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NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE. BIOMEDICAL IMAGING PROGRAM. New NCI Initiatives for CAD. Laurence P. Clarke PhD. Barbara Y. Croft PhD. Edward Staab MD. Daniel Sullivan MD. NCI. Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD). Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP). Develop- mental

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  2. New NCI Initiatives for CAD Laurence P. Clarke PhD. Barbara Y. Croft PhD. Edward Staab MD. Daniel Sullivan MD.

  3. NCI Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) Cancer Diagnosis Program (CDP) Develop- mental Therapeutics Program (DTP) Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP) Radiation Research Program (RRP) Biomedical Imaging Program(BIP) Imaging Technology Development Branch Diagnostic Imaging Branch Molecular Imaging Branch Image-guided Therapy Branch

  4. NIH Funding for Imaging $Millions

  5. BIP Grant Funding $M

  6. Branch: Imaging Technology • Promoting new areas for imaging technology development. • Development of new funding initiatives for academia and industry, including SBIR/STTR’s. • Development of research resources and centers of excellence. • Promoting Inter-agency programs.

  7. NIH Initiatives: Image Data Bases • NLM/NSF Visible Human Project (1989-): CT/MRI images of to allow evaluation of image registration and segmentation (normal subjects/cadavers). • NIH/NSF: Human Brain Project (1993-). Common tools to facilitate research on neuroinformatics (CT/PET/MRI). • NCI Database (2000-2005): Focused on evaluation of diagnostic software for specific cancer applications and impact of image pre- processing( image registration).

  8. Rationale: Image Database • CAD methods: Rapidly being developed for more efficient analysis of screening studies (breast, lung and colon). • Clinical Model: Spiral CT for lung cancer screening for high risk patients: Opportunity: access to clinical trials. • Physical Model: Excellent for evaluating 3D CAD, image registration and temporal analysis of serial CT images, multi-modality image registration, image reconstruction.

  9. Objectives: Image Database Resource • Develop consensus for generation of retrospective image databases, histology confirmation and spatial ground truth, metrics and statistical methods for software evaluation. • Provide an objective means to compare CAD, image processing, change analysis, and image reconstruction software methods. • Stimulate development and early identification of promising software methods and reduction of research risk for academia and industry research sites. • Enhance inter-disciplinary research collaboration by academia, federal laboratories and industry.

  10. Subtle and Very Subtle Nodules Imaged on CT scan

  11. CU0138-1 Jun 17 1996, (X,Y) resolution: 0.68359 mm, Slice thickness : 1 mm A.P.Reeves, Cornell University, 1999

  12. CU0138-1 3D Views Volume: 193.531 (mm3) Extents (x, y, z): 11, 10, 7 (mm) Length, Width, Height (EOI): 9.63099, 7.67993, 4.99717 (mm) Aspect Ratios (L/H, L/W, W/H): 1.92729, 1.25405, 1.53686 A.P.Reeves, Cornell University, 1999

  13. U01: Cooperative Agreement • Support 5 academic sites with fundable scores, selected by NCI, with ongoing lung cancer screening programs, to form a Lung Image Data Base Consortium (LIDC). • LIDC: Minimum of 3 sites and two X-ray CT systems. • U01 “Assistance mechanism” as opposed to a “contract”. • Steering committee: PI and Co-PI’s and NCI Program staff; responsible for forming consensus on research tasks. • Concept Support: $7M for 5 years for 5 sites.

  14. Future Plans: Technology Development • Proposed PA: R21/R33 phased innovation for imaging technology development. • RFP for ultrasound research interface • RFA for spiral CT image database • Proposed additional Centers with technology development component

  15. NCI BIP WebPage • URL = www.nci.nih.gov/dip/ • Email Newsletter : js95x@nih.gov • lclarke@mail.nih.gov • croftb@dtpepn.nci.nih.gov

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