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India is land of unique cultures and diversities. A land where many incredible personalities are born and <br><br>make our country proud. As we celebrate Indiau2019s independence this August, Spunky Indian brings to you a <br><br>plethora of goodness of India.
Delivering a delectable slice of India to the world SPUNKY INDIAN A U G U S T 2 0 1 9 FOOD Salads of India TRAVEL Coonoor’s attractions for a refreshing and delightful vacation! What made Vasantha Vaikunth the Cultural Ambassador of India? Independence Day Special: Celebrating The Colors And People Of India
Editors Letter India is land of unique cultures and diversities. A land where many incredible personalities are born and make our country proud. As we celebrate India's independence this August, Spunky Indian brings to you a plethora of goodness of India. Know about Vasantha Vaikunth who spreads India's culture to the world through her art and has been named as the cultural ambassador of India. India's cuisine is as vibrant as its people. And this time, chef Reetu educates us with different salads of India. Spunky Indian also celebrates National Handloom Day, 7 August, and would like to give a tribute to Zahida, the new face of Kashmir Wish you a happy Independence Day!!
C o n t e n t s ON THE COVER Vasantha Vaikunth: A true Indian who imparts Indian Art and scriptural knowledge all around the globe. 01 11 17 26 34 40 46 Salads of India What Made Vasantha Vaikunth The Cultural Ambassador of India? Four Bangalore Based Women who are Changing the Definition of Fashion and Glamour The Voice of Many Kashmiri Women: Zahida Amin Halt to These Coonoor’s Attractions for a Refreshing and Delightful Vacation! This is How Lakshmi Sakkhi Helping Women to Break the Barriers and Live their Dreams Banani Vista Event Highlights TRAVEL Take a glimpse at some of these astonishing places to visit in Coonoor and plan your vacation accordingly FOOD A salad trail which includes various flavours, colours, aroma, textures and appearance of the various regions / states of India. FASHION The voice of many Kashmiri women: Zahida Amin. A journey from Sopore to the world!
SALADS OF INDIA Chef Reetu Uday Kugaji Food Tales Chef, Culinary Expert, Mentor, Food Blogger & Author, Hospitality and Food Consultant. 01 | SPUNKY INDIAN
India is a land of culture, traditions and Food which includes various lip- smacking cuisines. We all have always considered the main courses as very significant/ vital part of a meal. But there is something that accompanies our main course and makes it more palatable, nutritious and is tongue tantalizing and that is a Salad. The vast cuisines of India have their own authentic salads which are not only different in flavors and aromas but also varies in the choice of Ingredients. The reasons for the choice of ingredients are different, depending on factors like food choices, food habits, customs, religious beliefs, traditions, climate and seasonal availabilities in different regions of India. The vast cuisines of India have their own authentic salads which are not only different in flavors and aromas but also varies in the choice of Ingredients. Let me take you on a Salad trail which includes various flavours, colours, aroma, textures and appearance of the various regions / states of India- The Land of Various cuisines. Let me begin with a Salad which is not only delicious but is a powerhouse of nutrition called Singju, a very healthy salad from Manipur, originated in Meitei which is also adored by the North Eastern States of India. A vegetarian Singju is consumed mainly during ritual occasions / feasts. It is mainly prepared with Chick pea Powder, Perilla seeds (bhanjeer), Chillies, green leafy vegetables, Lotus Stem, Stink beans, cabbage, cauliflower, unripe payaya, Banana flower, Rice bean, onion, and salt to season. Manipur People mostly prefer eating non-vegetarian Singju at home which is prepared with a Manipuri fermented fish called Ngari, Chillies, leafy vegetables and vegetables mentioned in the Vegetarian Singju. Not to forget salt to season it. 02 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Ushoi Kangshu: AtraditionalBambooShoot SaladoftheMeiteis of Manipur. Itisafierysaladpreparedwith freshbambooshoot, fermented fish, chilliesandpeas. The methodofitspreparationisa traditionalartwhichishanded overfromgenerationto generation. Sprinkleafew ChameleonLeaves (Toning- Khok) orLemonBasil (Mayang-ton) andonionover thepreparedUshoiKangshuto furtherenhancetheflavours. Assam Tripura Tiyohasaladpreparedwith cucumber, tomato, onion, carrotwithKajiLemon. Nagaland PorkandRoastedChilliSalad (WahanMosodeng) ispreparedwith bigboiledchunksofpork, juliennes ofginger, slicedonion, roastedand groundgreenchillies, saltand Mexicanparsley (KaisingMosla / DoinaBakhor). Meghalaya PennywortSaladisprepared withIndianPennywortleaves, Cherrytomatoes, Onion, Green chilliesandpeanuts. Ki Baa (Smoked pork and Kidney Beans Salad)is preparedwithsmokedpork. Redkidneybeans, Ginger, Greenchillies, freshcoriander leavesandSmokedpork. Dohkhliehisaspecialkindofpork salad, madefromboiledpork, onionsandchillies. Gondhoraj lebujuicebringsupit’sflavorfrom thezestylemon. 