7days or it calculated from obstetric wheel

  6. Chief complaint Main complaint and duration of the symptoms that make the patient seek medical help Common obstetric symptoms are :bleeding per vagina , abdominal pain , urinary symptoms ,headache , reduced fetal movement , contractions , PROM etcetera .

  7. History of present illness • Onset , course , severity , duration . • What increase /decreases the symptoms . • Associated other symptoms . • Investigations done (date ,place &results) • Treatment received (details &response) • Any complications .

  8. History of present pregnancy • Planned / unplanned pregnancy . • Antenatal care – number of visits ,any high risk factors identified , results of investigations including early US , any problems in each trimesters , what medication is being taken • Adequate weight gain , BP , Protein urea .History of vaccination.

  9. Past obstetrical history • State the gravida and parity status and then give the following details of all her pregnancies:Date , place , mode of delivery (normal or CS ) Maturity , fetal sex , weight .,onset of labor any complications ,breast feeding .If long obstetrical history one may summaries e.g. she had 8 children ,all are normal vaginal deliveries ,breast feeding ,no complications

  10. Gynecological history • Menarche ,her cycle regular or not .dysmenorrhea , intermenstrual bleeding . • Any contraception used before ,type . • Any gynecological operation she had . • Any vaginal discharge .

  11. Family history • Family history of chronic illness like HT , DM. Any inherited disease ,family history of congenital anomalies , multiple pregnancy . • Social history :occupation ,income ,level of educations , smoking, drugs abuse . • Drugs history :any drugs used ,allergy • Past medical history : • Past surgical history :

  12. Review of system • Examination : • Consent, privacy , female nurse present. • General examination :color , examination of pallor in the palm and congectiva and mucous membrane of the tongue .Cloasma of face .the presence of edema . • Vital sign (pulse ,BP ,Temp ,respiratory rate ) • Systemic examination of head and neck ,cardiovascular ,respiratory system.

  13. Obstetric examination • Inspection of the abdomen for distension ,symmetry , striae gravid arum ,lina nigra ,scars of previous operation , edema ,fetal movement if present . • Palpation for any tenderness . • Examination for fundal height by ulner border of left hand starting from xiphysternum downward till you feel the fundus.

  14. Symphysis fundal height measurement by tape measure in cm ,the measurement equal to gestational age in weeks .A large SFH may be due to wrong date ,macrosomia ,multiple pregnancy ,polyhydramnios .A small SFH may be due to oligohydramnios . • Fundal grip palpate the fundal region by the two hand to feel what occupy the fundal region . • Lateral examination to feel the back on which side ,estimate the amount of liquor and determine the fetal lie . • Pelvic maneuver by using the two hand to feel the presenting part ,the head is hard round while the breech is soft . • Pawlick grip try to hold the head between the thumb and index to see is it fix to pelvis or free .

  15. Auscultation : Try to listen to fetal heart by fetal stethoscope or sonic aid usually on fetal back in one of iliac fossa bellow the umbilicus while in breech F H above umbilicus . • Vaginal examination : • Inspect the vulva for any abnormality • Vaginal examination for cervical dilatation ,cervical consistency ,effacement ,position of cervix (bishop score ) and station (level of presenting part to ischial spine

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