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SSC’s: What are They?. Review committees established on each campus where one or more charter schools are co-located with one or more DOE schools or a D75 program
SSC’s: What are They? • Review committees established on each campus where one or more charter schools are co-located with one or more DOE schools or a D75 program • Purpose is to review the implementation of the Campus Space Plan or Building Utilization Plan with SSC members; the review makes the space allocation and shared space decisions transparent. Principals retain the sole right to make the collaborative space sharing and scheduling decisions on the Building Council, but they review these results with the SSC. • Meets at least 4 times per year • Comprised of a principal, teacher, parent from each co-located school; AP may serve a delegate for D-75 * • * NOTE: SSCs are not to be confused with the Building Council (BC), which exists for campus administrative decision-making only and is separate from the independent SSC. • Only DOE and charter principals, plus D75 AP’s can serve on the BC. • Only principals, parent and teacher reps may serve on the SSC.
SSC Purpose and Selection Process • DOCUMENTS: • For existing charter schools that are co-located on a campus opened by September 1, 2010, the SSC shall review the implementation of the current Campus Space Plan. The shared space schedule is available from the 2010 Campus Audit Template (CAT) filed in each campus folder. • For new charter co-located schools opened on campuses after September 1, 2010, the SSC shall review the implementation of the Building Usage Plan (BUP) approved by the PEP • SELECTION PROCESS: • DOE parent and teacher members should be chosen by the corresponding constituent members of the SLT and solicited by the DOE principal(s). • Charter parent and teacher members should be chosen by the charter principal in consultation with their constituencies.
SSC Start Up • Building Council Principals will set up the first meeting of their SSC by soliciting members as per the selection process, setting a date and securing a room to meet. Superintendents may be asked to facilitate a few of these in their district, but the majority will be facilitated by campus principals. • Start up meetings for campuses with existing charters opened prior to September 1, 2010 must occur no later than January 31stand a total of four meetings must be scheduled by no later than June 30th. • As new charters get approved this school year, a similar process will be rolled out for their campuses; they will use the BUP as their information source.
Task Protocols for SSCs • TASK DISTRIBUTION: • The DOE and charter principals shall reach mutual agreement about who should: • assure the required selection process has occurred and all members are identified; • call and facilitate the meeting; set four dates for the school year and decide who is responsible for calling the meeting each time; • send member contact information and minutes to the campus folder at the end of the Meet & Greet; which counts as the first meeting. • provide Campus Audit Template (CAT) for committee review; • limit the agenda to review of the implementation: • discussion of shared space schedules, • discussion of building space plan. • send minutes for four meetings to the campus folder. Only review comments are recorded in the minutes.