03 | SPUNKY INDIAN 03 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Bihar Salad with cabbage, raw peas, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, coriander leaves, beet root, carrot and fresh winter vegetables areservedinhugeThali'salong withthefood. Maharashtra Koshimbir isavery famoussaladfrom Maharashtra, preparedwith finelychopped onion, cucumber, roastedand coarselyground peanuts, green chillies, fresh cilantroandadash oflemonjuice, salt totastemildly temperedwithoil , asafetida, mustard seedsandcurry leaves. Some Maharashtrians preferadding beatencurds insteadoflemon juiceandalittle rocksalt. 04 | SPUNKY INDIAN Koshimbir is a very
Parsis ParsispreferKachumber (a sharp onion-cucumber based salad)which accompaniesmostmeals. Itispreparedwithrawonion, cucumber, tomatoes, fresh cilantro, spicygreenchilliesdrizzledwithasaladdressingpreparedwithredvinegar. ItgoesbestwithParsiDhansak. Gujrat Kachumbersaladcomprisingof freshlychoppedcucumbers, tomatoes, onions, freshcoriander leaves, greenchillies, dressedwith curd / lemonjuiceorvinegar. Gujaratis sometimes add cabbage to give it a crunchy texture. Goa Goans generally call it dry fish salad or Kismuri. DryPrawnSalad /DryPrawn Kismur ( SukhiSungtaKismur) is atraditionalGoansalad. Goans generallycallitdryfishsalador Kismuri. Itcanbemadewithdry prawnsorshrimp, Mackerel , shark, surmai (Kingfish). Other ingredientsusedforits preparationareTamarind, Kokum, RedchilliandTurmeric powder, coconutoil, onion, scrapedcoconutandsalt. 05 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Odisha Moong dal. Mangoes, bananas, apples, guava, oranges, grated coconut sugar and coarsely ground Cashew nuts.. MugaChakta (MoongFruitSalad) Savitri Amavasyabrataiscelebrated by all married women of Orissa praying for the well being and long lives of their respective husbands. ItispreparedwithMoongdal. Mangoes, bananas, apples, guava, oranges, grated coconutsugarandcoarselygroundCashew nuts.. Bengal Fragrant Bengal Lime Salad: ThefamiliarSaladiselevatedtoaBengaliClassic withtheadditionofzestyGondhorajandtangyKashundi. Itispreparedwithdiced, cucumber, tomatoesandcapsicum, lettuce, gondhoraj lemonjuiceandzest, kashundi, refinedoil, sugarpowderandsalt. The familiar Salad is elevated to a Bengali Classic with the addition of zesty Gondhoraj and tangy Kashundi. 06 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Punjab OnionLachchaSalad / Pyaazda Lachchaisaquicksaladserved withPunjabidishes. Itisprepared withonionrings / thinlysliced onions, redchillipowder, green chillies , cilantroormintleaves, lemonjuice, chaatmasala, rocksalt andsalt. Anothermouthwatering preparationisSirkewalePyaaz, is preparedwithsmallredonions / shallots, appleciderorbalsamic vinegar, waterandsalt. Ithasasour andslightlysweetflavor. Punjabis simply love consuming Ek mukka maar ke Gandda (onion) / Ek Mukka maar ke Pyaazi.e. inPunjab, thelocals prefertohitanoniononitscrown withafoldedfist, peelandthen relishitwithwholegreenchillies Kashmiri Salad Consistsofwalnuts, raisins (kishmish), lettuce, onion, beetroot, tomatoand radish. 07 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Rajasthan Rajasthanhasadelectablesalad calledTamatar Pyaz ki Churi, it consistsofOnion, Tomatoes, Driedmint. RedChillipowder, sugarandSalt. Thebasicconcept behindpreparingthissaladwas thatintheoldendayssome communities, werenotrichand couldn’taffordalotof ingredients, somostofthetime theyconsumedthissaladwith chappatis. Tamatar Pyaz ki Churi, consists of Onion, Tomatoes, Dried mint. Red Chilli powder, sugar and Salt. Uttar Pradesh ThisMoolilachchaisalsopopularas CharuliinMathura, youcancallit Moolilachcha, Charuliorgrated MooliSalad, ittasteveryfreshand tangy. It is prepared with grated white raddish, deseeded and finely chopped firm tomatoes, finely chopped green chillies, juliennes of ginger, fresh cilantro, nimbu ka ras (Lemon Juice), dry roasted and coarsely ground cumin seeds, salt and black salt. Uttarakhand Mooli Thechuaisasaladprepared withgratedradishflavoredwith freshcoriander-greenchillipaste. 