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Mobbing – internationale Zusammenarbeit Gruppen, Vereine, Institute …. „ Schutz vor Mobbing “ Bad Kreuznach , 02.Februar 2013 PhDr. Pavel Beňo. IAWBH ( http://www.iawbh.org/). International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment
Mobbing – internationale ZusammenarbeitGruppen, Vereine, Institute … „Schutz vor Mobbing“ BadKreuznach, 02.Februar 2013 PhDr. Pavel Beňo
IAWBH(http://www.iawbh.org/) International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment • We are a group who seek to stimulate, generate, integrate and disseminate research and evidence-based practice in the field of workplace bullying and harassment. Through this effort we seek to promote fairness, justice and dignity at work for all. • The Association has been founded at a scholarly conference in Montréal in 2008 and has about 170 members from over 20 different countries from as far afield as Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, United States and Europe. • Regular Membership - £60.00 (GBP)Subscription period: 1 year No recurring payments • Student Membership - £40.00 (GBP)Subscription period: 1 year No recurring payments
IAWBH, activities … • The International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment is made up of scholars and practitioners who specialise in the field of workplace bullying and harassment. We stimulate, generate, integrate and disseminate research and evidence-based practice in the field of workplace bullying and harassment. Through this effort we seek to contribute to achieving fairness, justice and dignity at work for all. You may read our Constitution. • Our activities are concerned with meeting the association aims, and include … • the coordination of a conference held every two years (next: Milan, 2014) • a newsletter for members • networking groups of scholars and practitioners.
IAWBH, aims … The International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment aims to … • promote fairness, justice and dignity for all at work • promote a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of workplace bullying and harassment • increase knowledge of the contextual factors relating to workplace bullying and harassment • understand the interpersonal, intrapersonal organizational and societal dynamics of workplace bullying and harassment • disseminate research-based knowledge and evidence-based practice on workplace bullying and harassment • bring together researchers and practitioners for collaboration and knowledge sharing • broaden the geographical scope of research and evidence based practice into workplace bullying and harassment.
IAWBH, Board … The board of the International Association on Workplace Bullying & Harassment consists of: • Annie Høgh (president) • Premilla D’Cruz (sectretary) • Nils Magerøy (treasurer) • Elfi Baillien • Ståle Einarsen • Adrienne Hubert • Shayne Mathieson E-mail contact: contact@iawbh.org
Others … ILO http://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm OSHA Europe https://osha.europa.eu/de?set_language=de Netzwerk -Wandel von Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft in Europa http://www.eza.org; http://www.eza.org/aktuell/newsansicht/date/seminar-wandel-von-arbeitswelt-und-gesellschaft-in-europa-vision-einer-neuen-arbeitsgesellschaft-20 http://www.netzwerk-unternehmen-fuer-gesundheit.de/luxemburger-deklaration.html DAPHNE PROGRAMME (2004?) EUROPEAN COMMISSION Preventive Measures to Fight Violence Against Children, Young People and Womenhttp://ec.europa.eu/justice/grants/programmes/daphne/index_en.htm IBPA - http://www.stopbullyingworld.org(International Bullying Prevention Association is to support and enhance quality research based bullying prevention principles and best practices in order to achieve a safe school climate, healthy work environment, good citizenship and civic responsibility) International Bullying Prevention Associationhttp://article.wn.com/view/2012/06/28/International_Bullying_Prevention_Association
„Nordic Tour …“ (2012) NIVA ( http://www.niva.org/home ) is once again hosting a number of seminars in the Nordic countries: Oslo - 18 September; Reykjavik - 22 October; Stockholm - 27 November; Helsinki - 5 December; Copenhagen - 11 December. The objective of these independent 1-day seminars in each of the Nordic countries is to share evidence-based knowledge and experiences among researchers and practitioners. The seminars will inform the participants about the up-to-date research results concerning the reasons, risk factors and consequences of bullying in the workplace. http://www.norden.org/en/nordic-council-of-ministers http://www.ttl.fi/en/news/Documents/Program%20Oslo.pdf http://www.ttl.fi/en/news/Documents/Program%20Helsinki.pdf