08 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Kumaon Hills of Himalaya Pahari Aloo (Potato Salad)ispreparedwith Boiledpotaoes, groundWhitesesameseeds, fenugreekseeds, greenchillies, lemonjuice orTamarindPulp, Redchilliandturmeric powder, ThymeleavesandMustardOil. Himachal Pradesh Pahari Aloo (Potato Salad) ispreparedwithBoiled potaoes, groundWhite sesameseeds, fenugreek seeds, greenchillies, lemon juiceorTamarindPulp, Red chilliandturmericpowder, ThymeleavesandMustard Oil. Sindhis Sindhis: consumeKachumbo (OnionSalad) preparedwithonions, tomatoes,green chillies, freshcorianderleaves, limejuiceandsalt. Kerala OnionSalad (Challas): ispreparedwiththinlyslicedonions, sliveredgreenchillies, vinegar, coconutoilandsalt. The dressingcanalsobemadeofwateryyogurtinsteadof vinegarandcoconutoil. Asavariationyoumayaddshreddedcabbageortomatowedges. . Challas perfectlycomplementscrispyfriedfishandmeats. PachaMangaKichadi (RawMangoSaladwithCurd) isasaladwhichisalittlesour intasteasrawmangoandcurdarethemainingredients. Itispreparedwithraw mango. Greenchillies, Redchillipowder, fenugreekpowder, Asafoetida, salt, curd andtemperedwithcoconutoilMustardseeds, curryleavesanddriedredchillies. 09 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Tamil Nadu Pachadi (Salad of cucumber, or onion in curd) Pachadiiseatenfreshandtypically madeoffinelychoppedand boiledvegetablessuchas cucumberashgourd, with coconut, greenorredchilliesand temperedinoilwithmustard seeds, ginger andcurryleaves. Pachadiiscommonlyeatenwith riceandalentilcurry. Udupi Kosambariisahealthyvegsalad recipeoftheSouthernpartofthe country. TraditionallyHesaruBele Kosambari (MoongDalSalad) recipeisfromUdupi, Karnataka. It consistsofMoongDal, Cucumber, carrot, onion, Coconut, MorMilagai (SundriedChillies) / sundried buttermilkchillies (majjige menasu), Oil, mustardseeds, green chillies ,lemonjuice, saltandfresh corianderleaves. Pacha Manga Kichadi (Raw Mango Salad with Curd) is a salad which is a little sour in taste as raw mango and curd are the main ingredients. 10 | SPUNKY INDIAN
A renowned International Dancer, Author, Counsellor, a true Indian who imparts Indian Art and scriptural knowledge all around the globe. Asmostofusknow, BharatNatyamisanIndianclassicaldanceformandisalso oneoftheoldestartformsinIndia. Thisdanceformisaperfectmixoffeminine movements, classicalmusic, expressionsandrhythm. Oneoftherenowned internationalBharatanatyamperformersisVasanthaVaikunth. Sheisborntoa celebritycouple. Mr. andMrs. TSKrishnaninMumbai, isamulti-facetedclassical dancerandawomanofsubstance. Early Years: TheyoungVasanthastarteddancingwhenshewas5yearsold. Shelearned BharatanatyamfromGuruMahalingamPillaiofRajaRajeshwariKalaMandir, Mumbai. Unfortunately, attheageof12, shehadtoquitdancingasshehadbeen detectedwithmedicalproblemsinherfoot. Sheisbornwithflatfootbutother problemstooaggravated. Herdoctoradvisedhernottodance. “My doctor said I can’t dance in my life. This came as a very big shock in my life. I am an artist and my parents understood that. They put me into music. I learned playing Veena for almost 7 years as there was a thirst to learn classical music”, Vasanthareminisced. Life in Oman: AsyearspassedbyVasanthaforgotaboutdancingforalmost15years. Shegot married, traveledandsettledinMuscatwithherhusbandandson. “In Muscat, I felt that this dessert really needs some life and being an Indian I should be able to do that. So I created a space for culture and arts. In an Islamic country, it was difficult to create a space by yourself”. Sheadded. VasanthacreatedaculturalspacefortheIndianartists. Shestartedpromoting themandthefundsraisedweredonatedeitherforthedevelopmentofthe CentralBoardSchoolortheHandicappedpeopleofOman. 12 | SPUNKY INDIAN
From1984-2010, shehadorganized3eventsayearinMuscatasFestivalofIndia. FamousartistslikeShubha Maudgal, Shivkumar Pandit and also south Indian dancers graced the eventbytheirperformance. Coming Back to Dance: OnceVasanthaorganizedaneventforHandicappedchildrenwhereshecalled SudhaChandrantoinaugurateandalsoaskedherforaperformance. “Ican’t imagineeventodaythatsomethinglikethathappenedwhensheandher masterstayedwithme. Themasterkeptlookingatmeandconfirmedofmy identity. Heaskedmeaboutmydancing. ItoldthatI’mnotsupposedtodance andIwasaskedtoquititbymymedicalpractitioner. HethenreferredSubha whodoesn’thavealegandmentionedthatevensheisnotsupposedtodance andtodaysheisperformingwithanartificiallegattached. Hequestionedme what’sstoppingmetodance? Thatnighthestartedtotrainme. I was 35, I felt down but I got that determination and continued dancing. I thought I have to do this somehow because this was my left out dream”,Vasantha expressed. 13 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Coming Back to Dance: HerspiritualGuruSriKamdar motivatedhertocontinueperforming. Herfeetcamebacktolifeonceshe performedinfrontofNataraja, Chidambaram. 20yearslater, Vasanthacametotheworldofdance. ShevisitedChennairegularlyandtook guidancefromPadmashreeChitra VisveshwarantolearnBharatnatyam. Vasanthagaveherfirstperformancein 1987inNungambakkamacademy. ShewasthefirstNRItoperformfor Doordarshanwithoutanaudition. Her hardworkandpassiontookherto greatheightswhenthedance organisers, filmproducersandfilm criticsfloodedherwithoffersshe couldneverrefuse. Once Vasantha organized an event for Handicapped children where she called Sudha Chandran to inaugurate and also asked her for a performance. “The master questioned me what’s stopping me to dance? That night he started to train me. 14 | SPUNKY INDIAN
“IwenttoChidambaramtemple, Iprayedtohim- IfyouletmedanceIwilldance infrontofyouasanoffering. Fromthatdaytherewasnolookingbackforme. IfI dancefor6months, Iwouldget10programs. Another6months, Iwouldget another10programs. Itjustcame. IwasscaredasIlostthetouch. Butmy practicekeptmegoing. Itstartsat5a.m. andwouldcontinueto3hoursevery day. Inevertravel, Inevergoforholidays. Thisbecamemymission, myobjective. Withinfewyears, Ireachedthetoplevelinmydancingcareer. Ipublishedbooks ondance- Spiritualityindance”. Sheadded. What is Dance to Vasantha? Vasanthasetsupaschoolofdance calledShivashakti, Muscatintheyear 1987andshetrainedmorethan100 students. Sheattainedherspiritual blissthroughdance. Shesaysdance isnottheultimatebutisamedium forattainingpeace, harmonyand dignityofemotions. Danceisaway oflife. Herfatherisherinspiration, his loveandcarebroughtthebestin her. Shewasinvitedbyvarious countries- France, theU.S., Germany andEngland. Vasanthabecamea regularfeatureineveryfestivalheld abroad. Shealsoperformedinthehistoric Padmanaswamytemplein Trivandrum, veryclosetoherheartas itopensherroottospirituality. She attained her spiritual bliss through dance. 15 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Awards and Recognition: Vasanthareceivedawardsfromgovt. ofIndia, TamilNadugovernment, gotan awardwhenshedidworkshopsintheU.S. Shedid2-3balleyproductionsinthe U.S. She says dance is not the ultimate but is a medium for attaining peace, harmony and dignity of emotions. Dance is a way of life. Her father is her inspiration, his love and care brought the best in her. She was invited by various countries- France, the U.S., Germany and England. Vasantha became a regular feature in every festival held abroad. Vasantha’sworkforpromotingIndianartsgloballyhasgivenhertherecognitionof aculturalambassadorbythenforeignministerNatwarSingh. Vasantha’spinnacle ofsuccessinthefieldhasearnedherKalaimamaniaward- Gemofallarts. VasanthaVaikunthcontinuestonewheightsforhervastknowledgeofthesubject. Herdeepcommitmentandpassioninthefieldofperformanceandartmergeher soulwiththealmighty. Help by mindful counseling: Vasanthalovestechnology. Shespreadsherspiritualknowledgethroughvarious mediums. ShehasbeenteachingBhagawatGitaandVedantasfor25years. She decidedtoreachpeoplebycreatingacommunityoverwhatsapp. Anotherinitiativetohelptoday’sgenerationisthroughheronlinecounselingspace knownasLifeandLiving.org. Thisisaspacetounderstandandtocreatean awarenessofthelifestylethatistechoinfestedandfastpaced. Vasanthawishesto helppeoplethroughhercounselling. ‘Iwishtoservemankindtillmylastbreath andIthoughtthebestwaytogettothemindofthepeopleisthrough ‘lifenliving’ website, shesignedoff. She has been teaching Bhagawat Gita and Vedantas for 25 years. She decided to reach people by creating a community over whatsapp. Another initiative to help today’s generation is through her online counseling space known as Life and Living.org. 16 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Fashion Asweareprogressingtowardsabetter future, wecouldseeIndiaisstrippingout thestereotypesandbringingoutthebest everysingleday. Thefastpacedfashionand glamourindustryhasseenmanyincredible personalitiesworkingtowardsexpressing andcuratingtheirideas. Recently, thesilicon valleyofIndiahasrecognizedthesepowerful womenwhobelieveincommunicatingtheir thoughtsthroughtheircreativity. 18 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Aditi Raman: Aditi Raman makesher clientspecialwithhermagicaltouch. Aditi, aBangalorebasedfreelancemake-up artistwhohasoveradecadeofexperience. She worked with some of the reputed designers namely Rohit Bal, Sabyasachi, Anju Modi, and Tarun Tahiliani. She has been behind the brand campaigns for Van Heusen, People, Aranyani. Aditi’sstyleofmake-upisallabout enhancingtheclient’sfeaturesbyadding glamourandpizazztothelook. Apoorva Kishore: Apoorvaknows exactlyhowtogiveyouyourdreamlook. IfyouwishtolooklikeaVictorianqueen orwantaMarilynMonroelook, Apoorva getsyouallthroughherventure, GlamShots. GlamShots is all about a person and their dream picture which goes right up on their favorite wall enveloped in a brass frame aesthetically placed on a black background. Glamshotsaredreamyandsuitable acrosstheagespectrum. Itdoesn’tfollow anyrulebook, it’sallaboutsteppingout ofyourcomfortzoneandacingthatone shotthatonehasinsanelyyearnedina lifetime. 19 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Aditi Raman 20 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Apoorva Kishore 21 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Bia Sandhu: Recently awarded the National Women Business Award 2018 and Magicka Angel Entrepreneur Award 2017 and the Asia Pride Award 2018, Bia Sandhu is a certified Soft Skills trainer, Image Consultant , Etiquette and Grooming Expert and Corporate trainer. SheistheFounder andDirectorofParfait ImageConsulting , anestablishednamein thenationalandinternationalpageant industryforover4yearsnowhastrained, mentoredandgroomed variouscontestants fromdiversefields , culturesand backgroundsincludingColorsMrsIndiaUK 2018inLondon, FeminaMrsIndia2017, Mrs IndiaUniverse2017 ,MrsIndiaInternational, SavvyMrsIndia2019, MissProgress InternationalinItalyandCorporate Divato nameafew. Minnku Buttar: The sarees, scarves and kaftans designed in pure silks are snatched faster than they are created as each piece is a single treasure, dripping Minnku’s unique brilliant art. Launched in April 2016, “MINKSE”, a Bangalore based fashion label has been seen receiving lots of recognition in fashion shows, majorly in Bangalore and Mysore. Minnku’scommunity & socialresponsibility pusheshertospeakonFastfashionto sustainableslowfashion, promotingAhimsa silks, fruitandveganfibrefabrics. 22 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Bia Sindhu 23 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Minnku Buttar 24| SPUNKY INDIAN
Monsoon season is nothing short of pure bliss, washing away the effects of the scorching heat. Choose from Neemli Natural's tweaks in your skincare essentials to combat the effects of ‘monsoon-skin’. Step 1: MATCHA AND AVACADO EXFOLIATING BATHING BAR Step 2:ROSE AND PATCHOULI PORE TIGHTENING FACIAL TONER Step 3: HYALURONIC AND VITAMIN C SERUM Step 4: ARGAN AND ROSE DAY CREAM Step 5: ACTIVATED CHARCOAL DETOX FACE MASK 25 | SPUNKY INDIAN
ZahidaAmin, anamewhichhasgivenstrengthtomany, hasbecometheir voiceandhasgivenanopportunitytoearntheirlivelihood. Shehasmadethe womenfolkslearnabouttheirexistenceandhashelpedtotrusttheirskills. ComingfromtheappletownofKashmir, Sopore, ZahidaAmin, today, isthe faceofKashmir. Aftercompletionofherbasiceducationin Kashmir, ZahidaappliedforDentalcourse inDarbhanga, Bihar. However, dueto someunavoidablecircumstances, after2 years, sheleftthecollege. Shewentback toKashmirandstartedlearningtyping andshort-handcourseandcomputers. ZahidaalsotookupbachelorsinArt degreefromSoporeCollege. Afteralmost4years, sheopenedherown institutionwhereshestartedteaching typingandshorthandcourse. Shetrained manypeople, however, duringthosedays (in90’s), thesituationofKashmirwas ghastly. Peopleweregettingkilledand simultaneously, itstartedaffectingher institutiontoo. “OneofmyrelativeswasrunninganNGO andaskedmetovisittheirexhibitionashe wasunabletoattend. Ivolunteeredforone oftheirprogrammeswhereIhappenedto meetapersonwhowasworkingfor childrenfacingviolence. Heaskedmeto informifwehavechildrenwhohave undergoneviolenceandlethimknow aboutit. Voluntarily, Istartedworkingfor thecauseandIhelpedhimwiththeir requirements. Theorganizationwas fundedbySadbhavanaTrustofIndiaand CIA”, Zahidatold. 27 | SPUNKY INDIAN
I started working with two women who were living in villages nearer to me. We were receiving Rs.2500/- per head by Sadbhavana Trust of India. We use the money to buy the fabric and started embroidery on fabric. Zahida’slifechangedwhenshemetRenukaMisraandPrimilaLewis who werequiteimpressedbyherwork. Herinstincttoworkforthebettermentof thesocietyamusedthem. Theysharedtheirobjectiveofstartingaprogramme tohelpwomenearnaliving. “Istartedworkingwithtwowomenwhowerelivinginvillagesnearertome. WewerereceivingRs.2500/- perheadbySadbhavanaTrustofIndia. Weuse themoneytobuythefabric. Westartedembroideryworkonfabric. We, 3 womenwenttoavillageandopenedacraftcentrewith10otherwomen. We figuredourexpensesandbuildupthecentre. 28 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Itwasverydifficulttoworkwiththefellowvillagers. ButwhenRenukaMisra andPrimilaLewis gottoknowthistheyappreciatedandcamedowntomeet us. Theywerequiteimpressedwithwhateverweweredoingandaskedusto trainmorewomentostarttheprogrammewhichkickstartedintheyear 2004”. Things started to roll when Renuka Mishraand & Primila Lewis happened to meet Laila Tyabji, Dastkar chairperson, at the airport. Tyabji agreedtohelpthemandvisited Kashmir. Shetoogotimpressedand helpedthemlearnthewaytowork. Tyabjispokeaboutfundingwhichgot approvedfrom ConfederationofIndian Industrywhichinturnsupportedthe project. Within2months, Zahidaandherteam hadcurated300pieceswhichget showcasedinDilliHaat. Through funding, they bought their fabrics and started working for their first exhibition- embroidery in shawls, duppatta in tussar, it was the first time they marketed their products. WhileAmincamefromawell-educated andhaveasupportivefamily, she frequentlystartedvisitingDelhiunlike otherwomenwhowereworkingwith her. Mostofthewomenhadcometothe nationalcapitalforthefirsttime breaking the societal norms, facing a lot of opposition from people back home who didn’t support the idea of giving much freedom to the girls. 29 | SPUNKY INDIAN
“ItwasagreatthingofgettingthewomenoutofKashmir. Ihadto persuadethefamiliesandfewunderstoodtheimportanceofour work, butittooktime. Initially, salesatthefairamountedtoRs2.75 lakhinDilliHaat. Thiswashowitstarted. Wecontinueddoing exhibitionsinvariouscitiesofIndia- namelyBengaluru, chandigarh ( I hadtodoitaloneasoneofthegirlsgotmarriedandtheothergot a jobinschool) andIwantedsomeoneformyBangaloremarketing. 30 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Backinthevillage, situationwasgettingworse. Peoplewerenotallowingthe womentostepoutasKashmirwasplaguedbyasexscandal. “People were talking about me as I started travel alone. We started giving opportunity to new women. It so happen with one of the women that I booked the air tickets but his brother was not allowing her sister to follow us. But his father helped her jump out of the window of her room to join our group on the train to Delhi. She came with 2 dresses wrapped into a towel”, Zahida laughedreminiscingtheoldendays. We had a good funding till 2008 and our monthly income rose from 2500 to 5000 a month. (funded by CIA, Sadbhavna trust and Dastkar). Dastkar was providing us with market support. Few of the women had to leave us due to their priorities.SanaJaved joinedusfromSrinagarinordertocoordinateandreplacedthegirlwho joinedjobinaschool. JavedholdMastersinSocialWorkandworkedwith usfor3longyears. ButatimecamewhenfundinggotstoppedasCIA didn’twanttoworkfurtherandweallgotseparated. Secondly, theone whousedtomonitorourwork, shestartedtoburdenuswithmoreworkas shebecamegreedy. SheleftandwemodifythenamefromKirantoNayi Kiran. Since, wehadnofundingfurther, sowhateverfundswehadwewere tryingtomanagewiththat. Sanatooleft, aswelackedfunds. Post2008, I restarted this venture in a new way. As Dastkar continued to provide us the support, I put all my savings to start it afresh and by the time, I had almost 25 girls working with me and they work from their own villages in Kashmir." Onbeingquizzedaboutherpersonallife, Amintold, “Ididn’tgetmarried becauseIdidn’tknowhowtimejustflewaway. IgohomeduringEid. I travelplacesforwork.Myfamilyiswell-educated. Iwasalwaysdetermined andfocussedtodothiswork. Initially, thewomenusedtoearn1000rupees, nowtheyearn5000-6000 rupees. Now, PuneetSharma, apartnerfromPunjabhasjoinedmein raisingthisventureofmine. Heismybackbone”. 31 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Zahida wishes to work with 200-300 women and would like to establish a centre, she concluded. 32 | SPUNKY INDIAN
MONSOON IS THE SEASON WHERE SKIN BECOMES DULL AND DRY LACKING MOISTURE AND SHINE. Himalayan Saffron Body Oil By Ecotique This expensive spice also boasts of a plethora of benefits for the body and skin . Saffron oil is a goldmine of health and beauty benefits. Ecotique's Himalayan Saffron Body Oil comes with natural Himalayan saffron. It has a high content of antioxidants that help reduce signs of ageing, acne, sun damage and blemishes. So get your dose of Saffron and nourish your skin from within. 33 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Places To visit In Coonoor TakeaglimpseatsomeoftheseastonishingplacestovisitinCoonoor & planyourvacationaccordingly, inorderthat, youcanholdeachandevery placeofCoonoorinyourjourney – Catherine Falls Coonoorisnotjustahill-stationwhichisonlyfornature-loversbutisa placewhichisfamousforadventurousactivities. CatherineFallsistheeye- catchyCoonoorattractionthateveryvisitorshouldvisit. Theplaceprovides remarkabletrailsforthepeoplewholovetrekking. Moreover, the individualscantrekdownthetrailhavingsteepslopeswhichleadstothe amazingwaterfalls. Thus, itisthebestplacethatonemustvisitduringtheir vacation. Sim’s Park Sim’sParkisoneofthebestandmostvisitedtouristplacesinCoonoor. Itis thewell-knownbotanicalgardenwhichisfamousforstrikingflower terracesplacedinaconservatoryofabouttwelveacres. 35 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Sim’sParkisalsowell-knownforthestunningRoseGardenwhichhasavarietyofSim’sParkisalsowell-knownforthestunningRoseGardenwhichhasavarietyof premiumRosesfromalloverthecountry. Moreover, thereisasmallandbeautiful lakeinsidethisparkthatoffersboatingfacilitytothevisitorsaswell. Droog Fort TheDroogFortisfamous fortherich & cultural historyassociatedwith Coonoor. Itisalsothebest placetovisitinCoonoorfor theindividualswholove historyandarchitecture. Thefortislocatedaround 14kmawayfromcity centre. Moreover, this oldestfortwasinitiallyused astheoutpostbytheTipu Sultan. Thewholepathway thatdirectstothisfortis splendid, whichislovedby thetrekkersasitholdsan enormoushistorical significance. 36 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Law’s Falls Law’sfallsisoneofthebest placestovisitinCoonoorin themonthofMay. The placeisalsoknownasthe beautifulhomefor numerousbeautiful waterfalls. Itisoneofthe bestsightseeingplacesin Coonoorthattravelerslove themost. Law’sfallscanbe analyzedfromtheclose quartersbecausethe incrediblebeautyofwater fallingfromtheheightof 33feetandsplattering againstthehillsandrocks isreallyaprospectto behold. Individualscan confinepicturesqueand mesmerizingviewsofthis placeandmaketheir vacationsmemorable. 37 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Dolphin’s Nose Thenameofthisplaceisderivedfromitsuniqueshapethatlookssameasthe noseoftheDolphin. Dolphin’sNoseisalsooneofthemostpopularand charmingtouristplacesinCoonoor. Itissituatedatthedistanceof12kmaway frommaintown. Moreover, touristscanappreciatethemarvelousviewsofhuge mountainsandeye-catchygreenforestslocatedinthebackgroundtooffera mesmerizingview. Moreover, peoplecanalsoenjoytheviewofCatherinefalls whichareadistanceawayfromthisplace. Lady Canning’s Seat Thisplaceissurroundedbythegiganticstretchoftheland & teaplantations. LadyCanning’sseatisoneoftheeye-catchingmansionswhichissituatedinthe heartofthistown – Coonoor. TheplaceoffersgrandviewsofNilgiris, which makesitoneofthemostattractiveplacestovisitinCoonoor. 38 | SPUNKY INDIAN
ThelongstretchofMaymonthisoneofthemostblazing andaverylongtimeoftheyearinthewholeyear. At aroundthistimethegeneralpopulationonlyfromtimeto timeventuresoutoftheirhomes. Asignificantnumberof themspenttheirtimeandenergytravelingincooler districtstochillthewarmthinthemostswelteringmonth oftheyear. Therefore, whenyouarepreparingforanunrealisticand memorablebreak, visittoCoonoor. Itisthemost picturesquevacationspot. Moreover, youwillcompose frequentmemoriesandwillspendtheunforgettablevacay tothisstrikinglandofrichresources. 39 | SPUNKY INDIAN
“The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine among those who never believed she could.” “Thestrongestactionforawomanistoloveherself, beherselfandshineamongst thosewhoneverbelievedshecould”. Inoursociety, womenarealwayslooked down, treatedasinferiortomen. However, timeshavechangedandwomenare seenbreakingtheglassshieldandtakingupthechargeoftheirownlife. Lakshmi, a Bangalore based biker and an entrepreneur came out of her comfort zone and is living life in her own terms. 41 | SPUNKY INDIAN
She worked in the corporate facilities and general a break for almost 3 years. thought on her passion of decided to turn her passion Sheworkedinthecorporateforalmost14 yearsinfacilitiesandgeneraladministration beforetakingabreakforalmost3years. Duringherbreak, shegaveathoughtonher passionoftraveling. That’swhenshe decidedtoturnherpassionintoprofession. for almost 14 years in administration before taking traveling. That’s when she into profession. During her break, she gave a Itallstartedintheyear2016whenshe startedherownventure, SAKKHI. On beingaskedaboutherinspirationfor travel, shesharedofbeingahardcore trekker. Iwasquiteintriguedtoknowabout herfamilyandthechallengesshe facedtocomeouttoliveher passion. Shesharedthatshecame fromanorthodoxfamilyandinfact, sheherselfdaredtogoout. “Once mydaughterreachedtoacertain agewhenshecouldaccompany me, Istartedgoingout. Wehave done40plustrekswhichinclude1 daytreksandHimalayantreks. I knewridingsincemyschooldays, wheneverIseemenridingbikesI feelcrazy. Mybikingjourneystarted whenIjoinedawomenbikers’ club inBangalore. That’swhenIbought anAvengerwhichismybestbuddy today. Inameditasghostrider.” “Iwasapartofanon-profitorganisation andIusedtoorganisetreks. Whenthe foundingcommitteesawmyskillsfor organisingtrekstheyapproachedmefor doingsome. Ididorganisemanytreksfor womenandonceIstartedtrekking, Itook mybikealongtoo. “I was a part of a non-profit organisation and I used to organise treks. When the founding committee saw my skills for organising treks they approached me for doing some." 42 | SPUNKY INDIAN
“Throughmyventure, SAKKHI, Itrytopullthe womenfromtheircomfortzoneandhelpthem livetheirpassion. Wehelpwomenwhoarenot confidentandhelpthembringoutthroughthe clubs. It’sakindofanopenplatformwhichcan helptheminvariousways. Currently, IHavea teamof15people”. SAKKHIhasvariousgroups- bikersgroup, travellersgroup, fitnessgroupsand entrepreneursgroup. Throughthesegroups, Lakshmihelpwomenwhoarealoneandarein stresstofindlike-mindedfriends. “Wehave300 womeninourgroup, it’sawomen’sclub. People whoarealone, whodon’thavefriends, weall meetonceinamonth. Wemeet, greet, and celebrate. Wehaveentrepreneurgroup, fitness groups (motivateeachotherthroughfitness) andridingclub. Weparticipateinbikingevents. Ialsowanttostartridesfornon-gears. Wealso haveagroupthatinvolvessocialactivities”, Lakshmishared. “Once my daughter reached to a certain age when she could accompany me, I started going out. We have done 40 plus treks which include 1 day treks and Himalayan treks. I knew riding since my school days, whenever I see men riding bikes I feel crazy. My biking journey started when I joined a women bikers’ club in Bangalore. That’s when I bought an Avenger which is my best buddy today. I named it as ghost rider.” 43 | SPUNKY INDIAN
"We have 300 women in our group, it’s a women’s club. People who are alone, who don’t have friends, we all meet once in a month. We participate in biking events. I also want to start rides for non-gears. We also have a group that involves social activities”, Lakshmi shared. 44 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Inadditiontotraveling, Lakshmialsoconductevents- smallwalkathonsfor womentocreateawarenessonwomensafety. Initiallytheeventwitnessed50 peopleandlaterwelcomedalmost1000peopleintheirnextwalkathon. They alsodidasareewalkathontoshowthatsareeisnotanobstacletofitness regime. TheyalsodidabikerallywomenwearingsareesonNovember1to celebrateKarnatakaRajyotsabha. That’swhenthebikingclubstarted. Lakshmicontinuedmakingherownandfellowwomen’slifemeaningful throughconductingandparticipatingintheseevents. Theyalsostartedridingfor variouscauseslikeAutismawareness, Boolddonation, andmanymore. Sakkhi is looking to spread its wings in Chennai and Hyderabad too. We wish Sakkhi to reach many heights and transform the lives of many women across the globe. 45 | SPUNKY INDIAN
BANANI VISTA EVENT HIGHLIGHTS! For details about upcoming events, visit: www.bananivista.com Celebrationof Stories, Storytellers andtheartof Storytelling- Anevent conductedby BananiVista To celebrate the stories, the art of storytelling, and storytellers, BananiVista Media organized a storytelling event on 23rd June 2019. Let’s have a look at the storytellers who mesmerized the audience with their brilliant performances: bananivista 46 | SPUNKY INDIAN
Vedaprana Purkayastha: A dreamer and a wanderer as she likes to introduce herself as strongly believe that everything we see or feel strongly believes that everything we see or feel; everything we are, can be turned into stories. HarshVardhan Singh Chauhan: He is a techie, a poet, and an avid traveler. Priya Muthukumar: A performance storyteller and is the founder of the storytelling initiative, Storipur, Bangalore. She goes entirely bonkers when she comes across an interesting story. Ankush Srivastava: An MBA student, a passionate poet and a person full of emotions, Ankush Srivastava try to touch the hearts of his audience through his words and voice. Jeremy Solomon: A theatre facilitator at Oasis International School and also runs J.J Theatric. Ankush Tiwari: “Storytelling for me is like fire for the ice, Sky for the earth, complementary to each other. It’s a blend of my experiences, imagination, and observations.” Ankush said. www.bananivista.com 47 | SPUNKY INDIAN